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Chapter 101 Fighting Wine?

Chapter 101 Fighting Wine?

The matter of Aunt Ma came to an end, but Fang Han knew that this matter was probably far from over.Because when the young man left, the cold and murderous eyes that could not be suppressed from time to time not only glanced secretly at himself, but also at Chu Fei and others, and the mother and daughter stayed the longest.

Everyone has inherent bad roots, the law of the law is the law of the jungle!The hatred of this young man today is almost instinctively focused on Aunt Ma, mother and daughter.

If those hooligans had such eyes, Fang Han might just sneer and dismiss him, but this young man is different, he is a very manly guy in terms of words and demeanor, and it can be seen that he is the kind of man who must be jealous. Due to Bao's character, Fang Han was a little worried about the safety of Aunt Ma's mother and daughter.

A single woman like Aunt Ma, not to mention pulling her own daughter to grow up, and taking care of orphans like Chu Fei, all for this act of kindness.Fang Han must ensure the safety of the mother and daughter. At least Aunt Ma is there. When he encounters social darkness and unpredictable people, he can still tell himself that there are still good people in the world, and there is still justice.

After the young man left with the people, the hooligans on the roof also climbed back down the stairs.

Fang Han is very particular about his shots, he always strikes at the painful spots!The strength is well controlled, but these people are fine, but the muscles are damaged, and the damage to the muscles and bones is not light.Let's say that these people have something to do, and there is no serious injury to be hurt, but it must be extremely inconvenient to move.

With the existence of these hooligans, it is not difficult to judge that the relationship with the young man may only be a cooperative relationship. In other words, the young man did not take the life and death of these hooligans seriously at all.

This is the sad part of a hooligan. He is majestic in front of ordinary people, but around people with a real identity background, they become existences that cannot be on the stage.

Gangsters are not gangsters!They are just a bunch of mangy dogs...

Naturally, Fang Han was lazy to respond to these hooligans, and he had Mad Dog to deal with them.

Withdrawing his eyes, Fang Han came to Chu Fei's side, looked at the grateful Aunt Ma who didn't know what to say, smiled at the excited and nervous mother and daughter, and told Chu Fei who didn't know what to say Said: "Take my brothers to the hospital right away, and observe carefully! If you should be hospitalized, you should be hospitalized. In addition, someone will tell you to pack Aunt Ma's things, and find another safe place. The old house is also sold by the contact person. Don't let that The group of guys found a chance for revenge."

"Thank you Boss! I'll arrange it right away! But... Boss, you may not know, I've seen that dwarf before, he seems to be under Luo Hu's brother Luo Bao! If the other party wants to find us, it won't be too difficult..." Chu Fei was very worried whispered back.

Listening to Chu Fei's words, Fang Leng laughed!How could he not think of this matter?Since the other party can carry out the usury business, it means that there is a certain relationship between black and white.But in the face of absolute strength, who does he have to do with?

Thinking of this, Fang Han nodded calmly and replied: "Do as I say! This matter has come to an end for the time being, and they will settle down and stop making trouble... If you don't care about life and death, I don't mind teaching you them."

After saying this, Fang Han looked at the younger brothers gathered around, nodded to the surroundings, and left the small courtyard under the grateful eyes of countless younger brothers including Aunt Ma, mother and daughter, Chu Fei, mad dog and pheasant.After getting on the main road, I took a taxi and went back to my residence.

When Fang Han came back, he ordered some food at a restaurant outside the community. Fang Han opened the door, and the little fox had a very sensitive nose, so he pounced on him immediately!Facing the bag, he sniffed furiously, which made Fang Han very helpless.

Under the little guy's eager eyes, Fang Han put down the dining table, spread all kinds of dishes, and said with a smile under the little guy's messy eating, "I'm going to work in the bar tonight. I owe you a day of inspiration!"

Fang Han said it was very helpless. In fact, since he was promoted to be the captain of security, the bar side did not require him to come to work every day, and what if something big happened in the bar!He doesn't need to deal with it. It is said that the security captain is actually just an idle job. There was no such position as the captain before. Security issues are all part-time for the lobby manager, and there is no trouble.

But since he has this position, Fang Han still has to go to work every now and then, at least he can't let people tell him what he does because of his relationship.

For Fang Han's words, the foodie little fox didn't take it seriously at all... He waved his front paws casually, which means you can go wherever you want!Fang Han was very depressed.

Even if it's for the spiritual energy, you should at least show some pity, right?What kind of trouble is this casual, so you don't treat this hero as a dish?
Thinking of this... Looking at the little fox who only cares about eating, Fang Han couldn't help muttering, "Perhaps in the eyes of this guy, I'm really not as good as a dish..."

After the little guy's belly was rounded, Fang Han cleaned up the table while the little guy's fur was washed and nestled comfortably on the sofa to continue watching TV!After tidying up, he smiled wryly and glanced at the little fox who was caught in the naive plot of the cartoon again, and greeted lazily, and left the house in the dark, riding the electric car that hadn't started for a long time and rushed towards the bar.

Coincidentally, as soon as we got to the entrance of the bar, Heizi came out from the parking lot beside the bar.

"Brother! We are not bad now, right? The lady called you more than 100 million last time! Can't you change the car?" Heizi suggested to Fang Han, who was very strange.

Hearing Heizi's words, Fang Han rolled his eyes, and replied angrily, "Change a car? Then I have to know how to drive! Besides... As far as the traffic situation in this city is concerned, I really think that any car can Not as fast as my electric car!"

Heizi pondered for a while, then spread his hands and replied, "Okay! You're right, but man! You still need a car..."

"Let's talk about it after I sign up to learn the car first, and get the ticket test! By the way, you are here, is Xuanxuan also there?" Under Heizi's helpless gaze, Fang Han locked the electric car and ignored this guy Looking at the look of disgust in his electric car, he asked plainly.

"Yeah! How's it going? Let's continue drinking today?" Heizi responded, and then asked with inexplicable teasing.

Fang Han was drunk by these guys during the wine fight last time!Fang Han thinks his drinking capacity is pretty good, but it's not enough in front of this guy!This sunspot also saw this point, and came to provoke again?

The current Fang Han is no longer the same person as before. Ximen Jingjiao's method is very effective. At least by using Qi Jin in Fang Han's judgment, his drinking capacity has increased by more than ten times. Fighting for wine?

Looking at Heizi who was holding the winning ticket, Fang Han sneered in his heart, and replied: "Okay! I'll go find you after I finish checking the posts! You're still in that booth, and no one wants to walk out of the bar properly today. If you want to run away, whoever is the grandson! Oh! By the way, who sent me upstairs to the office last time?"

While talking, Fang Han suddenly remembered this question and asked Heizi.

"Who else could it be? We had an appointment to have a massage after drinking, and by the way... have fun! But the lady got you away. You don't know, the place we went to has foreign models with that figure and skills ..."

Looking at Heizi with a swaying expression on his face, Fang Han blinked and didn't dare to answer...

(End of this chapter)

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