Datang little husband

Chapter 7 After half a year, things were revealed

Chapter 7 After half a year, things were revealed

In the end, no one knows whether the servant reported the matter.

However, one month after Du Ruhui's burial, Du He packed up the land deeds he got, and the real estate left the Lai Kingdom Mansion.

Although the Du family did not publicize this matter, after all, it is not a good thing to say that the brothers have turned against each other and separated.

But what kind of impenetrable wall is there in this world? Half a year after Du He left the mansion, someone still found out about it.

The reason is that there is an extra lotus leaf restaurant in Chang'an City that sells new dishes.

At first, when Heyexuan first came out, they thought it was just a gimmick, but soon people discovered that it was not a gimmick at all, but that the taste of Heyexuan was particularly good from the novelty of the food.

So even if the food at Heyexuan is very expensive, more people go there.

And the better Heyexuan's business is, the more people are peeping at it, but in the end, because it is the property of the Lai State Government, no one dares to make a move on it.

But there are still a lot of jealous people. In addition to Du Ruhui's death, they want to play dirty tricks, such as why the family of officials is doing business, and some people even directly wrote to Li Shimin, saying that the Du family should introduce the production methods of new dishes. tribute.

After this series of operations, it naturally attracted Li Shimin's attention. At the same time, after inquiring from many sources, these jealous people found out that the second son of the Du family had separated from his elder brother half a year ago.

When they got the news, they counted the time and found that Du He separated and lived alone, and it turned out that it was just one month after his father was buried. This was a big unfilial thing at the time.

In this way, these people who are envious of Heyexuan, like wolves smelling blood, are all thinking about how to force Du He to hand over the method of making new dishes.

As for monopoly, it's not like they haven't thought about it in their hearts, but now that there is a lot of trouble, monopoly is impossible, but it's okay to get a share.

"Bold, such a Du He, such a Du family, dare to criticize the daughter of the royal family in such a way, okay, okay, really good! Come on, let the Xuanjia army bring Du He to see me immediately!" Originally because of Du Regarding the matter of He, Li Shimin, who was already annoyed at the court, ordered people to find all the information about the Du family when he returned to the Liangyi Hall. Everything else was fine, but when Li Shimin saw the news about After hearing the information about the conversation between the two brothers Du Gou and Du He, Li Shimin was furious, slammed the memorial, and then roared out of the hall.

Wang De, the chief eunuch waiting outside the hall, heard about it and hurriedly arranged to do it, while he walked cautiously into the Hall of Liangyi.

"Your Majesty calm down, Your Majesty calm down, that Du Xiang's son usually has a bad reputation. Before Du Xiang was alive, there were many absurd things. For such a ignorant person, Your Majesty must not..."

"Fuck off, what do you slaves know, ridiculous? If he is ridiculous, he can say that, do you know what is said in the information, go and collect all the people who collected and sorted out this information, I took them all and sent them to prison, what a bunch of people Idiots! Such information is not reported in time, they all deserve to die!" Li Shimin looked at Wang De who was kneeling on the ground to comfort him, and he spoke to Wang De angrily, and gave him orders.

At this moment, Wang De was already kneeling there trembling in fear of Li Shimin's anger. He didn't understand why His Majesty was so angry, but luckily he heard Li Shimin's last words clearly and knew that Li Shimin's anger was not aimed at him. , but to those spies, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Wang De quickly knelt down and packed up the things Li Shimin threw on the ground, then slowly got up and walked backwards step by step.

And as soon as he went out, he ran into Datang's empress, which made him quickly kneel down and salute again!
"Wang De, what's wrong with you? Why do you look terrified? Did something happen?" Changsun Wugou looked at the terrified Wang De and asked curiously.

"Back to your mother's words, old slave... old slave..."

"Wang De, why are you still dying there, why don't you go to work!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, look, Madam, this old slave..."

"Your Majesty has ordered, then you go!"

"Thank you for your grace, thank you for your grace!"

After waiting for the order from the eldest grandson Wugou, Wang De thanked him and hurried to do things. At this time, he already hated the person who collected the information of the two brothers Du Gou and Du He to death.

And here, Changsun Wugou watched Wang De leave with a face of relief, she signaled with her eyes to ask the maid beside her to wait outside, and she approached the Hall of Liangyi by herself.

It's just that as soon as he went in, he saw her husband, the emperor of the world, smiling while holding a memorial, which made her even more curious.

You must know that she heard Li Shimin's furious voice just now, but now it's a different scene, how can this not make her curious.

"Second brother, what's the matter with you, you were so angry just now, why are you just looking at a memorial and smirking there?" Changsun Wugou came to Li Shimin's side and asked curiously.

"Yes, the Guanyin maidservant is here! Why did I look stupid before? Forget about these trivial things, Guanyin maidservant, please take a look at this. This is the record of the conversation between the two brothers of the Du family half a year ago. If Du He didn't Lie, then our Tang Dynasty will achieve unprecedented development!" Li Shimin saw that his first wife came in, and the smile on his face never stopped, he got up and helped his eldest grandson Wugou to sit down, and handed her the memorial in his hand, And talk about it on the side.

When Changsun Wugou heard this, he was startled, and then he looked it up immediately, but the more he looked at it, the more angered Changsun Wugou became.

"Second brother, this Du He is really brave. He dared to arrange the daughter of the royal family in such a way. You must not let him go!"

"I have asked the Xuanjia Army to take the Guanyin maidservant. Don't worry, this kid can't escape, but the point is not here, but behind!"

"Second brother, I also read the following content, but I don't believe that this kid can have such a great ability.

However, although his words may sound a bit unpleasant, his analysis of the situation is really good, and his opinion of you is also very accurate!
So although I still don't believe what he said, we should really take it seriously! "

Changsun Wugou said as he put down the memorial in his hand, and slowly expressed his opinion.

"Indeed, as you said, we should deal with this kid well, otherwise I'm afraid he won't tell us the truth, or hide it!

After all, from what this kid said, we can see that he is a thoughtful person!
And he doesn't want to be a son-in-law so much, he just doesn't want to get involved with our Li family too much, to put it bluntly, he doesn't want to work for me! "Li Shimin agreed with Changsun Wugou's words very much, and said to Changsun Wugou after thinking about it.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection

(End of this chapter)

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