Looting three thousand against the world

Chapter 98 101: A small building in the center of the lake, a martial arts competition!

Chapter 98 101: A small building in the center of the lake, a martial arts competition!

Wuming stood on an old tree, flicked the fishing rod in his hand, threw out the fishing line, and started pretending to chant poems at the same time.

"When a fish swims in a boiling cauldron, there is no sun, but when a bird destroys a dangerous nest, how can the wind wait for it?"

Fishing is fishing, why are you reciting poems, isn't it just to pretend to be aggressive, just say it!

"Senior Wuming is so light!"

Minghe looked at Wuming standing on the ancient tree. Wuming majored in kendo. It is amazing to be able to have such lightness skills, and he is qualified to pretend!

"Oh, I've been anonymous for many years, I didn't expect anyone to know me, what's the name of this brother!"

Wuming was also surprised that Minghe was able to say his name.

"Senior Anonymous, junior Aojue is lucky to meet you!"

"Ao Jue? Your Excellency is from Sword Worship Villa?"

Hearing Minghe's self-reported identity, Wuming was shocked again. Although he lived in seclusion near the Huxin Pavilion all year round, he still knew a little bit about the outside world.

With the appearance of Sword Sword Villa on the rivers and lakes, it seems that something big will happen soon.

"It seems that brother Ao didn't gain anything today?"

From Minghe's state of mind, and Minghe's fishing rod has not been moved for a long time, he guessed that Minghe didn't catch any fish today, and it was difficult to catch fish today in Minghe's state.

"Harvest, I can do it anytime!"

"Here comes the fish!"

Minghe suddenly saw ripples not far away, and a big fish surfaced and bubbled.

With a flick of Minghe's fishing rod, the hook came out of the water, and the fishing line became straight, turning into a sharp arrow and shooting at the big fish.

"When the big fish go away, the panicked fish will have no leader, and the order will be in chaos!
This is like the martial arts world. Brother Ao wants to catch big fish with all his heart, and the martial arts world will inevitably set off a bloody storm. It is a pity that all sentient beings suffer. "

Wuming also knew what would happen in the world yesterday.

While he was speaking, he flicked the fishing rod in his hand, and a small waterspout formed in the lake, scaring away the big fish.

"The law of the law is the law of the jungle!"

Minghe frowned in displeasure. This Wuming is meddling in his own business, and he has to take care of his own fishing.

Minghe had a vague killing intent, and felt that he had to kill Wuming, this nosy guy today.

In the original book, Aojue and Wuming competed in martial arts, Aojue did not get the big fish, and Wuming did not save the big fish, and finally the fish died and sank into the lake!
Today, I will compare myself with Wuming to see if I am the cheater or he is Wuming!
Minghe's fingertips aimed at the lake with sword energy, which caused a few waves of shock, and the big fish leaped out of the water.

Minghe flicked the fishing rod again, and the fishing line once again turned into a sharp arrow and shot at the big fish.

"Killing is really hurtful!"

Wuming flicked the fishing rod in Wuming's hand again, and the fishing line also moved towards Minghe's fishing line.

Just when Minghe's hook shot through the big fish's body, Wuming's fishing line caught Minghe's fishing line. Wuming wanted to break Minghe's fishing line and save the big fish.


Minghe snorted coldly, this Wuming is determined to make trouble with him, right?
Minghe grabbed the fishing rod and pulled it hard. Although both sides exerted strength, the strength of both sides was offsetting each other, which did not affect the fish, and the big fish was suspended in the air.

The fight between Minghe and Wuming determines its life and death. If Minghe wins, this fish will become Minghe's dinner. If Wuming wins, it will save itself from danger.

A sword qi shot out from Minghe's finger, and the fishing line in Wuming's hand was instantly broken.

Wumingjian was powerless, and he simply didn't want to fight with Minghe. He jumped into the pavilion in the middle of the lake, and started playing with the erhu.

Minghe pulled it quickly, and the big fish was immediately pulled over.

"Senior sister, you go ashore first, and I will hand over this fish to you. I will ask the unknown senior for some advice."

Minghe gave the fish to Can Ji.

consult?Minghe went with the idea of ​​beheading Wuming.

Originally, the mission was just to let him defeat Wuming, but according to Wuming's meddling temperament, it would only make trouble for him and affect his completion of the mission.

If I killed Wuming today, I would not only get points, but also avoid Wuming from making trouble for me in the future, so why not do it.

So it's nameless, it's better to kill it!

"Well, junior brother, be careful!"

From Minghe's contest with Wuming just now, Can Ji also knows that Wuming's strength is not weak.


"The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon: Two Dragons Fetch Water!"

Minghe's inner energy gathered in his palms, and he extended both palms together, and the two inner energy were released at the same time, startling two huge waterspouts, attacking Wuming in the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

Wuming shook his head helplessly, the erhu he played suddenly changed the melody.

His internal strength was mixed with the music, and as the music played, a big wave suddenly turned up on the lake.

The big wave collided with the two waterspouts, and with a "bump", the waves splashed and the entire lake was affected.

Minghe stepped on the water with "Lingbo Weibu" towards the Huxin Pavilion, Wuming and let Minghe easily rush to the Huxin Pavilion, the erhu in his hand jerked, and the lake that had not yet calmed down was startled again. There was a big wave.

"Open it for me!"

Minghe drew out the Huolin sword hanging from his waist, leaped forward, and slashed at Nadao Dalang.

Facing the fiery sword of fire, the water and fire intersected, and the water mist filled the air.

Minghe broke through the big waves, leaped into the air, and towards Wuming who was playing the erhu in the pavilion in the center of the lake, he slashed out a sword qi with flames in it.

The erhu in Wuming's hand pulled again, and an invisible sword energy attacked the flaming sword energy fired by Minghe.


The two sword qi exploded at the same time, and the shattered sword qi flew around, forcing Minghe to retreat. A shattered sword qi shattered the erhu in Wuming's hand. The pillars of the Huxin Pavilion were destroyed by the sword qi, leaving behind several incision.

Minghe kicked his hind legs on the water and jumped to the lake pavilion.

"Senior Anonymous, please enlighten me!"

Ming He held the Fire Lin Sword and stabbed Wuming with a sword.

"I don't dare to teach you, brother Ao's strength is almost the same as that of the old man, so how can you teach me!"

Just when Minghe's Huolin sword was about to stab Wuming, Wuming moved, and his finger was on the blade of the Huolin sword.

He seemed to be a little light, but it was like a heavy stone hitting the Huo Lin sword. This was the terrifying strength of the nameless terror.

The power of a thousand catties was transmitted to Ming He through the Huolin Sword, and the inner strength in Ming He's body instantly gathered on his arms.

The tip of the sword produced a huge strong wind at the fingertips, and the strong wind blew violently, and the nearby leaves were constantly blown off.

Suddenly, the power transmitted by the nameless fingertips disappeared, and the Fire Lin Sword pierced through the nameless body, but no blood flowed from the nameless body.

"This...afterimage, the nameless sword energy remains in form!"

Minghe was startled, how could Wuming's qinggong be so terrifying, Minghe never thought that Wuming could easily leave in his eyes, leaving an afterimage.

Minghe felt a little annoyed, Wuming's speed, even Lingbo Weibu couldn't catch up.


Minghe heard the sound of leaves, Minghe held the Huolin sword in his hand and quickly swung a sword aura towards the place where the sound of leaves came out.

The sword energy knocked down all the leaves of the big tree, and there was still a piece of clothing on top of the leaves, which belonged to Wuming Clothes.

"Being obsessed with obsession is worse than letting go and being at ease!"

At this time, Wuming's voice came. Before leaving, Wuming actually wanted to persuade Minghe to put down the butcher knife.

is it possible?
This is the task that elder sister Xi gave her. If she doesn't complete it, she won't be able to go home, and there might be punishment!
"Senior brother, are you alright?"

After the fight stopped, Can Ji immediately ran over and asked Ming He about the situation.

After all, Minghe and Wuming fought so fiercely, the Huxin Pavilion was full of sword marks left by sword energy!
"There is something wrong, I was seriously injured!"

Ming He suddenly collapsed in Can Ji's arms, looking seriously injured!

Thinking that Minghe was not injured, Can Ji was relieved.

Just now watching Minghe fight against Wuming, Can Ji was worried, she wanted to help Minghe.

But Minghe and Wuming's state, how could he be able to intervene, if he made a move.

Not only can't help Minghe, but it may distract Minghe, which makes Can Ji feel very powerless!
(End of this chapter)

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