Datang little husband

Chapter 230 Children are for teaching!

Chapter 230 Children are for teaching!
Although Li Xin and Liu Mei went late, neither of the two women had any opinion on this. After all, a man can give birth to a son for him. How much I value you.

What's more, the three sisters gave birth together, and the child was born together. It depends on who first, and who later. Both Li Xin and Liu Mei are very open.

Li Xin, in particular, understood that her husband's seemingly accusatory yell outside the house was actually telling them that they had worked hard, and it was also reassuring them.

After all, this man has been instilling in them since the early stages of pregnancy that having a son and a daughter are the same, there is nothing special about it. Of course, it can't just be materially rich, or even poor, but spiritually, it must be rich.

And what is spiritual nourishment is to teach him what is a man's responsibility, what is courage, and what is wisdom from an early age.

Anyway, in a word, to raise a son, you can’t blindly spoil it. You need to read more books, enlighten your mind, exercise your body, and have correct three views and thoughts. .

Of course, my daughter is not saying that I should stop studying, and that’s definitely not the case. It’s just that my daughter doesn’t need to work so hard, I have to learn everything, and I won’t be as hardworking as my son in material matters.

After all, my daughter has not been taught well, and developing that kind of arrogant personality will harm her for the rest of her life, so reading books is for sure. After all, only by reading more can you open up your wisdom, know how to think for yourself, and be able to express yourself. I understand my life.

Therefore, Du He really doesn't have to worry too much about having children. As long as they are his own, he can have any son or daughter.

As long as you spend more time with them when you are young, and you can teach them well when you grow up, your sons and daughters will be very filial.

But if there is no company, they don’t kiss you, you haven’t taught them well, and you can’t make a bowl of water level, then it doesn’t matter whether you have a son or a daughter, you will be pissed off in the end.

Of course, if you say a thousand, say ten thousand, Du He is of course more inclined to have a daughter. After all, it is said that a daughter is the little lover of the baby's previous life. It is good to have a daughter when she grows old and many women love her. Isn't it!

And this is also the reason why many men in later generations want to have daughters.

But there is one thing to say, in the era of the Tang Dynasty, it is not necessarily true. After all, what this era pays attention to is the water poured out by a married girl. Even the mother-in-law will have an opinion on those who talk behind their backs.

After all, in these years, the daughter-in-law who is being married by the Ming media must be listed in the genealogy. What is listed in the genealogy, that is, the surname must be given first, just like Zheng Guanyin. After she married Du He, her name should be Du Zheng. As long as this name is in any public and formal occasion, she can only call herself this name.

And this is on the genealogy of the Du family, so she is a member of the Du family, and she will be buried in the ancestral grave of the Du family after death, and this is the phrase "I was born in a certain family, and died in a certain family." The origin of the ghost".

So in this way, it is impossible for this girl to return to her natal family frequently after she is married.

After all, the times are different, so sometimes you really can't force it too much.

No, Du He has applied for this truth very well. You must know that during the pregnancy of Zheng Guanyin and the other three daughters, this guy talked a lot about wanting a daughter, and he must have a daughter. Pounded.

And in the end, as his mother wanted, the three daughters-in-law gave birth to three fat boys together.

But then again, when Zheng Guanyin and the others were pregnant, Du Hena was really worried.

He urged them to go out for a stroll every day, and the food they ate every day was carefully prepared by Du He.

The purpose is to prevent the three of them from having accidents during childbirth.

After all, Zheng Guanyin and Li Xin are not young anymore, and they have already passed the optimal age for childbirth. Although they have not yet reached the age of advanced mothers, it is true that the older they are, the harder it is to give birth.

Of course, this is also related to individual physical conditions, and cannot be generalized.

After all, some women can go to the field after giving birth, while others have to rest for many days. This is still a normal delivery.

Therefore, if a woman wants to give birth smoothly, she really can’t be lazy during pregnancy, she must do less exercise, and she must also pay attention to her diet. She can’t make up too much, but she can’t eat nothing. A reasonable diet is the key benevolent.

In this aspect, Du He did a good job, even more caring than Zheng Guanyin and the others, so they all gave birth smoothly.

Here Du He ran out to see his son after comforting Li Xin and Liu Mei.

It's just that these three boys didn't give him the face of being a father. They were fine a second ago, but when Du He came out, these three boys cried one after the other, which made Du He very depressed.

Even though he knew that these three boys were hungry and wanted to drink milk, it still made him very unhappy.

"Ying'er, remember, you are the older sister now, and if any of the three of them are mischievous and disobedient, you can beat them hard and let them know what it means that your sister will always be your sister. You must let these three brats live in your shadow! Make them disobedient! Hmph!" Du He said while holding Du Ying, who was still in a daze.

It's just that even Mrs. Liu couldn't stand his childish angry words.

"You brat, what are you talking about! Don't teach us Ying'er all day long, Ying'er, remember not to listen to your father, as a big sister, you should give way to your younger brother! Because you are a big sister..."

"Mother, what you said is wrong, what is it? What do you mean that Ying'er is a sister who should give up to her younger brother? They are all my Du He's children. Why should I let them, Yinger give them to them, that is Yinger's favor Brother, it's normal not to give it.

You can't give up to your younger brother just because Ying'er is a girl!If they really do this, the relationship between their siblings will definitely not be that good!

Just like now if I often bully Xiaolian and don't give her anything, you are still saying that this is right. You can see whether Xiaolian will care about you in the future.

So as parents, if you want to have a harmonious family, you must have a balanced bowl of water, and you must not be biased in everything, so that when they grow up, they will definitely not be so good!

Of course, Ying'er, you have to remember, it's okay to beat up your brothers, after all, if you are disobedient, you have to beat them!But you can’t hit the head when hitting, after all, the younger brothers are still young, if you hit the head hard, you can beat the younger brothers stupidly, and you don’t want the younger brothers to become little fools, and they will drool every day Follow you, don't even know how to speak! "

Facing his old mother's words, Du He was not happy, he directly refuted, and even compared him with Du Lian, and of course he didn't forget to teach Du Ying in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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