Looting three thousand against the world

Chapter 21 023: Ding Chunqiu

Chapter 21 023: Ding Chunqiu
Seeing Wang Yuyan's angry look, those maidservants in the corridor would consciously avoid Wang Yuyan.

Wang Yuyan kicked open the door of the room, and saw Ming He was still soundly asleep.

Because Minghe said bad things about him early in the morning, he was severely reprimanded, but Minghe, the culprit, curled up in bed and slept soundly.

Wang Yuyan's anger had almost turned into a murderous look, and she shouted angrily, "Minghe, get up for me?"

"Little girl is playing, I want to sleep, I don't have time to talk to you."

Ming He opened his eyes in a daze and saw that it was Wang Yuyan, then turned his body sideways and continued to sleep.


Wang Yuyan was so annoyed by Minghe's actions that she couldn't speak. She wanted to lift the quilt and freeze Minghe to death.

How strong is Wang Yuyan? Minghe is wrapped tightly in the quilt, how could she be pulled by Wang Yuyan.

"Wang Yuyan, you are sick, you disturbed my sleep early in the morning."

Ming He looked at Wang Yuyan, this girl who went crazy today and came to trouble him early in the morning.

"Minghe, you bastard, did you speak ill of me to my mother yesterday, which caused me to be called by my mother to be scolded early in the morning."

Wang Yuyan puffed her cheeks, and said viciously on her small face.

"It seems that I didn't say anything bad about you!" Ming He thought about it carefully, and then said:
"Oh, yesterday your mother wanted me to marry you, but I said you lost your temper, played with your temper, spoiled you, hunger strike every now and then, and rejected your mother."

"Impossible, why would my mother betroth me to you bastard.

Anyway, you said bad things about me in front of my mother, which caused me to be scolded early in the morning. I want you to apologize to me? "Wang Yuyan shouted tenderly.

"What do you mean I said bad things about you? What I said was the truth. Wang Yuyan, please apologize to me quickly, or I will tell your mother later that you disturbed my sleep early in the morning and played a temper on me. "

This Wang Yuyan still wants to apologize to herself, just kidding!
As an excellent young man of the new generation, Ming He didn't believe that he couldn't deal with Wang Yuyan.

"You... despicable and shameless!"

When Wang Yuyan heard that Minghe thought about where her mother would sue her, her silver teeth trembled with anger.

"Remember to say this: Master Uncle, I'm sorry, Yuyan was ignorant just now, you have a lot of adults, don't care about the movies like a little girl like me." Minghe said it demonstratively for Wang Yuyan.


When Wang Yuyan was about to scold Minghe, Minghe gave her a stare and said through gritted teeth:

"Master, I'm sorry, Yu Yan was ignorant just now, your lord has a lot, so don't care about it like a little girl like me."

"En! Uncle, my lord, there are a lot of people who don't care about you like a little girl, so you go and play!"

After Ming He finished speaking, he waved to Wang Yuyan to let her leave.

Wang Yuyan glanced at Minghe viciously, then walked out, thinking to herself: Minghe, you wait for me, I will let you beg for mercy one day, my girl.

After Ming He finished dressing and freshening up, he went to Li Qingluo's boudoir. This time Ming He had the experience of yesterday, so he didn't knock on the door.

"Junior brother, don't you know that you have to knock on the door to enter a woman's boudoir?"

Li Qingluo had finished grooming a long time ago, not to mention it was Yin time, and Li Qingluo was eating breakfast.

Seeing Ming He push the door in without knocking, I felt a little angry in my heart.

"Hey, Senior Sister, I was too anxious, so I forgot to knock on the door."

Ming He smiled, dispelling the embarrassing atmosphere.

"I think you did it on purpose. Later, we'll go to Ding Chunqiu to settle the score. Would you like some breakfast?" Li Qingluo couldn't guess Ming He's little thought.

"Of course I have to eat, otherwise why would I try so hard to kill that bastard Ding Chunqiu?"

After Minghe sat down, he activated the mopping mode, and wolfed down all these earlier.

Li Qingluo saw Minghe eating like this, the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching, and she thought to herself: Why doesn't Minghe eat with any gentle manners, like a starving ghost.

Li Qingluo watched Minghe sweep away all the cakes on the table, stretched her waist, and said:

"After eating, hurry up and kill Ding Chunqiu."

"Okay, Senior Sister leads the way!" Ming He sat down, stretched his waist, and stood up.

After Li Qingluo walked around several courtyards with Minghe, she finally came to the courtyard where Ding Chunqiu was. Minghe felt that the Mantuo Villa was really big enough.

Li Qingluo should be the veritable Bai Fumei in this Tianlong world, no wonder Murong Fu has always wanted to get the support of this Mantuo Villa.

"No, that's Ding Chunqiu."

After Li Qingluo brought Minghe to this courtyard, Li Qingluo pointed to a silver-haired old man who was practicing in the courtyard, and whispered to Minghe.


"Ding Chunqiu, later I will turn you into a dead dog.

Senior sister, you wait here, don't get close, lest I accidentally hurt you. "

Ming He twisted his neck and moved his wrist, made a "click" sound, and walked towards Ding Chunqiu.

"Who are you? What is your relationship with A Luo?"

From the very beginning, Ding Chunqiu felt that Minghe and Li Qingluo were coming.

"Ding Chunqiu, my name is Ming He. As for my identity, you should understand when you see this ring."

Minghe showed the jade ring in his hand and showed it to Ding Chunqiu.

"It turned out to be the younger brother. The younger brother is not here to avenge me for the master, is it?"

When Ding Chunqiu saw the jade ring in Ming He's hand, he naturally knew that Ming He was Wu Yazi's apprentice.

"Senior brother was joking. I just want to borrow your dog's head. I don't know if senior brother is willing to lend it to me." Ming He said with a smile.

"Then it depends on Junior Brother, whether you have the ability."

Ding Chunqiu picked up his Xiaoyao fan, fanned it lightly, then jumped up and waved his palm towards Minghe.

Facing Ding Chunqiu's sneak attack, Ming He didn't intend to dodge, and just punched back.

Fist and palm met each other, the two immediately, Ming He did not retreat a step, Ding ChunQiu was shaken back seven or eight steps before he stabilized his body.

"Are you a master master?"

Ding Chunqiu felt a little surprised, through the two palms together, Ming He did not retreat a single step, he guessed that Ming He is a master.

"Sure enough, the villains all died of talking too much!"

Ming He looked at Ding Chunqiu and thought of this sentence unexpectedly.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

"Rotting Corpse Technique!"

The two exchanged a move again, Ding Chunqiu was repelled by Ming He and repelled a few steps!
Minghe was a little surprised and felt something was wrong.

I am a peak master, Ding Chunqiu is only a congenital peak, logically even if I hit him casually, it should make Ding Chunqiu vomit blood, but now he just repelled the opponent.

Strange, so strange!
Ding Chunqiu possessed a strange poison skill, which could dissolve other people's internal energy, it was for this reason that he was not seriously injured by Ming He.

"It seems that although the younger brother is in the realm of the master, he is not very good!"

Ding Chunqiu took the Xiaoyao fan in his hand and fanned it lightly, looking at Minghe full of ridicule.

"Kanglong has regrets! The dragon fights in the wild!"

Ming He hits Ding Chunqiu with two palms in a row, Ming He doesn't believe that he can't do anything to Ding Chunqiu at the level of a master.

Ding Chunqiu frowned slightly as he watched Ming He hit two palms in succession. If Nian Dao's palms were separated, he could still resist, and it would be too much pressure for him to hit two palms in succession.

"The Great Law of Transformation!"

Ding Chunqiu hit two strokes of internal force in a row to meet Ming He's two palm forces, and made two sounds of "Bump! Touch!", the four internal forces collided and produced a huge sonic boom, and the internal force rolled up the surrounding dust and danced. .

The nearby trees were devastated by the strong wind, and the leaves were shaken off, turning into bare branches.

Ming He's two palms, one was dispelled by Ding Chunqiu, but the other was not dispelled, it hit Ding Chunqiu's body and knocked him into the air.

As soon as Ding Chunqiu got up from the ground, he spurted out a mouthful of blood!

"I just said that a mere innate talent can also be tough with my master."

Seeing that Ding Chunqiu was injured, Ming He rushed over in an instant to play with Ding Chunqiu!
Ding Chunqiu looked at Minghe's speed like a shadow, and he knew it was "Lingbo Weibu" by the Xiaoyao School. He frowned and his face was serious. .

Ming He punched Ding Chunqiu's chest, Ding Chunqiu covered his chest with both hands when he blocked Ming He's fist, Ming He kicked him in the abdomen and kicked him away.

(End of this chapter)

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