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Chapter 1016 Are you here to be funny?

Chapter 1016 Are you here to be funny?

"Tell me about that person's position, age, and cultivation level..." Wang Lang cast his gaze on the subordinate who reported.

Being stared at by Wang Lang like this, the reporting subordinate couldn't help but tremble, because he knew that Wang Lang was really angry this time.

"I'm telling the sect master that it's a young man who looks like he's about 20 years old, and his cultivation is unknown, and beside him is a...beggar without any cultivation!"

The subordinate said tremblingly, and Wang Lang couldn't help but show a cold light in his eyes when he heard this, and then showed a thoughtful expression, and then said: "Send a message to the six guardians for the head of the sect." Elders, tell them to come over immediately and go to the Wancai Building with the sect master!"

"Yes!" The subordinate responded and turned to leave.

And when that subordinate left, Wang Lang couldn't help showing a serious expression in his eyes. A young man in his twenties dared to kill his son, and even dared to stay in the Wancai Building in a grandiose manner. , either Fang Han is a person with amazing background, or he is a fool, and there is another possibility, that is, Fang Han is from Humen.

If Fang Han is from Humen, it must be the old guy who asked Fang Han to provoke Wang Ping, and then he shot in secret, creating the illusion that Fang Han beheaded Wang Ping. If this is the case, then the other party The purpose can be imagined.

"Old guy...you'd better pray that you didn't do it, otherwise the whole Wolf and Tiger City can only be renamed as Wolf City or Tiger City..." Wang Lang snorted coldly, his eyes full of serious expressions.

The overall forces of Langmen and Humen are similar. If there is a real war, no one can take advantage of it. This is what he was curious about, so he didn't go to Wancailou alone. After all, if Humen really wants to declare war , I will definitely set myself a trap first!
Because as long as he is captured, no one in the entire Wolf Sect can compete with such an old guy. If he is really trapped, then there is only one outcome waiting for the entire Wolf Sect, and that is to be destroyed. .

To be able to live to his age and sit on the throne of the head of the Wolf Sect, he will naturally not lack caution, so he will invite the six elders of the guardian sect to come and go together, because these six elders of the guardian sect are the leaders of the entire wolf sect. The six elders with the highest cultivation besides him.

These six guardian elders are all at the peak of the eighth-rank martial master realm, and they are only one step away from the ninth-rank martial master realm!

In about 10 minutes, the six old men hurried to Wang Lang.

And Wang Lang directly told the six guardian elders about Fang Han beheading Wang Ping.

The six guardian elders couldn't help showing a puzzled look after hearing this, and then one of the elder guardians said: "Master, it's just to take down a mere junior, so we shouldn't go to war..."

The other five guardian elders also nodded, and then looked at Wang Lang with the same doubts. Even if Wang Ping was Wang Lang's son, based on their understanding of Wang Lang, they would never go with the six guardian elders. to go.

Because if outsiders saw that a young junior beheaded Wang Ping, and the leader of the Wolf Clan took the six elders with the highest cultivation level of the Wolf Clan to get back the position, they would definitely laugh at other people's big teeth.

Doesn't it seem that there is no one in the whole wolf family? With Wang Lang's wisdom, it is impossible not to think of this.

"That's exactly what I'm going to say..."

Wang Lang nodded, and then told the six guardian elders about his guess.


"This damned Humen, do you want to start a war..."

"It's really dangerous..."

"..." After hearing Wang Lang's words, the six guardian elders all showed angry expressions on their faces. If their sect masters were not calm enough before and were blinded by anger and went directly to them, then they would definitely If you fall into Humen's trap, the consequences will be unimaginable!
"Sect master...do you need me to summon the elite of Humen?" An elder of the guardian sect asked in a deep voice.

"We can just go, we join hands, even if there is a trap, they can't help us..." Wang Lang shook his head, if he summoned the elite to go there, the loss would only be more.


Wang Lang and his party of seven hid their figures in the air, and then flew directly in the direction of Wancailou.

Although Wancailou is an industry in Humen, it is not very far from Langmen, but rather far from Humen!


Fang Han and Murong Xuan in Wancai Tower both burped.

"The dishes here are not bad..." Murong Xuan could not help but praise.


But before Fang Han could speak, the door of the box where Fang Han and Murong Xuan were located was kicked open. Fang Han and Murong Xuan could tell at a glance that the person who came was from Wancailou, because the people in Wancailou were all dressed Uniform clothing.

It's just that Fang Han and Murong Xuan have never seen this person before, and neither the person who serves them nor the person who entertains them is this person, but Fang Han can sense the aura of this person, a fifth-level martial artist!
It seems that this person should be the manager or person in charge of the Wancai Restaurant.

"Is there something wrong?" Fang Han just glanced at the fifth-rank and fifth-master cultivation base of Wancailou, his voice revealed indifference, because what Fang Han hates most is when he is suddenly interrupted while eating, although They have almost eaten enough now, but Fang Han still feels inexplicably uncomfortable!
"An adult wants to see you, come with me."The cultivator of the fifth-level martial artist in Wancai Building became even more upset when he heard Fang Han's words!

He is from Humen, but because of Fang Han and the two, he was actually threatened by the elder Huzong of Langmen, and the person in charge of the dignified Wancai Building has to take turns to run errands for others. The deadly enemy, if it were anyone else, it would probably feel uncomfortable.

Fang Han and Murong Xuan just glanced at the fifth-rank martial artist cultivator in Wancailou, and didn't speak, nor did they intend to get up.

"What do you mean..."

"Do you still want me to invite you over..." The fifth-level martial artist monk from Wancai Tower raised his eyebrows slightly. When he said the word "please", a cold feeling radiated from him.

Murong Xuan didn't speak, but looked at Fang Han.

Fang Han directly ignored the coldness of this fifth-level martial artist monk in Wancailou, but curled his lips and said: "If anyone wants to see us, let them come over directly. In your eyes, you are still a big shot? Are you here?" Is it funny!"

"You!" After hearing Fang Han's words, the monk of the fifth-level martial artist in Wancailou couldn't help showing a gloomy look on his face. Although he resisted the monks of the wolf family, that one was from the wolf family after all. One of the six guardian elders, this is a superpower of the eighth-level martial artist, who has already stood at the peak of the wolf and tiger city, and there are only two people who can overwhelm him in the wolf and tiger city. The master of the gate and the master of the Humen gate!
But Fang Han actually said that that existence is a rat who hides his head and shows his tail?This is definitely a blasphemy against the strong!

(End of this chapter)

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