Datang little husband

Chapter 214 Compatibility

Chapter 214 Compatibility
Li Shimin didn't regard himself as an outsider, so he asked his servants to prepare a room for him, and then brought Kong Yingda to discuss in the room.

Slowly, a big plan came to life on the paper.

After all, now that Du He has started, the follow-up must follow, and what the follow-up is is naturally the classics of various schools of thought and various history books.

Of course, to accomplish this, Kong Yingda has to work hard. After all, there were no punctuation marks before, and many classic expressions were not very standard.

Even for every allusion or a sentence of a sage, there will be countless interpretations.

Even these annotations are the standard for judging the level of a great Confucian.

As a result, many students are overwhelmed because they can get this great Confucianist to give lectures.

After all, if the understanding of this word is wrong, it will lead to a different interpretation of the ideological content of the whole classic, what's more, if you learn the classics of the ancestors by mistake, you will still follow them as the Bible!And advertise it as such.

Just like the sentence "A gentleman is far away from the cook", the original meaning is that Mencius advised King Xuan of Qi to practice benevolence and not to cause too many killings. However, gradually under the misinterpretation of some people, it became a general reference, men should To do what a gentleman does, stay out of the kitchen.

It seems that entering the kitchen and engaging in cooking is not what a gentleman does, it is simply a joke.

But this kind of statement has become commonplace among scholars, and even among ordinary people.

And this is the consequence of unclear sentences and unclear interpretations.

From this we can see the significance of the appearance of this punctuation mark to the entire literati world.

If all the literati in the future use the classics annotated by Kong Yingda as the standard, then this achievement will be as great as the sky.

That's why he was so excited when he saw this punctuation mark. After all, as one of the few remaining great Confucian scholars in the Tang Dynasty, no one could surpass him in this ability to annotate classics.

Of course, Li Shimin also knew this, so when they discussed before, he planned to focus on Kong Yingda, supplemented by other famous literati, and together complete this great cause that will benefit the present and the future.

At the same time, Li Shimin did not forget to find someone to annotate other classics that are still circulating!

Although Kong Yingda was a little displeased with this, in the current situation, in order to explain his Confucian classics, he could only compromise silently.

Therefore, the timing chosen by Du He is quite good, but any other time, another emperor may not have such an effect.

After all, not everyone is like Li Shimin. For all schools of thought, it has always been whoever can use it and who can play its role.

And throughout history, the ones who can do this are not the ones who are famous throughout the ages, but the emperors who only know a little bit, or are brainwashed by those sour scholars, and they are just like that.

Take Li Shimin's reign as an example. Although it seems that the Confucian family is the most powerful, in fact, none of the civil servants under him is a scholar.

Otherwise, how could Datang develop so well.

After all, there is only one school of Confucianism. Even after thousands of years of baptism and continuous improvement, it is still impossible to make a country rich and strong with the strength of one family.

During the entire period of Li Shimin's administration, Datang became the dynasty that countless people yearn for. The reason is that he managed to make countless thoughts collide with him.

Otherwise, if there is only one theory, how did Tang Heng Dao come about? You must know that the forging and craftsmen are all based on the theory of Mohism, and even if there are deviations, it is because of the changes of the times.

There are also agriculture, military affairs, and the laws of the Tang Dynasty. Are these based on the peasants, military strategists, and legalists among the hundreds of schools of thought?

Although because of Confucianism, most of these theories have been put on the cloak of Confucianism, which is unavoidable.

But even so, if those in power must respect Confucianism, then the later Zhenguan rule would never have occurred in the Tang Dynasty.

However, from this point, we have to admit that the greatness and courage of the Confucian sages can do such a thing as compatible with a hundred schools of thought, and that is not anyone who has the courage.

Therefore, although the various schools of thought completely lost the opportunity to rule a country with one family during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods after the Han Dynasty, many things of the various schools of thought were integrated into Confucianism in different forms and were slowly passed down.

It's just that the era of such ideological collisions has passed, and with the rise of the old-school Confucian literati in the Song Dynasty, Confucianism has completely lost its spirit.

Only then did future generations say that Confucianism harms people, and that there is no inheritance from a hundred schools of thought.

But in fact, throughout history, the inheritance of hundreds of schools has really been cut off, and it is true to say that it has been cut off, because the central idea of ​​many schools of thought has been cut off, but it is not broken, because many of the core competencies on which hundreds of schools rely for survival are still It has been passed down in the way of integrating Confucianism and all families in the world.

After all, the ideas of some schools of thought are really inconsistent, just like strategists. Their idea is to unite all forces that can be united to achieve their own goals. Or even the emperor is just a pawn in their hands in their eyes.

This is true for emperors, let alone ordinary people.

But with Confucianism as the basis, they are practicing political strategists, because they have a bottom line in their hearts and moral constraints, what they do will not be so unscrupulous, just like modern diplomats.

So are the strategists gone?Disappeared on the one hand, but not on the other, their theories have been sublimated to a certain extent.

And there are many more such examples.

And this is the reason why the entire Chinese nation was able to call itself Han after Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty exclusively respected Confucianism.

Because Confucianism has established moral standards for people, condensed beliefs and thoughts, and enabled the entire Chinese nation to have a unified ideological inheritance.

Therefore, in that period of Confucianism, the sages who were able to propose compatibility and reform were all sages with great courage and great thinking.

Even if they are just for the better inheritance of Confucianism, it has to be said that their greatness should be remembered by countless descendants of China and the Han nation.

It’s just that Confucianism later became unpopular among many literati, and whenever there was a discussion about cultural heritage, they would be pulled out and whipped.

That is mainly due to the Confucianism of the later generations, who were blinded by their own interests and played themselves bad step by step.

Not to mention the civil official group in the Song Dynasty, as a civil official, he said that he learned Confucianism and practiced Confucianism, but behind the scenes Confucianism is people-oriented, inclusive, polite, honest and shameful. You have not learned it at all, but corruption. You are proficient in everything.

Can you represent Confucianism in this way?
(End of this chapter)

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