Datang little husband

Chapter 4 The Duhoti Separation

Chapter 4 The Duhoti Separation

"Second Young Master!"

"Meet the second young master!"


After figuring it out, Du He didn't hesitate, he immediately acted and went to showdown with his cheap brother!And on the way to his eldest brother's courtyard, the servants of the mansion saluted Du He from time to time.

Du He didn't nod his head as usual, but walked away from them coolly.

This made many servants feel that today's Duhe is different, but they can't tell what's different there.

Here, Du He came to his elder brother's yard unimpeded all the way. Du He didn't go in directly, but asked his servants to go in first to report.

After the gatekeeper left, Du He then took stock of the courtyard in front of him, which he rarely visited before. In other words, he rarely came here since his eldest brother got married.

And Du He was also very curious. It stands to reason that his cheap elder brother should move to the main courtyard of the East Chamber after inheriting the position of Duke Lai, but Du Gou never moved. middle.

"Second brother, why did you come to elder brother today? Hurry up, let's go in and talk about something!" Du Gou, who soon heard the report from the servant, hurried out of the courtyard. When he saw Du He, he pulled Du Gou enthusiastically Holding He's hand, he asked him why he came, and led him into the hospital.

And before going in, Du He's sister-in-law also came out to greet her.

"Brother, I've met my sister-in-law!" Du He could ignore Du Gou, but he couldn't be rude to his sister-in-law, who was just over twenty-eight years old.

"Second brother, don't be too polite. I think the second brother is visiting today. There must be something to discuss. My sister-in-law will not bother you and the two of you! Xiaocui, go and prepare some food and tea soup for Lang Jun and the second master!" Uncle's salute, Du He's sister-in-law happily accepted, and returned the gift to Du He, and after talking to Du He a few words, after ordering her maids to prepare food and drink for their brothers, she turned and left.

Du He watched his sister-in-law leave, and deeply praised the dead cheap father in his heart, because his sister-in-law was chosen by his father for his elder brother. Although he was not from a famous family, he treated people like this , we can see that the tutor has profound knowledge.

"Second brother, I usually go to see you for my brother, why don't you come here today, let's go to the study, let's have a good chat!" Du Gou was very happy when he saw that his brother was able to come here on his own initiative. As soon as he changed his usual dandyism, he was overjoyed in his heart.

"Little brother has something important to discuss with elder brother today, so it's disrespectful!" After Du He finished speaking, he followed Du Gou to his study.

Although Du Gou also felt that his younger brother had changed a lot during the period, Du Gou has always been deeply influenced by Confucianism. Not only did he not feel that there was anything wrong with his younger brother's change, but he felt that his younger brother was hit by their father's death. , grew up and became sensible.

After all, his younger brother would have the courtesy he has today.

It's just that Du Gou never imagined that this was the last respect his brother gave him before giving him a shocking gift.

"Tell me! What's the matter with you today? It suddenly became like this. I'm still not used to it as a brother!" After Du Gou brought Du He to his study, he lost the serious appearance outside. Ask Du He casually.

"Brother, let's talk about it! You can say it's big or small, but I said you can't be angry!" Du He looked at the elder brother at the side and vaccinated him first.

"You kid is out of money again, so I said why did you suddenly ask how much money our family has left some time ago!

I don't care what you want money for!Do you want to go out and play, or what do you want to do!Brother can give it to you!
Brother Dan, I hope you will remember that now that our father is gone, I thought that we should be more restrained outside, and that the errands in the palace will also be light on!
Don't disappoint His Majesty's kindness to our family! "After listening to his younger brother's words, Du Gou thought he had no money, so he came to ask himself for money. Du Gou didn't scold him for this, but readily agreed, but some Du Gou who should be exhorted still said to Du He earnestly .

Du He looked at the young man who was not much older than himself, and suddenly felt that what he did was very wrong, but he really couldn't help it.

As long as he is still in this family, it will be a matter of time before he is married by Li Shimin, but he really doesn't want to be the son-in-law of his old Li family!
"Brother, I really have no money! So brother, I want to separate and live alone!" Du He finally said this.

When Du He finished speaking, Du Gou, who had just got up to get the money, dropped the purse in his hand on the ground, and at the same time dropped the tray and food in the hands of the maid who came outside the door to deliver food to their brothers.

Hearing these two noises, Du He knew that there was no going back to this matter, and soon his old mother would know too, but what he had to face now was his brother.

At this moment, Du Gou stared at Du He angrily.

"Du He, what did you just say, do you know what you just said!
How naughty you are usually, I can tolerate as a brother, but what did you just say, you said you want to live alone!

Are you speaking human language?Now, less than a month after our father left, you told me that you want to live separately!

Du He, do you want to drive your mother to death and make this family fall apart?

Speak, why are you doing this! "Du Gou stared at Du He like an angry lion at this time, and questioned him loudly.

You must know that in this era when the family is prevalent, separation means a break, especially in those big families, and it is even more so, unless the heirs of the family make a big mistake, they will be kicked out of the family.

Not to mention that the time when Du He proposed to separate the family was less than a month after their father passed away.

"Brother, listen to me..."

"What are you talking about, do you feel that you are dissatisfied with me inheriting my father's title, so you have to separate from me, if so, then I can give you the title!
Second brother, you have to know that our family is small in number, and the closest relatives we know are only the second uncle's family, and in our lineage, there are only you and my brother. Jiaye, you are telling me now that you want to separate the family!
Let me tell you, Du He, I don't agree with this matter! " Du Gou yelled at Du He tremblingly.

Facing such an angry elder brother, Du He was also a little dazed. Although he knew that his elder brother would definitely oppose him if he said that he had separated the family, he really did not expect him to react so violently.

(End of this chapter)

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