Chapter 61
Li Tai looked at Du He acting like this, and was obviously uncomfortable with it. He immediately thought of Master Kong, who taught these princes.

"Come on, there are no outsiders here, what are you pretending for me here! I don't know you yet!" Li Tai said to Du He with a look of disdain after being stunned for a while.

But contempt is contempt, his hands are not slow at all!While speaking, he had already grabbed a goat's hoof and gnawed on it.

"It's delicious, it's delicious, I never thought that the sheep's hooves could be so delicious! I've worked for nothing in the past ten years!"

Li Tai was gnawing on it while praising the deliciousness. Du He didn't say anything when he saw this, and even directed at the uncle he called just now!Du He also introduced other delicacies to Li Tai, and Li Tai, a fat man, was right about his meat. Under Du He's introduction, he dared to eat anything, and what he ate was called a delicious food. .

And while these two guys were eating and drinking in this comfortable place, the same scene was happening in the harem, except that they returned and became the daughters of Li Xin and Li Shimin. There are also some Li Xin's sisters such as Princess Fang Ling, who also enjoyed eating there.

Originally, this time when entering the palace, Li Xin brought more stewed meat than Du He. It can be said that Du He and Li Xin brought everything except for Du Lian's snacks, so there were so many people. Eating is not a problem.

And because the news about the front palace has not yet been reported, or Li Shimin gave the order, so at this time this group of princesses and the ladies of the Tang Dynasty still don't know about Du He's feat of becoming a beauty by rushing to the crown.

Especially Princess Fang Ling, who was still walking around Li Xin non-stop at this time, looking like a sister who loves each other, but they don't know that their men have already broken up, and now one of them has been dismissed from office, and the other is equivalent to exile.

At this time, Li Shimin was also anxiously waiting. After all, he had figured out the reason and understood what Du He had done. He was still waiting for Du He to rejoin the seat.

But he couldn't come after waiting, and he didn't come when he waited. In the end, Li Shimin became anxious, thinking that Du He was angry, so he took Fang Xuanling and several other close ministers and Prince Li Chengqian to find him.

It's just that when they got to the place, what they saw was that Du He was leading Li Tai to eat wildly there, and there was also the sound of two people talking inside.

Li Shimin, who was already a little angry, wanted to break in immediately, but what Du He said next, made Li Shimin stop, and covered Li Chengqian who wanted to speak out, signaling him not to speak out, and at the same time Ask Fang Xuanling and the others to keep silent.

And after everyone was quiet, they could hear the voice coming from inside, which almost scared them to death.

"Little fat man! What do you think, dad is really good enough! There are so many natural pastures in the north, so what kind of benevolence and righteousness do you have to promote!
This hurts us even if we want to realize the freedom of beef. In my village, three cows have been killed for various reasons in the past few months!

So if you want to go to my place for dinner in the future, you must bring me five catties of beef, otherwise don't even think about it! "

"Don't worry! Uncle, don't worry about my work, isn't it just ordering beef? Who doesn't kill a head for ten days and a half a month for various reasons!

Especially in Su Guogong's mansion, it is even more excessive, the family often has a lot of it!When the time comes, I will go door to door and ask them for it, and I don't believe they dare not give it to me! "

Originally, Du He's words were harsh enough, but when Li Tai's words came out, Li Shimin's tiger eyes stared at the few people behind him.

Facing Li Shimin's angry gaze, everyone couldn't help lowering their heads, especially Cheng Yaojin.

But before Li Shimin got angry, another voice came from inside, and it was Li Shimin's most concerned thing at the moment.

"Uncle, but to be honest, what did you mean when you said that my father gave up so many pastures in the north?
Although I have never been there, I also know that the place over there is huge, and it has been beaten down now, but it is because it is too big, and the place is full of grasslands.

If you want to completely occupy it, not to mention a lot of resources consumed, just sending troops to garrison is a problem? "

"That's why you're so stupid! Let those prisoners of war go unused, and let them all go back. Either there's a hole in your brain, or your head is squeezed by the door!
Although I don't know the specific number of prisoners of war, as long as there are more than [-] males, it means that there are [-] households behind them.

And if these [-] Turkic households are well used, they will not only create countless wealth for our Tang Dynasty, but also solve the entire northern grassland in one fell swoop, so that they can only herd horses and sheep for our Chinese nation from generation to generation, and guard the border!So that there will be no nomads in the whole north that can threaten my land of China! "

As soon as Du He said this, not only Li Shimin and others outside the door were stunned, but even Li Tai was stunned and looked at Du He with wide eyes.

"Uncle, you are not sick! You have to herd horses and sheep for generations, and keep the frontier strong! This is impossible!"

"Why is it impossible! Look! Suppose there were [-] Turkic prisoners of war at that time, then we would leave these [-] strong men in Datang, and put them all on various construction sites one by one. Solved the corvee of [-] people, and let these Turkic people pay for their mistakes.

After all, which one of these Turkic people does not have the blood of our Datang people, making them slaves and contributing to the construction of Datang is the best forgiveness for them!

Of course, in order to realize what I just said, let them herd horses and goats for generations in Huaxia, shepherd and guard the frontier, beating and scolding is not acceptable, and they must be fed!Even during the years when they were laying roads, building bridges, and mining, we still have to pay them wages! "

"Uncle, wait a minute, are you out of your mind? They are all slaves, and if you pay them back their wages, are you crazy? Or am I crazy? And you still need to feed them? Are you not sick?"

Li Tai's words were exactly what Li Shimin and the others wanted to say. When they first heard Du He say that they could completely solve the northern nomads, they listened carefully, wanting to hear what Du He could do. establish.

But the more they heard it, the more shameful it became, and the more they heard it, the angrier they became. Even if Li Shimin hadn't warned them with his eyes, they would have wanted to go in and scold Du He, a yellow-mouthed kid.

"Just say that you are stupid and you still don't believe it, you have to have a pattern in life, and you have to have a pattern in this big event!

Just you, the person who only cares about small profits, you can be your prince in this life, don't even think about your father!After all, although your father is sometimes stupid, but your father has a broad mind, can endure what ordinary people can't bear, and can listen to other people's advice.

But looking at you, first of all, your identity is not good. Although you are also the son of the eldest son, you are not the eldest son. In a country where you are not as capable as your father, and your father was 14 years old. You can follow your grandfather to rebel and conquer the world. It can be said that half of the Tang Dynasty It was your father who defeated him, and there are so many capable generals under your father's command. Why do they follow your father? Have you ever thought about these! "

As soon as this remark came out, Li Tai was stunned. This is a good talk about how to solve the Turkic issue, but how could it involve him.

(End of this chapter)

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