Chapter 22

"Slow down, you eat slowly, and no one is trying to compete with you. If you eat so fast, be careful of indigestion. Don't say I didn't warn you!" He looked at the chopsticks in front of him, and there was already food in the bowl. Du He couldn't help but remind the little girl with a bowl full of vegetables.

"Understood, second brother, you can eat it too!" Du Lian picked up a chopsticks of fried pork with green peppers for her second brother, then raised her head and gave her second brother a silly smile, then buried herself in cooking again, just like a snack.

This made Du He look at her, smile helplessly, and thought to himself, he would make some hawthorn juice for the little girl later, otherwise it would be weird if she didn't have a bad stomach if she ate like this!

Of course, it would definitely be better if we could make candied haws, but Du He just thought about this idea in his head, and then gave up decisively. Not to mention that there is no rock candy in this era, and there is no even brown sugar. What a fool. Sugar-coated haws.

Now the only source of sweetness in Datang is honey, and the second is caramel, which is maltose.

But these two sugars are too difficult to obtain, and most people really can't afford them, and even those high-ranking officials can rarely eat them.

After all, in the current era, people have not yet mastered the technology of beekeeping, and if they want to eat honey, they can only go to the wild to collect it, and because there are no good protective measures, collecting honey is no different from sending them to death.

And the production of caramel requires a lot of food. In this era when people are generally hungry, making caramel is such a luxury. In addition, caramel is not sweet enough and has a little bit of bitterness, so few people make it.

So many factors make sugar extremely precious.

Although Du He knew the production process of sugar, he only knew the production process of sucrose, which is made by pressing sugarcane juice and boiling it, which is also called brown sugar.

But in fact, apart from sucrose, there is another plant that can produce sugar, that is beet, but beet is a foreign species, when it was introduced into China, Du He is not clear, and he does not even know how to use beet to produce sugar.

So even if you want to make sugar, the first choice is sugarcane. After all, sugarcane has existed in southern China since ancient times, and there are many in Lingnan.

But from Chang'an to Lingnan, not to mention the long distance, the Tang Dynasty alone did not have particularly strong control over the entire Lingnan area, and there were also local powerful people. If you really want to do this business, it is not enough to just have the endorsement of the Duke of Lai. He could even drag Li Shimin into the water with more companies, otherwise it would be impossible to guarantee subsequent benefits.

As for raising the income of the common people by making the method of making sugar public, Du He might have done that in the past, but now it’s fine, otherwise it would be just the beginning of a disaster!
After all, in the place far away from the emperor, the disclosure of the sugar making method will not only not increase the income of the people, but will make them a means for the local tyrants to squeeze them.

And this is why Du He is unwilling to touch this in a short period of time.

But not touching it doesn't mean that Du He doesn't even plan to get his own food. He may have already thought about it. When next summer, he will find a trading company and ask them to help him transport more sugar cane from Lingnan, and then make sugar by himself. .

But at the moment, it is certain that there is no sugar available, so the delicious snack of candied haws is currently out of reach.

"Second brother, I'm full. Your craftsmanship is really good. I'll eat it again tomorrow!" After eating, Du Lian said to her second brother with a happy face while sticking out her chubby belly.

"You know how to eat. I think you will get fat in the future and won't be able to get married. Let's see what you do. Xiaomei, go take the lady for a walk in the yard, but you can't let her go to bed right away. Do you understand?" Du He Looking at Du Lian on the side, he nodded her head lovingly, and after some sermons, he gave instructions to Xiaomei.

Xiaomei who got the order didn't dare to neglect, and took Du Lian who looked reluctant to go out for a walk.

But Du He himself ran to the kitchen to make hawthorn juice for Du Lian.

After he boiled the hawthorn juice, or hawthorn water, Du He tasted some, because no sugar was added, the taste was not so good, it was sour, but it was made.

At this time, Xiaomei hurried to find her, and said that the young lady had a stomachache, and she was too uncomfortable to be there, so she asked Du He to go and have a look.

"Xiaomei, how can you eat so many pastries for Miss, it's no wonder that you don't have a stomachache after eating so many pastries!

And you, little girl, are really inconsiderate. It really pisses me off! "Du He came to Du Lian's room and saw some rice cakes and other pastries on the table nearby. Knowing that the little girl Du Lian had eaten secretly again, he couldn't help but pointed at Du Lian and Xiao Mei and scolded them there.

Facing Du He's reprimand, Xiaomei knelt on the ground in fright, while Du Lian looked at her second brother bitterly.

"I'm really scared of you. Xiaomei go to the kitchen and bring the hawthorn juice that the young master has just made to the young lady!" Du He glanced at them, then helplessly stroked his forehead and ordered Xiaomei.

When Xiaomei heard that her young master didn't punish herself, and there was a way to treat the young lady, she hurried to the kitchen.

Du He sat on the head of the Du Lian kang, silently looking at the ugly little girl in front of her.

After a while, Xiaomei came back, and Du He asked Xiaomei to feed Du Lian some hawthorn juice. Although the effect was not immediate, it made the little girl's stomach feel better, but the symptoms of nausea and vomiting still persisted.

Du He had no choice but to let Du Lian drink some hawthorn juice, and after a while she vomited, or went to the toilet, it would make her feel better.

But in this case, Du He didn't stay, but let Xiaomei stay to take care of Du Lian, and told her what might happen, and then went back to her room to sleep.

After all, he has been tired all day, and he has experienced so much in one day, he really can't stand it anymore.

So after returning to the room and washing up, Du He went to bed early and fell asleep soon.

As for Du Lian, it was a miserable day. After tossing and going back and forth several times, she finally got over it and fell asleep.

However, when Du He woke up early in the morning, it was obvious that the little girl had become much weaker. Du He did not comfort her, but took it as a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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