Chapter 216
"Husband, I think it's almost done. I'm going to reveal my secrets after the performance, and next time, can you not let me play such a shrew! If this gets out, how can I behave?" Li Xin looked depressed. Complained to Duhe.

Facing Li Xin's complaints, Du He just smiled at her, and then comforted her, "Don't worry, even if it gets out, it's just what other people think. In my eyes, you will always be the most gentle and considerate daughter-in-law." ! So you don’t have to bear this burden!”

"As long as you can say, I really despise me when the time comes, see if I don't tickle you to death! Hmph!" Li Xin wrinkled her nose and gave him a white look, and threatened him.

Seeing Li Xin's little expression, Du He's whole body turned pale, and he also found that his daughter-in-law was becoming more and more like a girl in front of him, acting like a baby to him from time to time.

Even if in her opinion, it wasn't coquettish at all, it was just a part of their daily life.

And all of this was spoiled by her little husband. Women are like this. Under the pampering of a man they love, they will really live younger and younger, and Li Xin and the others are like this.

"Okay, I got it, I'm really afraid of you! I don't know if you give birth to me a daughter like you, then I will suffer!" Du He gently pinched her little nose , said to her.

But Li Xin didn't think there was anything wrong with this, instead she kissed Du He, and then sent Du He out with a smile.

On the other side, Li Shimin and Kong Yingda had already been completely overwhelmed by Li Xin's lion-like roar from the river.

"Second Li, you are so shameless! How old are you? This child only finds elders when he quarrels. You are an old man, and you are going to ask your sister to sue your brother-in-law. You have no shame. !" Du He cursed at Li Shimin in a low voice as soon as he arrived at the place where Li Shimin was.

And I don't know if this guy is addicted to acting. While scolding, he turned his head to see if Li Xin had followed. His expression and actions showed a strict wife's control to the fullest. No one could tell it was fake. , is acting.

Isn't it because of Du He's operation, Wang De and other servants looked stupid in an instant, and even some court ladies almost didn't laugh.

Li Shimin was speechless for a while, but he didn't know how to refute, and even looked at Du He's miserable appearance, and felt sympathetic in his heart.

After all, this man!I have never experienced the fear of being dominated by a tigress at home, so I can't show such a state at all.

Of course Li Shimin would know, it's not that he has a strict wife, but he has seen too many scenes like this.

As for who it is, it goes without saying that it is the first time that Datang's wife has strict control over Fang Qiaofang Xuanling. After all, Datang's first wife has strict control, and he believes that no one dares to let the second.

It so happened that Li Shimin had seen Fang Xuanling's predicament several times, so he recognized Du He as a strict wife at a glance.
That's why Li Shimin felt a little sorry for Du He even if he was scolded by Du He.

After all, it is entirely due to Du He that he behaved like this. If he hadn't bestowed the marriage, how could Du He have married Li Xin and Zheng Guanyin.

If Du He hadn't married Li Xin and the others, this would not have happened.

That's why Li Shimin was made like this. I don't know if he should be angry. After all, he is an emperor anyway. If he is scolded like this, there is really no one else except this bastard in front of him. Even if there is, he is scolding behind his back, like him There is really no second person who scolds face to face like this, but he just can't get angry like this, don't you think it's strange!

"Okay, look at your ugly face, another woman bullies you, and you still have the face to howl like me, it's really an embarrassment to the men of the Tang Dynasty!" Li Shimin cursed at Du He.

"Am I ashamed? I really don't want to be ashamed! But as for the two tigresses you gave me, I dare to mess with that one!"

"Why don't you dare to mess with me, even if you don't dare to mess with my sister, then..."

"That fart! You are still here and there, now, she is not as good as your sister, after all, a phoenix that sheds hair is not as good as a chicken, but that little girl is there, I can't afford it! If this beats her mother , she can fight me desperately, you say that in this way, who else can I provoke, and who else will I dare to provoke, and all these are not all caused by you!"

After Du He finished speaking, he stared at Li Shimin angrily, and found a place to sit down depressed.

And Li Shimin was a little speechless after being surrounded by Du He. After all, he knew who the little girl Du He was talking about, and he knew a little bit about the little girl's status in the Du family from his own daughter. It's really the baby of the Du family.

Although there was Du He's reason for this, after all, without Du He's pampering, the little girl could not have such a status, but now that her status has risen, this guy seems to really care about that little girl.

This naturally makes sense why he didn't dare to provoke Zheng Guanyin.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin actually smiled unkindly.

"You're laughing! It's not all good things you do.

Also, I don't know what kind of heart you have in mind, you reward things when you say you reward them, why did you bring a group of maids over here!
Can my small body be tortured by those coquettish bastards?Or do you think that I have so many awards at such a young age, and you are afraid that there will be no seals in the future, and you want to kill me! " Du He saw that Li Shimin was smiling, and cursed at him again, and asked him if he was unhappy with him and wanted to kill him.

This time, Li Shimin was completely confused. He rewarded those maids out of good intentions, and they have become coquettish sluts.
Even Kong Yingda, who was over half a hundred years old, looked puzzled.

"My uncle! Haven't you heard the saying that women are like wolves at thirty and tigers at forty, as long as they turn on the switch of their intercourse, they can't stop.

Besides, the two of my family are still very beautiful and have a good temperament. Facing such a woman, do you think I am desperate or desperate!
And I'm desperate, you're sending me so many coquettish sluts, you say you don't want me to die or why do you want me? " Du He looked at Li Shimin and Kong Yingda, showing that he had never seen the world, and couldn't help explaining to them.

And this explanation, the two old men naturally understood, but their expressions became a little unnatural.

After all, such a private matter is naturally a little embarrassing for these people who have been educated in Confucianism.

"Why are you all twitching! You're an old man. It's not like you haven't experienced these things before. What's so embarrassing? Besides, the sage said that sexual desire is human nature. You guys are so shy." Fart!" Sitting there, Du He said, looking at them with disdain and contempt.

(End of this chapter)

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