Looting three thousand against the world

Chapter 33 035: The Eve of Parting

Chapter 33 035: The Eve of Parting

According to the normal process, the seal is generally not covered on the same day.But Minghe is different, he was brought by Jin Yuxue.

Jin Yuxue took Minghe directly to the roof, her mother's office.

"Come in!"

She knocked on the door and went in, leaving Minghe to wait outside.

"Xue'er, why did you come to my place and not stay at Jin Yu Man Tang?" Yu Luo, who was at work, was a little surprised when she saw that it was Jin Yu Xue.

"Mom, I introduced Fei Yang, where is the official seal? Put a seal on this contract." Jin Yuxue placed the contract on Yu Luo's table.

"Oh! Fat sheep?"

Yu Luo looked at the contract and found that it was only 2000 million, which was not a fat sheep in her eyes.

"Minghe? Are you the young master who slaughtered that family? I remember that there is no big family named Ming in B3 City."

Yu Luo changed the official seal, and then operated the computer, and the picture of Ming He outside the door appeared on the monitor.

"Where is the young master, he is just my good sister's younger brother!"

"Xue'er, you really inherit the blood of the Jin family. You even slaughtered your good sister's family for money!" Yuluo gave Jin Yuxue a thumbs up.

The Jin family has always been well-known in the aristocratic circle of B3 City. In the past, the Jin family never left a way for competitors to survive in the mall.

I don't know how many families were ruined. It was only in the past ten years that the Jin family began to restrain themselves. While eating meat, they still let some people drink some soup.

"What are you talking about, I don't care about you." Jin Yuxue left Yuluo's office with the completed contract.

Then Jin Yuxue took Minghe to pay the money. Originally, he was going to charge 2000 million, but Jin Yuxue's mother, Yuluo, called there. After this call, 500 million was lost in an instant, and it became 1500 million. .

There is still no loss of 1600 million, but the profit is less.

After paying the money and completing all relevant procedures, Minghe can move at any time

Jin Yuxue also brazenly told Minghe that it was her credit for saving 500 million yuan, and asked Minghe to take her to dinner.

Minghe really thought it was Jin Yuxue's credit, so he took Jin Yuxue to dinner. As for the place to eat at "Jinyuyuxue", Jin Yuxue chose it. Don't worry, it's still her family's property.

It cost a total of 20 yuan for this meal. An ordinary person would be heartbroken to death, but Minghe didn't care.

"Money" is still useful to Minghe now, but in the future, "money" will be worse than toilet paper in Minghe's eyes.

Then Minghe walked around with Jin Yuxue for a while, and then Jin Yuxue sent Minghe home.

After Minghe got off the car, Jin Yuxue didn't drive away, she was still waiting to watch the show.

Ming He inserted a key into the lock, but he couldn't open it no matter what. It was obvious that Ming Xiaoyong had locked the house.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Then, he rang the doorbell a few more times, but Ming Xiaonian still didn't open the door.

"Sister, open the door for me!" Ming He shouted at the door.

"Are you wrong?" Ming Xiaonong's voice came from the other side of the door.

Ming Xiaoying's face was full of anger, she looked at the penguin on the penguin, a penguin with a big white note, and sent her a photo.

It was because of this picture that she refused to open the door to Minghe.

She now believes in a saying that is circulating on the Internet, fire, theft, and girlfriends are the consequences of making friends carelessly.

"Sister, although I don't know where I am wrong, in short, am I wrong? Open the door for me!"

Ming He didn't know what happened to Ming Xiaoyong, so he refused to open the door for him.

In order for Ming Xiaoxun to open the door for him, he could only admit his mistake in a daze!
"It's good to know it's wrong!"

Just after Ming He admitted his mistake, Ming Xiaoyong opened the door!
With the help of his elder sister, Minghe has grasped another truth of life!
The next day, early morning!
"Sister, it's time to get up, we're moving today." Ming He knocked on the door and said.

"The door is unlocked, come in!" Ming Xiaoyong opened her head and revealed her head from under the quilt.

Ming He opened the door and saw Ming Xiaoyong curled up under the blanket like a snail.

"What did you say just now? I didn't hear clearly, please say it again." Ming Xiaoying still looked at Minghe sleepily.

Ming He told Ming Xiaoyong again about the fact that he bought a villa in Jinyu Real Estate.

When Ming Xiaoying heard that she had a villa to live in, she jumped up from the bed in joy, and her white jade body appeared in Minghe's eyes again, and Minghe quickly covered them.

"There's nothing to cover up, you've seen it all anyway." Ming Xiaoyong shrank back into the bed again, and said angrily.

After hearing Ming Xiaonian's words, Ming He opened his eyes and found that Ming Xiaonian had retracted into the bed again, which was a bit regretful.

"I'm going to get dressed, do you want to stay here and watch?" Ming Xiaoyong said casually, as for what Ming Xiaoyong was thinking, no one knew.

Ming He hurried out of Ming Xiaoying's room and closed the door for her.

Ming Xiaoyong was still wearing the long dress she wore yesterday. As for moving, Ming Xiaoyong only brought a custom-made pillow and photo frame. The pattern of the pillow was the same as the picture of the photo frame, and it was a photo of their siblings taken together.

As for the computer that provided Minghe's livelihood, Minghe felt that he would never need it again, but he still took the computer away as a souvenir.

After the two siblings moved to the villa, they basically didn't want to buy anything except clothes and the like. They were all available in the villa.In the morning, the two of them bought several sets of clothes in the mall, basically a set cost several thousand dollars, and just like that, a handful of soft sister coins were gone.

At noon, the two of them had a relatively simple meal. They ate a little casually at a restaurant, and then Ming He and Ming Xiaoying went back to the villa.

In the evening, in the evening, the two had a meal at a restaurant outside.

Minghe also discovered a very important problem, that is, no one knows how to cook, neither Minghe nor Ming Xiaoying.

The only option is to hire a nanny who can cook. As for the matter of hiring a nanny, for the sake of convenience, Minghe directly contacted the people from Jinyu Industry, after all, they also have a nanny there.

But the price is a bit expensive, but Minghe doesn't care about the price.

On the Jinyu Real Estate side, the nanny was arranged within a few hours, and I have to say that the efficiency is quite fast.

The salary of a nanny is [-] a month, and the salary of [-] to [-] a month for outside nannies is not bad, but the salary here has reached twice that of the outside, and the salary is close to that of small white-collar workers.

The nannies of Jinyu Real Estate must not only be proficient in housework and cooking, but also be good-looking, and the age cannot exceed [-].

Minghe's nanny looks good, but compared with Ming Xiaoying, a big beauty, she can only be said to be passable.

Minghe is quite satisfied with the skill of cooking with the nanny, which can already be compared with the chefs of those restaurants.

On Monday, Ming He woke up early in the morning, and was a little surprised to see Ming Xiaonian, who was sleepy and hadn't woken up, washing up in the bathroom.

"Sister, why did you get up so early today?"

"Today, I have to go to work on Monday!" Ming Xiaonong, who was still awake, spoke weakly.

"Sister, you'd better sleep at home. What kind of work do you have? Brother, I'll take care of you." Ming He picked up the sleepy Ming Xiaoying after he finished speaking, carried him back to her own room, and put Ming Xiaoying on the bed. Cover her with a quilt on the bed.

In the following days, Ming Xiaoying stopped going to work, and was completely "nurtured" by Minghe.

The two brothers and sisters basically went shopping every day. Seven or eight days passed like this.

"Minghe, you will start a new journey tomorrow, I suggest you make preparations in advance."

After Minghe heard the system's notification tone, he knew that he was about to go to a new world.

Since he was leaving tomorrow, Ming He planned to explain some things today.

After the dinner was ready, Minghe asked the nanny, Miss Wang, to leave the villa and come back tomorrow.

"Sister, I have something to go out for a while, and I don't think I'll be back until a month later."

When Minghe was eating, he suddenly stopped chopsticks.

"One month, some are long!"

Ming Xiaoyong was a little upset when she heard that Ming He was going out for a month.

After returning from studying abroad this time, she moved to Minghe, just because she didn't want their siblings to be separated again!
"Sister, you stay at home well and obediently during the month I'm away. How about buying you a car when I come back?"

"Well, then try to come back as soon as possible, or I will miss you!"

Ming Xiaoyong nodded quickly, this is a luxury car!

Ming He opened his hand, and a pill of washing marrow appeared in his hand, this pill was for Ming Xiaonian.

"Brother, is this thing poisonous?"

Ming Xiaoyong picked up the Xisui Pill in Ming He's hand, looked at it carefully, then chewed and swallowed it.

Minghe gave Ming Xiaoyong the rest of the money, and after everything was explained, Minghe was relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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