Chapter 29: Chapter 031

"How did you find my home?"

After Ming He confirmed Ming Xiaoyong's identity, he was still a little surprised that Ming Xiaoyong was able to find the house he was in.

"Father told me." Ming Xiaoyong lay on the bed and played with her mobile phone.

"Uh, then why are you here with me? You still don't clean up after you're here!"

Ming He looked at Ming Xiaoyong who was lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone and asked.

Minghe remembered that he once gave Mingchuan a key, and it is estimated that Ming Xiaoying got the key from Mingchuan to harm his house.

"I work nearby!

I have no money to rent a house, so I live here with you.As for environmental sanitation, I will leave it to you to clean up. "

Ming Xiaoying said this as a matter of course, as if this was her house.

"You...there is a book next to your bed. There is this bank card in the book. There are 625518 to [-] in it, and the password is [-]. Take this money to rent a house near your company, and then move out of my house."

Because of the relationship between the siblings, Ming He couldn't lose his temper with Ming Xiaoyong, and now Ming He just wanted to send Ming Xiaoyong away.

"Brother, are you talking about this bank card?

I already know the password, it's my birthday and your birthday. "

Ming Xiaoyong found a bank card from a pile of snack packaging bags on the bedside cabinet and took it out.

"Don't tell me that you have used up all the money in your bank card."

When Ming He saw the bank card in Ming Xiaonian's hand, he had a bad feeling. Ming Xiaonian knew too much about herself. Since she already knew the password of the bank card, she must have been harmed by the other party.

"It hasn't been used up yet, there are still seven or eight thousand!"

Ming Xiaoyong put the bank card on the table, and continued to lie on the bed and play with her mobile phone.

"Okay, the remaining money is enough for you to rent a house, so hurry up and rent a house and move out!"

After Ming He finished speaking, he went to turn on the computer to help Ming Xiaoying find a house.

"Resolutely don't move, I will live here, dad is worried about you, let me take care of you." Ming Xiaoyu hugged the pillow, making a look of life and death.

"Are you sure that Dad asked you to take care of me, not me?"

Ming He looked at Ming Xiaoyong with questioning eyes. In fact, it should be his father who asked him to take care of Ming Xiaoyong.

"Yes, Dad asked me to take care of you."

Ming Xiaoyong firmly insisted on this matter, even if Ming He exposed it, she would insist on it. This is the dignity that a sister should have.

"Well, since your godfather asked you to stay, then you can stay, but you move to another room for me, this is my room."

Ming He looked at the custom-made pillow in Ming Xiaoying's hand, the pattern of the pillow was a photo of the two siblings

Ming Xiaoying looks so beautiful now, Minghe is worried about her renting a house alone.

"Don't move, this is my room from now on, Minghe, you hurry out, everything here is mine."

Seeing that Ming He agreed to stay, Ming Xiaoying immediately gained confidence and pointed at Ming He's path.

"Ming Xiaoying, don't go too far."

Ming He felt that he couldn't give Ming Xiaoxun too much face, otherwise Ming Xiaoxun would sooner or later think that he was easy to bully, just like when he was a child.

"Who told you to lift the quilt just now and take advantage of me."

What Ming Xiaoyong said was outspoken, there is no such thing as being shy and blushing, anyway, she doesn't mind being stared at by Ming He, and the two of them often took baths together when they were young.

"If you are ruthless, you will never be able to marry like this."

When Minghe thought that he had seen all of Ming Xiaoying just now, and added to the relationship between the two for many years, Minghe chose to back down.

"I'm a single dog, so what qualifications do I have to call my sister! And I'm so pretty, there are a lot of people who want to chase me.

If you look like that, and you don't do your job every day, my elder sister can't help worrying, can your younger brother disturb your girlfriend!
Anyway, we are not real siblings, do you want me to take pity on you, sister, and be your girlfriend! "

Ming Xiaoyong didn't care about Ming He's words at all, she just made fun of Ming He for being single.

"Ming Xiaoyong, as for letting you be my girlfriend, you are too ordinary-looking to be my favorite."

If others insisted on saying this, Ming He might still be hit, but as for Ming Xiaoyong, he would not be able to hit him.

"Minghe, if you dare say that your sister and I look average, believe it or not, I'll take care of you!

Sister, I am not boasting, but those celebrities and Internet celebrities, I am not as good-looking as your sister. "

Ming Xiaoyong is still very confident about her appearance.

"You look better than those celebrities and Internet celebrities, I admit that."

Minghe nodded. Minghe and Internet celebrities on the Internet can scare people to death when they remove their makeup and turn off their beautification. Some of them are artificial beauties.

Compared with Ming Xiaoyong, a natural beauty, she is indeed far behind.

The siblings chatted for a while, and Minghe figured out one thing. The self-express delivery was sent by his elder sister, and the delivery was foreign specialties, but it was dropped by the system.

Ming He, who has a slight obsession with cleanliness, sat on the sofa in the lobby after cleaning the room, watching a recently popular TV series.

Minghe has to say that the commercials of this TV series are very smooth, and the special effects of the plot are all praises if they are described as bad movies.

The leading actor in it is not good enough, just because of his pretty face, let alone the heroine, she is not half as good-looking as her elder sister Ming Xiaoxun. Looking at those heroines, it is better to look at her own elder sister.

While Ming He was watching TV and using his cell phone at night, a pair of hands rested on his shoulders, and Ming He knew who it was without guessing.

"Brother, I'm hungry, can you cook for me?"

For Ming Xiaoyong, if the younger brother is not used to serve her, it will be meaningless.

"Uh, did you make a mistake, you want to eat, and I want to cook for you, and the most important thing is that I don't know how to cook!"

Minghehui's rice is the same - boiled instant noodles.

Ask Minghe to cook white rice, and he can cook it half-baked.

In the past, Minghe basically lived on junk food such as takeaways and instant noodles.

"As a man, I despise you for not being able to cook!"

Ming Xiaoyong turned her disdainful eyes towards Ming He, but she forgot that she also doesn't know how to cook.

"Are you embarrassed to say me? You don't know how to cook, go out and eat!"

When Minghe cleaned up, he cleaned up a lot of take-out boxes and snack packaging bags. From this, it can be seen that Ming Xiaoying can't cook.

"Does it look good?"

After Ming Xiaoyong dressed up, she walked out of the room in a plain white dress.

"Well, it's pretty good!" Ming He nodded.

Minghe planned to take Ming Xiaoying to the Jinyumantang in the north of the city center to check out a spot, so that he could deal with some of the gold, silver and jewels he had brought back from Tianlong World in the afternoon.

After the two siblings walked out of the community, they attracted the attention of many people. After all, beautiful women are the easiest to attract the attention of others.

In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, the Minghe siblings chose to take a taxi to eat.

When getting in the car, the driver glanced at Ming He and his brother, and said with a smile:

"Haha, boy, your girlfriend is pretty, you should cherish it!"

"Thank you, master, for the compliment!" Ming Xiaoyong was very happy, but it was unknown whether it was because the driver praised her for being beautiful, or for some other reason.

"Master, we are sisters and brothers, you go directly to 'Gold and Jade Mantang'." Ming He explained his relationship with Ming Xiaoying.

Jinyumantang is the largest gold, stone and jade shopping mall in Yanjing City. Jinyumantang buys and sells gold, stone and jade articles.

'Jinyumantang' is divided into two buildings, one is for ordinary people and middle-class people, and the other is for high-level people. You need a membership card to get in. If you want to apply for the lowest-level bronze membership card, you need at least a family member. You must have assets of 1000 million to be eligible.

Today, Minghe came here just to recycle some jewels to Jinyumantang and exchange some cash for them.

Brother Ming He and Ming Xiaoying got off the car opposite Jin Yu Man Tang.

"Brother, what are you doing here?" Ming Xiaoyong looked at Ming He and asked.

"Come and shop!"

Minghe played with a few "glass balls" in his hands, and glanced at the extremely prosperous Jinyu Mantang.

"Hehe! This house is full of gold and jade. Not everyone can come and spend it. Some people can only look outside."

A coquettishly dressed woman in her thirties, wearing a mink coat, got out of the luxury car, and she was the one who said what she just said.

If the former Minghe heard this, he might have tolerated it, but the current Minghe will definitely not bear it.

"Your car is yours, that's great!

Unfortunately, there are still things missing. "

Although Minghe was not angry on the surface, the anger in his heart had reached its peak. He pointed at the luxurious driveway of the alluring woman.

While Ming He was talking, Xiao Xing held his hand tightly, signaling Ming He not to talk nonsense and cause trouble. Ming He ignored Ming Xiao Xing's persuasion.

"My car, you can only look at it. If you want to drive it, you will probably have to drive it in your next life. As for what is missing, tell me!"

The woman laughed. She didn't think a poor ghost could appreciate it.

"What's missing is a pit, let me make it up for you!"

Minghe gathered the spiritual power in his body between the jade beads in his fingers, and the jade beads shot out instantly with the spiritual power between them.

If the jade bead is in the hands of others, it may be an ordinary ornament, but in the hands of Minghe, it is a weapon, a murderous weapon comparable to the power of a bullet.

(End of this chapter)

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