Earth Survival Guide

Chapter 867 Final Chapter

Chapter 867 Final Chapter
On the seventh day when the war had completely subsided, all the surviving humans were having an all-night carnival, celebrating that they had survived the catastrophe, and the moon base also had the first return flight in these years.

But under everyone's attention, the well-deserved savior did not appear in their field of vision. Only the six sons wearing the suppression collar and the extremely haggard Weiwei walked down from the returning spaceship.

Seeing their expressions, no one dared to go forward and ask why, because even though they had been mentally prepared before, in fact, when it really came to this scene, everyone's heart sank a few notches .

"Where's Dad?"

The elder sister asked in a low voice, but seeing no one answered her, she wanted to go up to ask, but before she could open her mouth, her younger brother pulled her back and covered her mouth.

The six children were obviously not in a good mood. After getting off the shuttle, they got on the car and went directly to the new residential area. Weiwei didn't follow her. She walked up to the two children and hugged them one by one. I didn't speak for a long time.

Although the younger brother is now the centaur emperor, and the older sister is also a generation of pride, but in front of their own mother, they are honest like little chickens, not to mention tossing, they dare not even shout loudly.

"Where's my father?" My sister asked in a low voice.

Since childhood, the relationship between my elder sister and Gu Tao is worse than that between my younger brother and Gu Tao, so she pays more attention to her father's movements, so she takes the trouble to ask this strange question. After all, she is not as smart as her younger brother and is not an adult. the human mind.

"Dad..." Weiwei showed a strange smile on her face, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she forced it out: "Dad is in the sky."

The voice was not loud, but the people around were all people with sharp ears and eyes. When they heard this sentence, their hearts immediately sank to the bottom of the valley, but they didn't say anything. Most of them just hugged Weiwei, who had been reunited for a long time. , and watched her leave here with her two children.

And soon, the news that Gu Tao had hung up spread like wildfire, but after He Yuxiang discovered the news, he immediately issued a gag order, and it was a very strict gag order, because neither Eucalyptus nor Xiaofeng had released the news. I know, He Yuxiang doesn't know how the two big monsters will overreact to the news, let alone how the Monster Spirit Council will react to the news. After all, the existing combat force in the base is less than 3000 people , if once the demon spirit takes any action because of this news, it really can't stand it with its current combat power.

Of course, it's not because He Yuxiang doesn't trust the demon spirits. After all, they are all teammates who have fought side by side. It's just that he knows Gu Tao's position in the hearts of these demon spirits too well, and compared to humans, demon spirits are more impulsive and emotional, so This message must be temporarily sealed.

The prince collapsed, and even the entire princelings collapsed. The news of Gu Tao's death had a greater impact on them than the others, but fortunately they are not demon spirits, and they still have reason.

However, what He Yuxiang couldn't understand the most happened. The Jingyuan mentality that he thought was the least likely to explode had completely collapsed. Her eyes had just recovered and she was still wearing a bandage, but when she heard the news, she was shocked. He tore off the bandage and went to the new settlement to find Liu Zi. He even lost one of his shoes.

On the contrary, spiritual cultivation is much calmer. She stood on the top of the snow mountain all night without saying a word. When the next morning came, she turned around and went back to sleep with her head covered. All peach blossom wines that have been brewed for many years.

"How did he die?"

When Jing Yuan appeared in front of Wei Wei with a lunatic and disheveled hair, Wei Wei was startled by her appearance and hurriedly let her into the room, but Jing Yuan didn't care so much at all, just gritted her teeth and held Weiwei's hand: "How long has he been dead?"

Vivi: "???"

Seeing Weiwei's appearance, Jingyuan collapsed on the spot, sitting on the sofa and muttering to himself: "He hasn't returned the name to me yet."

Weiwei looked confused: "Who died? Who did you say died?"

"He, Gu Tao!"

"Ah?" Weiwei raised her head: "He didn't die, how could he die, such a life-saving person."

"Not dead?" Jing Yuan was stunned for a moment: "Why didn't he die?"

Wei Wei looked at Jing Yuan in a daze: "Then... do you want him to die or not?"

"I didn't mean that..." Jing Yuan shook his head again and again, and said in a flustered expression: "They said that the six sons were in a low mood when they came back yesterday, and you said he was in the sky..."

"He is in the sky." Weiwei was a little confused, so: "He said let us come back first, and he will come back after completing the last data."


"Six sons quarreled with him before he came back. They, you know, have a small quarrel every three days and a big quarrel every five days."

It was a misunderstanding after arguing for a long time, Jingyuan experienced great joy and sorrow in an instant, and then she couldn't help laughing when she realized her state.

"You all think he's dead?" Weiwei was stunned for a while before realizing, she slapped her thigh: "It's over..."

The misunderstanding is a misunderstanding, and an insider needs to explain it. The six sons are still losing their temper, so naturally they will not explain it, so the burden falls on Weiwei. She is not an idiot, how could she not know about it? Seriously, if Gu Tao really died suddenly, there would really be trouble.

Some people may question that the disappearance for so many years has almost faded from people's vision and memory. Why is there trouble now that it disappears?In fact, Gu Tao told her this question before he came down. Although his body is really bad now, his brain is still easy to use. He said that if civilization is allowed to perish, it doesn’t matter whether Gu Tao exists or not. But if the mission of saving this civilization is done, he's gone.

Then soon, problems will arise. Humans are a very strange and terrible race. Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to admit it. When the crisis passes, the existing unity will quickly fall apart, and the base may still hold However, with the consumption of vital forces, when the base can no longer fully control the field, multiple forces will form a confrontation, causing secondary damage after the doomsday crisis, which will not even be less than this doomsday crisis.

But as long as Gu Tao still exists, the aftermath left by his shocking turnaround of billions of Gu Taos will be enough to deter any thoughtful organization or individual. After all, not everyone can play that Tianxiu.

So Weiwei found He Yuxiang immediately and told him the real situation.

After listening, He Yuxiang was really more relaxed than anyone else, but he was a little strange: "Why didn't he come back with you?"

"The hypocrisy of a middle-aged man." Weiwei said helplessly: "Plus, he had another argument with the sixth son, so his temper is like this, and you don't know it."

"Well... okay, at least you gave me a reassurance. Then when will he come back?"

"He means it will take a few months to restore the data, anyway, don't care about him, just let him go."

In fact, Weiwei didn't tell the truth. The current Gu Tao used the secret method to overdraw his life. Although his body has been transformed and he has enough vitality to overdraw, but he himself is not good enough, so there are still sequelae. For example, he Now he can't stand and can't speak, and only three fingers can move in his whole body, just like Hawking.

He didn't want his state to be seen by others, so he chose to stay at the moon base to recuperate.As for why he can still quarrel with Liu Zi and make Liu Zi angry with that kind of virtue just like a dog, this is his ability and talent.

Afterwards, when the misunderstanding was clarified, many people breathed a sigh of relief, but only one person's mentality collapsed...Xiu Ling hugged the high-quality peach blossom wine jar that he had treasured for many years, crying pear blossoms with rain, and the listeners were sad Those who know it are because she personally smashed the precious wine that no one else is allowed to touch, but those who don't know think that her father is dead...

In the following month, the reconstruction began. Although this time human beings suffered an unprecedented major trauma, civilization has not broken down. The remaining people began to be assigned various reconstruction tasks. At this time, the company that Gu Tao created before is now With the support of many parties, it has become a new monster-level enterprise. The investment of various auxiliary devices has greatly accelerated the progress of reconstruction.

Although the sadness has not completely passed, the world seems to have passed the cold winter, and green buds bloomed on the branches of spring.

However, it is impossible to say that there is no impact. A large number of infrastructures have been damaged, and a large number of cities have been destroyed. Almost all remaining human beings have chosen to rebuild cities around the surviving cities. Many national urban agglomerations have begun to reappear in On the map, although the overall area has shrunk, the population density around the city is almost the same as in the past.

People always have to live, so with the passing of the centralized construction period, the entertainment industry has gradually recovered, and the people need spiritual food and various ways to relieve stress.

But these things really can't be built in a day, but they are always developing in a good direction.

One year and three months after the reconstruction, Gu Tao also came back. He recovered well. Now he can move his upper body and take care of part of his life. Although he has to use a wheelchair wherever he goes, at least he doesn’t have to imitate it anymore. Mr Hawking.

He doesn't have many schedules now, he is a useless person after all, Liu Zi and Wei Wei have started their own work, after all, there are many things waiting for them to do, usually the two big monsters who take care of Gu Tao, Xiaofeng and Eucalyptus god.Occasionally Xiuling would come, but she might be cheap, every time she would provoke Gu Tao, and then run away angrily.

On this day, Xiaofeng pushed him for a walk in the park in the new city. He felt like he was being walked with a dog. Satania said that his physical condition was quite special, and he could not use technology to repair or repair the nerves of the armor. The connection can only be raised slowly like this.

But raising it is not a solution. He even feels that his muscles are starting to shrink, but after all, life has been led to this path, and he has no better choice. Fortunately, Xiaofeng is more fun and heartless. This calmed down Gu Tao's many loneliness and dark wounds.

There is a huge monument in the park, which records the list of all the people who sacrificed their lives to defend this area. Wang Lei’s name is on the list. Gu Tao looked up at the monument, chewing a hot dog, looking nothing special emotions, but he carefully recorded every name into Satania's database.

He has nothing to say, because he is the one who was left behind, and there is no need to be sensational. The so-called sensationalism is nothing more than the lucky people making fun of the unfortunate. Isn't Gu Tao not determined to die?It's just that he is luckier, and it's meaningless to use his luck to mourn misfortune.

"Are you still used to your new body?"

Gu Tao suddenly raised his head and asked Xiaofeng, he still has some slurred speech, this is probably his biggest pain, because he can recover everything in the future, but this proud mouth may never come back .

"What's the difference with the old one?"

"The difference is..." Gu Tao thought for a while, "I deleted the high temperature item in your phoenix gene, and you can live like an ordinary girl."

"Is that okay to have sex?"

"Don't say such shameless words."

Gu Tao frowned and reprimanded him, then silently patted his unconscious lower body, it didn't work's even worse now, he's totally unconscious, who knows what will happen after he fully recovers.

"What about my old body?"

"It has been preserved, and it has been preserved in the form of the Phoenix bloodline. In the future, whether it is you or your mother, you can use that body if you want to be resurrected."

"That's okay..." Xiaofeng sighed: "It's a pity that Uncle Zhengfeng is gone. Mom must be very sad."

Yes, those who stay must be very sad, Gu Tao can't answer this question.In this battle, he lost too many relatives and friends, such as Ma Shuai, Chen Lili, Wang Lei, Zhengfeng, Qing Yuzi, etc. Fortunately, the octopus guy is still alive, and Principal Li is still there. He also saw him two days ago That legal loli, maybe this is the luck of all the misfortunes.

There is no need to be sad anymore. They have given their most precious things for the world they love. This is already the most glorious thing, and the curtain has ended impeccably.

"Captain, all the data has been injected successfully, do you want to activate all the bodies in NO.13?"

Gu Tao was shocked by the sudden prompt, and he chose "Yes" with a smile.Then on the moon base, a crack in the world suddenly appeared, and all the No.13 bodies were launched into it, and they were transferred to different parallel worlds in the crack. As for what kind of existence they will become, Gu Tao is unknowable, even when he chooses to launch these mechas, Gu Tao has lost control over them, the only remaining fetters are various very metaphysical instructions in the subconscious, and with Satani Sub weak link.

"I sometimes think about it." After releasing all the No.13 bodies, Gu Tao looked up at Xiaofeng with relief: "You said in the future, you are still here, and I am old and dead, what will happen?"

Xiaofeng's brain capacity obviously can't handle such a complicated problem, Gu Tao didn't force her, but just let her push herself into Xin Chen's wine shop, Xin Chen is still the same as before, sitting on a chair and rubbing his phone, the only difference The most amazing thing is that when the door was pushed open, he shouted "Welcome".

Looking up, he found that it was Gu Tao. Xin Chen immediately put down his phone and greeted him with a smile: "Junior Brother, have you felt better recently?"

"Don't ask, asking is disabled."

Gu Tao controlled the wheelchair and came to the bar. He picked up a glass of wine and was about to drink it, but was snatched away. When he looked up, he found the evil Huang Taiyi standing inside and mixing the wine.

"This is Gu's new wine, not for drinking, but for smelling." Tai put the wine under his nose and took a deep breath: "If you drink it now, the bitterness will be difficult to enter your throat."

Gu Tao laughed, picked up the glass of bitter wine again, and drank it down: "There is no bitterness in wine."

But after he finished drinking, he stuck out his tongue, and the wine that he didn't have time to swallow flowed out from the corner of his mouth...

"What kind of broken wine is this..."

"Tell you not to drink." Tai Yi sighed, "How are you doing recently?"

"Not dead yet." Gu Tao turned the wheelchair and said to him, "Have you seen Sister Wen recently? She has been killing for 33 days now, I'm afraid you can't bear it."

As soon as the words fell, Wen Ying walked in with Cheng Ying from outside, she saw Gu Tao at a glance, and immediately laughed: "Why are you running around again?"

"I can't stay at home." Gu Tao looked at Sister Wen's hand still wearing a wedding ring, and he sighed silently: "Sister Wen, it's time to come out."

Wen Ying smiled and shook her head: "In a few years, it will be fine in a few years."

"Little girl, what are you doing again today?" Tai raised his eyebrows: "Gu won't fight with you."

"Come to collect debts." Wen Ying threw a wine gourd on the table: "Fill it up for me!"

Seeing their appearance, Gu Tao didn't say anything. Sister Wen's temperament may have changed drastically, but he knew what this woman who had experienced a long life of thousands of years had experienced in these years. The newly ignited love was shattered by a catastrophe , the fetters that are not many are even rarer. This world may not owe anyone, but it must owe her.

"Sister Wen..."

"Okay, don't persuade me, I have my own measure." Wen Ying said with a smile: "It's you, the hero, I heard that you have been depressed recently."

"Who said that? Chewing your tongue." Gu Tao stretched his waist: "I don't know how sunny it is."

Wen Ying didn't insist anymore, after all, it is no longer popular in the adult world to ask the truth, she sat down on the table: "What are your plans for the future?"

"After I visualize Tingting and the others, I plan to go to another cosmic era to see what a perfect life would be like."

As Gu Tao said, a longing expression appeared on his face, and his eyes were also shining.
So far, it's over.In fact, many things in the follow-up have already been explained by Monkey Lord, so I won't repeat the water.

The new book will upload Chapter 1 this afternoon, everyone is welcome to join us.

(End of this chapter)

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