Earth Survival Guide

Chapter 24 Occultism is not an independent existence apart from science.

Chapter 24 Occultism is not an independent existence apart from science.

Entering Weiwei's consciousness space again, this time he saw a very strange and curious scene. There was a very ugly thing circling around the little girl. Although it did not mean to harm her, the appearance of the thing was really... It is too ugly. Although Gu Tao is not afraid, it is still okay to scare children.

Gu Tao did not interfere with the process, but quietly recorded everything until the thing discovered Gu Tao and ran straight in his direction.

According to common sense, most people would feel instinctive fear when something that looked so strange, like a person that had been torn apart and then re-sewn back together, would rush toward them. However, Gu Tao did not have any emotional fluctuations during the whole process. , he quietly aimed his eyes at that thing, then reached out and tried to touch it.

"People can't imagine creatures that don't exist, so as long as they are imagined by people, there must be physical reference objects. This is how nightmares are born." Gu Tao explained to Liu Zi with his mouth while touching the strange thing: "I have studied the myths of the Cthulhu family. Tentacles, uneven skin, weird eyeballs, ferocious wings, and sharp teeth can actually find corresponding references. The sky that will never appear bright, in the city The monsters surging in the depths and the demons hidden in the world also have relevant information, so there is nothing scary in the world, and fear comes from ignorance."

After finishing speaking, Gu Tao took off his eyes, gradually disconnected Weiwei's subconscious connection, and then let out a long breath: "I can't wake her up yet, I'll keep her here all night, and you can go back later. I want to Carefully analyze what you just saw."

"Wow... what you think is beautiful." Liuzi refused flatly: "If you put you and my beautiful Weiwei in the same room, will my brain go crazy?"

"Hey, let me tell you, if I want to do something, I can directly modify her memory, okay? I am a strict self-disciplined person. I repeat, I am strict with self-discipline."

"Then who touched my Weiwei's little hand just now?"

"That... I'm already very self-disciplined, after all, I see the type I like, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll call my mother later, I'll just be here watching you today!"

Gu Tao couldn't be more stubborn than this guy, sighed, and then virtualized the information stored just now and connected it to the TV in the room: "Then I'm working, don't interfere with me."

"I know, I know, you can, great scientist."

When Gu Tao started working, he seemed like a different person. He was sitting alone in front of the TV with a strange communicator in his ear, communicating with Satania on the spaceship.

Just like what he said just now, human beings have no way to imagine things that don't exist. All seemingly unconstrained and absurd imaginations must be restored to things that exist or have existed in the world after being stripped away.

Whether it is the demons and ghosts in human legends or the gods and Buddhas in the sky, they must all be created based on certain phenomena. As for the so-called demons and ghosts, they are nothing more than energy. As long as it is energy, there is a word that can solve this problem very well. Problem - Annihilation.

What appeared in Weiwei's subconscious had been completely shaped by Satania, and had been very finely revised. What now appeared in front of Gu Tao was a very accurate monster.

Just as Gu Tao guessed, this thing is the product of a human being being disassembled and reassembled. All the limbs and organs are randomly pinched together. According to the uncanny valley effect, this kind of thing is very scary, because It is very human-like but not human.

"Wow... this thing is so disgusting." Liu Zi is a very nervous person. After tidying up the dishes, she sat next to Gu Tao and looked at the reconstructed picture together: "This is the thing in Weiwei's dream. ?”

"No, it's not a dream, it's the materialization of subconscious fear."

Gu Tao didn't say much, but continued to operate in the virtual space. He first disassembled the crushed person. Because the model of Satania is very accurate, the disassembled parts are very fast. are classified and identified.

"Are these two people?" Gu Tao frowned and asked.

"Two people? What two people?"

"This thing was put together again after two people were dismantled. Look at this place." Gu Tao pointed to a diamond-shaped bone on the screen: "This part is a bone on the human cervical vertebra. There is only such a bone in the whole body. It looks like this, but now it has been disassembled into two pieces, which means that there are two people here."

"What you said is a bit scary." Liu Zi subconsciously shrank behind Gu Tao: "What on earth has Weiwei experienced..."

"I don't know. We have to restore this thing completely before we can know."


"It's quite complicated, and it's impossible to do it with earth technology, because it requires an unimaginably large amount of samples." After Gu Tao finished speaking, he smiled knowingly: "But I'm not earth technology."

Because there is no reconstruction projection equipment, it is actually very laborious to decompose these things on a flat-screen TV, but Gu Tao is too lazy to go to the spaceship to get them, so he simply spent a little more time to decompose the things in Weiwei's sleep. Regroup.

During this process, Liu Zi couldn't bear it any longer, but she didn't leave, she just sat there leaning against Gu Tao's back and fell asleep.

"Finally done."

At three o'clock in the morning, Gu Tao finally dismantled and reassembled the thing into two independent individuals. It was just that the face could not be seen clearly, but this was not a problem. Facial restoration technology already existed on the earth, let alone in his hands. technology.

When Satania restored the monster's human identity, Gu Tao hugged the six sons to the sofa and covered her with his padded jacket, and then hugged Weiwei to the thick cushion, because the place was far away from him. The heating is close, so there is no need to cover anything.

"Satania, after restoration, search for similarities in the entire human comparison library."

The two people on the TV were already standing there lifelike. Physically they were a man and a woman, but they were definitely not Weiwei's parents, because Gu Tao had already found her parents in the search library, a handsome man and a beautiful woman. Her beauty shows that she is a master with a superior life, and she will not be able to give less betrothal gifts in the future.

This pair of men and women looks ugly, but the specifics can only be identified after Weiwei wakes up. As for the search in the human library, it is just a try, because Gu Tao thinks that these two people probably have not existed for a long time, this is Gu Tao. Tao's subjective judgment is based on the summed up experience of the past six years, so... the scientific research does not mean that it can be done in a day or two, it needs a long period of accumulation.There are also some guys who use their butts to decide their heads on the home planet. They said that sending drones to drop a batch of nano-scale detectors and the like is useful, but what about pioneers?Pioneers need to use their own consciousness to feel the world and judge the world, instead of just needing a cold data.

"No match, whether to expand the range."

"Forget it." Gu Tao shook his head: "You calculate Weiwei's life trajectory, and then tell me."

"I don't understand why you are so serious about an ordinary human woman."

"Because..." Gu Tao chuckled, "You must not know what 'like' is with an iron head like you. The strengths and weaknesses of human beings are all concentrated in the word emotion. I don't want to remove the label that belongs to human beings. This is our Innate talent, only with emotion can I feel alive."

"But I think these are unnecessary things. If humans can be calmer, the racial advantage will be more obvious."

"I won't argue with you on this topic. Nothing is perfect. The more perfect it is, the more fragile it is. I don't care whether you think I'm an extremist, a lunatic or a fool, because you are in my eyes It's just a radio without emotions." Gu Tao's eyes turned cold: "If you dare to interfere with my thinking pattern, I will get rid of you. This is no joke. Your authority is only to obey me and assist me. You No one is qualified to guide me. Even if you tell me that immortality can help humans reach new heights, even if you say that I betrayed the mission, even if you say that I am incompetent, please remember my identity as a human being, I don’t want to teach you What is the meaning of life, I don't understand that, but don't comment on my thinking mode, what are you?"

"I understand, Captain. I am self-righteous, and I will recognize my identity."

(End of this chapter)

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