Looting three thousand against the world

Chapter 12 014: Senior Sister Li Qingluo

Chapter 12 014: Senior Sister Li Qingluo
After Wang Yuyan returned to Li Qingluo's side, she was naturally not afraid of Minghe, and pointed at Minghe directly:
"Mother, listen to my explanation. He arrested me in Xingzilin and didn't let me leave, otherwise I would have returned long ago."

"Hmph! It wasn't you who ran out by yourself and got caught. I'll settle the score with you later!"

Li Qingluo scolded Wang Yuyan first, then looked at Minghe viciously, and said:

"Who are you? Why did you arrest my daughter?"

"The beauty in front of me, who is as beautiful as a fairy, must be the senior sister.

A few days ago, Yan'er, a girl, was wandering around outside of me. My senior uncle was worried about her, so he took her back to Songhe Tower to take care of her. When I came to visit my senior sister today, I would bring her back. Mandala Villa. "

Minghe distorted the facts mercilessly. He arrested Wang Yuyan that day just to make a fuss about it.

Li Qingluo was surprised that Ming He called herself Senior Sister, and asked, "Why do you call me Senior Sister?"

Seeing that Li Qingluo was no longer worried about arresting Wang Yuyan, Minghe explained slowly, saying:

"Senior Sister, my teacher's name is Wu Yazi, the head of the Xiaoyao Sect, and also your biological father, so according to your seniority, I should call you Senior Sister."

As soon as the words fell, Li Qingluo frowned slightly, and said angrily:

"Little bastard, what nonsense are you talking about? My father's name is Ding Chunqiu, and he is not a fool. Don't talk nonsense."

"Catch me first!"

Li Qingluo attacked Ming He with a wave of his hand, but Ming He didn't pay much attention to Li Qingluo's strength.

Ming He swung his palms back at Li Qingluo, and the two palms faced each other with great power, and the wind of the palms shook the dust to fly around.

After a few breaths, both sides were shaken back, Li Qingluo retreated three steps, Ming He retreated five steps, it wasn't that Ming He's skill was not as good as Li Qingluo, but that Ming He didn't exert his full strength.

Minghe was afraid of hurting Li Qingluo, so he only used [-]% of his internal strength.

It seemed that Li Qingluo had won the fight against outsiders, but she knew that she had lost. At the moment of facing each other, she felt Ming He's internal force was as majestic as the sea, so she could judge that Ming He's strength was at least mid-innate. . .

"Senior Sister, if you don't believe me, you can ask Mrs. Qiushui if you have time," she said.

"Okay, let me trust you for the time being. Junior brother, come in with me!"

Li Qingluo chose to believe in Minghe for a reason. She remembered that her father knew a martial art called Beiming Shengong, but Ding Chunqiu did not.

She still remembered that her father was wearing a ring, which happened to be exactly the same as the ring in Ming He's hand.

Moreover, Fei Ge passed the letter to his mother Li Qiushui, and he could know the truth of the matter just by asking.

"Mother, don't trust him, he killed cousin Murong, mother, we want to avenge my cousin."

Seeing that Li Qingluo and Minghe reconciled, Wang Yuyan was naturally unhappy.

When he thought of Ming He killing Murong Fu and bullying himself, he hated Ming He so much.

"Yu Yan, you girl is neither old nor young, he is your uncle, Murong Fu is just an outsider.

That kid Murong Fu daydreams all day long, only thinking about restoring the country and becoming the emperor.He approached you only to get this Man Luo Villa, and only you, a silly girl, were deceived by him. "

This time, Li Qingluo not only did not help Wang Yuyan, but also reprimanded Wang Yuyan.

Wang Yuyan couldn't see Murong Fu's character clearly, but Li Qingluo could see it clearly, so Li Qingluo didn't like Murong Fu very much.

Wang Yuyan is extremely wronged now, not only does her own mother not help her, but she also speaks for Ming He, a bad guy.

The more Wang Yuyan thought about it, the more wronged she became, she ignored them and ran back to the room by herself.

Led by Li Qingluo, Minghe followed Li Qingluo to the reception hall, where the servant girl poured tea for Minghe!

"I don't know Junior Brother, what cultivation level is it now?"

Li Qingluo thought of Ming He killing Murong Fu, so she asked with a smile.


Minghe pretended to be aggressive again, sighed and said:

"The younger brother's aptitude is dull, and he is only at the peak of his innate state."

When Li Qingluo heard Minghe say this, her face was very embarrassed, and she thought to herself:
How old are you, you are at the peak of congenital, if you are all stupid in aptitude, then those of us in our thirties who have not stepped into the peak of congenital, are we not peerless idiots?
"Just now Yuyan said that junior brother killed Murong Fu, why not?" Li Qingluo asked casually.

"For no reason, I thought he was not pleasing to the eye, so I killed him!"

Ming He casually perfunctory Li Qingluo, he can't tell the other party that he killed Murong Fu to complete the system task.

Ming He thought for a while and then said: "Senior Sister, why don't we join forces to make Duan Zhengchun clean up?"

After Li Qingluo heard Ming He's words, she was stunned for a moment, then she came back to her senses and said:
"Junior Brother, you are joking, I have no grudges with Dali Zhennan King Duan Zhengchun, why do you want to plot against him?
However, why did my junior brother plot against Duan Zhengchun? Could it be that there is any grievance between you two? "

Ming He said: "Senior Sister, please let the others back down."

Minghe felt that this senior sister was a little hard-spoken, and she was trying to force herself to break the matter!
Li Qingluo waved at the maidservants, and the maidservants retreated consciously after receiving Li Qingluo's order.

"Junior Brother, you can speak now."

After Minghe took a sip of tea, he said slowly:
"Because Wang Yuyan's surname should be Duan, not Wang! Moreover, I also know the love-hate entanglement between you and those women and Duan Zhengchun, Senior Sister."

"It seems that junior brother knows a lot. Now that junior brother knows, I wonder if junior brother can help senior sister and me deal with Duan Zhengchun and those bitches."

After Minghe revealed Wang Yuyan's life experience, Li Qingluo was shocked at first. Logically, only she should know about this matter, and there will never be another person in the world.

Now that the other party knew about it, there was no need to cover it up, so they just pointed it out.

Not only was Li Qingluo not angry with Minghe, but the congenital peak was already a rare master in the arena. If Minghe helped her, it would not be easy for her to deal with Duan Zhengchun.

"As a junior, it's only natural for me to help my senior sister! And I still have two hole cards in my hand that can help my senior sister a lot, but..."

"Junior brother, tell me what you want?"

Li Qingluo is a smart person, she didn't know that Minghe wanted to negotiate terms with her, as long as she could take revenge on Duan Zhengchun and make his life worse than death, Li Qingluo was willing to pay any price, even if Minghe wanted Wang Yuyan, she would agree without hesitation.

"Senior Sister, Junior Brother, I only have a few conditions. First, I want the "Six Meridians Excalibur" and "Yiyang Finger" on Duan Zhengchun; second, Senior Brother wants to go to the Langhuan Yu Cave for a while, so please agree to it. one time."

Ming He said slowly while drinking tea, he knew that Li Qingluo would definitely agree.

After pondering for a while, Li Qingluo said: "Okay, I agree with your condition, junior brother. Now junior brother can play the two cards in your hand, right?"

"The first card, Duan Zhengchun and Ruan Xingzhu's daughter Azhu is in my hand.

The second card is a secret, which is quite interesting to talk about. Duan Zhengchun's son, Duan Yu, was not born to Duan Zhengchun himself, but was born to Dao Baifeng and Duan Yanqing, one of the four villains, in order to avenge Duan Zhengchun. "

When Ming He remembered that Duan Yu was not Duan Zhengchun's biological son, he felt it was funny, and he really verified a sentence, "Heaven's law recurs, and retribution is not good!"

In Duan Zhengchun's life, countless heroes had green patches on their heads, but in the end, he was also green by others.

"Brother, is this serious?"

Li Qingluo was shocked when she heard the secret, and asked again in order to confirm the accuracy of the matter.

Ming He nodded, and said: "There is no doubt about Duan Yu's death of Duan Yanqing's son. A'Zhu should already be on the way at this time, and it is estimated that he will arrive at the Mantuo Villa in a few days. Senior sister, please arrange it." People go to the Taihu Lake to pick up the ones in their eyes.

"Okay, Senior Sister will send someone to wait by the Taihu Lake to meet Junior Brother and your troops at any time."

Li Qingluo was also impatient, so she immediately called the maidservant to order the matter.

Minghe only said that he would arrive in a few days, but he didn't say it was now. I have to say that Li Qingluo's hatred for Zhengchun is a bit deep.

"Senior sister, let's clarify this matter first!

All I want is the cheat books of "Six Meridians Sword" and "Yi Yang Zhi". As for Duan Zhengchun, you can deal with it. If I can't get "Six Meridians Sword", I can only kill Duan Zhengchun, even if you, Senior Sister, It was useless to plead for Duan Zhengchun. "

Minghe remembered that in the original book, this Li Qingluo had nostalgia for Duan Zhengchun, so it's better to explain the matter clearly.

"Haha, junior brother, you are joking. How could senior sister plead for Duan Zhengchun's heartless person?"

Li Qingluo covered her mouth and said with a smile, it is impossible to say that she didn't have a trace of old thoughts about this section of Zhengchun, and it was precisely because of this trace of thoughts that she developed hatred for Duan Zhengchun.

(End of this chapter)

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