Looting three thousand against the world

Chapter 190 Chapter 195: Dragon

Chapter 190 Chapter 195: Dragon
The power released by Barna's roar shocked Ming He back a step or two, this Barna's power is not bad!
When Minghe was shaken back, Barna also saw the right opportunity and swung his machete at Minghe!

"Break it!" Ming He also waved the sword in his hand.

One knife and one sword slashed at each other at the same time. Under Barna's machete, the sword seemed a bit small. I was afraid that the sword would be broken on the spot when they collided.


The swords collided with each other, and as sparks flew around, a broken blade fell to the ground.

Barna's broadsword was cut off by the sword, and the upper lines on the sword were not scratched at all.

"Barna, you lost now!"

Now, Minghe wanted to see what else Barna could do.

"Hey! I lost a lot of money today and didn't get the gold bricks, and I even lost a weapon."

When Barner said this, he already indicated that he had already conceded defeat.

Geraint, with a silver armor and white cloak and a big sword behind his back, walked out of the cabin.

"Hello Elf, I'm Geraint, what's your name?"

Geraint greeted Minghe with a gesture, and he didn't have much prejudice against Minghe who looked like an elf.

Although the relationship between elves and humans is not good, he is not a human, he is a dragon, and he protects not only humans, but the entire Alrita continent.

Moreover, Minghe's ability to defeat Barna shows that Minghe is not weak, and he just needs the help of a strong person if he wants to kill the black dragon.


Ming He put down the decisive sword while speaking. He looked at Geraint carefully, and found that the dragon in front of him seemed to be no different from ordinary people.

"Minghe, the black dragon monster has been anomalous in Alrita recently, and this phenomenon indicates that the black dragon is about to wake up.

Once the black dragon is about to wake up, the creatures of the entire Alrita continent..."

"I will accompany you to destroy the black dragon!"

Before Geraint finished speaking, Ming He replied.

Minghe didn't know that Geraint took a fancy to his own strength and wanted to drag him to accompany them to destroy the black dragon.

Anyway, my mission is to destroy the black dragon. If I go with them, I can not only rely on their strength, but also have beautiful women to accompany me on the road, which is pretty good when I think about it.

Ming He's refreshing answer made Geraint a little overwhelmed. He had prepared a lot of excuses to fool Ming He, and now he didn't know how to answer.

"How could there be elves?"

Argenta also came out of the cabin after hearing the sound of fighting.

She was a little surprised when she saw Minghe, how could there be elves on this spaceship, strange?
"Minghe, let me introduce you, this is my sister Argenta!"

The appearance of Argenta eased Geraint's embarrassment and allowed him to find a topic to answer the conversation.

Minghe looked at Algerta, and Minghe only saw half of Algerta's face covered by the hat.

It's a pity that I can't see her eyes, but she must be a big beauty with western characteristics.

No, it should be the beautiful dragon!
Taking advantage of Algeta not finding out, Ming He quickly retracted his wolfish gaze.

"Minghe, aren't your eyes the same color as those of other elves?"

Argenta asked Minghe, the first time she saw the elf's eyes were not green, but red.

"This is my secret!"

Minghe didn't know how to explain it. As for why sister Xi made herself different from other elves, she was also a little puzzled.

The other elves all have a pair of green pupils and a head of blond hair, making them look sacred and inviolable.

But he has red pupils, and there is a strand of red hair in the blond hair. There is no sacred and noble atmosphere, only a strange handsomeness!
"But it's pretty, as beautiful as a ruby."

Since it was Minghe's secret, Argenta suppressed her curiosity. The two brothers and sisters also had their own secrets!

The imperial city of the human kingdom in the sacred heaven, here is the human kingdom, this is the safest place for human beings, there are priests, dragon slayers, and countless elite fighters.

After flying for several days, the spaceship finally arrived at the sacred paradise of mankind.

In the past few days, Minghe has also gotten to know them well.

Minghe and the mercenary king Barna have a good relationship. There are two reasons why Barna can befriend Minghe. First, he admires the strong man who is stronger than himself. Second, Minghe is too generous. He was given several priceless gems.

On the spaceship, Minghe and Argenta leaned on the deck, looking at the city not far ahead.

Argenta suddenly asked Minghe: "Minghe, what do you think of the dragon?"


Ming He was stunned for a moment, then immediately continued:
"Dragon, elves, and people are all the same, there are good and bad, there are good people, there are good dragons.

Hey, I'm a good person! "

Minghe is not an idiot, he speaks bad things about dragons in front of the female dragon Algerta.

"Minghe, the whole continent thinks that dragons are evil. If you say that dragons have good dragons, you will become the enemy of the whole continent."

Although there was no change on the surface of Argenta's face, there was still a hint of joy.

This was a person she had met who thought dragons were good and bad. Even Barna thought dragons were evil.

At this time, Barna came over, pointed to the holy heaven not far away, and said:

"Minghe, have you ever been to the holy heaven?"


Minghe shook his head, he just came to this world not long ago, it's no wonder he has been to the holy heaven!
"Minghe, let me tell you, there are taverns in this holy paradise, and there are many beautiful girls. Only you are willing to have money, and you can play as you like."

Barna decided to take Minghe to have a good time in this holy paradise later.

"Also... let's forget it!"

Barna's actually wanted to take him to whoring?

Can I promise myself?I have a cleanliness in my heart!

Although the women at home and the women in the tavern are both women, there is still a big gap.

The woman in the family will only be his own wife, but the woman in the tavern, as long as whoever has money is his wife!

"Minghe, I'm going to the blacksmith shop, do you want to go?"

Barna's weapons were destroyed by Minghe, and he had no more convenient weapons, so he wanted to buy a suitable sword.

"Blacksmith, can you make a scabbard?"

After Ming He heard Barna's reminder, he remembered that his decisive sword didn't seem to have a scabbard yet, and felt that it was necessary to create a scabbard that was dazzling enough.

"Minghe, let me tell you, I know that old blacksmith, he is the number one foundry in the human kingdom, as long as you want money, magic weapons and sharp weapons can be made for you."

Barna intends to fool Minghe over, saying that Minghe will pay for himself in the future if he is in a mood.

Watching the figures of Minghe and Barna gradually go away, Geraint said slowly:

"Algerta, what do you think of Minghe?"

"Brother, I can sense that Minghe's strength is very strong, his power is very violent and brutal, he makes my Baoyu feel deeply fearful and frightened!" Argenta said, clutching her chest.

"Algerta, don't think too much, maybe you just got it wrong."

Geraint persuaded Argeta not to think too much.


(End of this chapter)

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