Chapter 103
Du He sat on the chair and looked at the blue sky outside through the window. He couldn't help but think about what the future would be like. His arrival would leave a trace of the prosperous Tang Dynasty in history, and what would happen? color.

Maybe he will meet the businessman Du He, maybe he will be Du Ruhui, but Du He knows that the most likely thing is to leave a mark in the long river of history because of a woman!

Who made his woman so famous, she is a woman who will be remembered by history, and their combination of ten years apart, when and where it is put, it is undisputed that it can become a topic of people's gossip .

But when Du He thought of Li Xin's kindness to him, Du He felt that this is also very good!On the contrary, Zheng Guanyin really doesn't know what to do now.

"Master, master, we have already made our soap according to the formula you gave, take a look..."

"Young Master, Second Young Master, hurry up and take a look, all the preparations for our wine shop are done, when do you see us..."

"Why are you, what are you doing here?" ×2
Just when Du He was still lamenting the impermanence of life, suddenly two hurried and excited voices came from outside the study room, then stopped abruptly, and finally turned into a neat and identical questioning.

For this kind of voice, Du He didn't know how many times he heard it in the past month. In every industry, every project, as long as there is something they don't understand or a little progress is made, these managers will come over .

And as long as they meet here, such a conversation will definitely happen again.

"Okay, everyone is a big man. It happens every time. If you don't bother me, I will still be annoying! Isn't it just soap? Then use the soap for laundry, the soap for washing hair and bathing at home. Everyone sends a little bit, I think who told me that there is not much washing and bathing!

As for the brewery is done, then start trying to make wine for me!Why come to me!Is it me who can make wine or I can make wine, when the wine is ready, you are coming to claim credit for me, now, immediately, immediately, get out of here! " Du He came out of the study, and cursed at the two stewards who had come to the yard.

Hearing their young master's scolding, they didn't have the slightest fear on their faces. Instead, they grinned at Du He, because after getting along with each other for a month, they understood some of their young master's temper, so they can still scold you , it means that the young master still values ​​you, but if you do something wrong and don't scold you, but with a cold smile on your face, it means you have played.

Before this, there was a manager in charge of jewelry processing, who not only squeezed the craftsmen under his hands, but also filled his own pockets. Even after being discovered by Du He, he found a big recommendation there on the grounds that Du He did not understand this jewelry processing. reason, trying to cover up the past.

And that time, a steward in charge of the orchard happened to follow. According to him, he was so scared that day that he pissed. He later said that his first absolutely angry reaction was not roaring or throwing things, but a kind look. smile, and then send people straight to hell in that smile.

Du He was like this that day, but after he found out that something was wrong, Du He didn't get angry, but asked people to control the steward, and then started an investigation. They were beaten to death with sticks and hanged at the gate of the workshop for three days, and the family member who was in charge did not end well. Anyway, I never saw them afterwards, and no one knew whether they were alive or dead. Same as evaporation.

At that moment, they realized that their young master still had such a terrifying side. After all, the unknown is the scariest thing. However, no one had pity on the steward. is despised by all.

After all, this person can do such a thing for a little money now, and when the master's family lives and dies, can he also betray for money, so such a person, no matter which family it is, will be cleaned up as soon as he finds out !

It's just that Du He's ruthlessness exceeded many people's expectations. He beat people to death and hung them up to show the public, and he was smiling the whole time. Many people don't have this kind of ruthlessness!

Also because of this incident, Du He has a nickname in the circle of some dignitaries in Chang'an, "Smiling Evil Ghost".

Du He naturally knew about such a nickname, but he didn't care about it at all, and thought it was not bad.

"Young master, you said you would distribute soap to us too, how much is appropriate?" The steward in charge of soap took two steps, suddenly realized something, stopped and asked Du He cautiously.

"How much? How do I know!

You wouldn't ask someone to take a piece of soap and let him use it to see how long a piece of soap can last for a family of three, and then distribute it based on this standard!How stupid! "When Du He heard this question, he was so angry that he cursed loudly there.

The steward who was scolded heard that this is a good way!Repeatedly rushed to Du He to explain clearly, and then left.

As soon as they left, Du He went back to the study and told the servants outside not to let anyone disturb him.

But everything is not always so arbitrary, he had just been clean for a while, when he heard the people below report that the king of Yue was coming.

Hearing King Yue, Du He didn't react for a while, but the people below reminded him in a low voice that he was the Fourth Prince.

It was only then that Du He remembered that the current little fat Li Tai hadn't been crowned King of Wei yet.

But the next moment, after Du He reacted, he rummaged around for something.

After a while, Du He found a wooden stick as thick as a baby's forearm in the corner, and ran out angrily.

This scared the servants around, and when a maid saw this, she quickly ran to the backyard to find Li Xin.

But at this moment, Du He had already rushed to the front yard with a wooden stick in his hand. As soon as he saw Li Tai walking around with a little girl, Du He yelled at Li Tai. He shouted, "Little fat man, you dare to come here. If I don't beat you to death today, my surname will not be Du!" After shouting, Du He rushed towards Li Tai.

When Li Tai saw Du He coming out, he thought he was coming to greet him, but when he saw the wooden stick in Du He's hand and Du He's menacing appearance, he trembled unconsciously.

Then when he heard Du He's shout, he ran away in fright.

And Du He became like this, because he never forgot how much trouble this little fat man has caused him. It can be said that he will be called a mad young woman and a pervert under the age of Li Tai. The little fat man did it.

Even the confrontation with the Zheng family was all because of Li Tai. If it wasn't for him, a fat man, chewing his tongue in front of Li Shimin, how could he, Du He, become a successor at a young age.

Now that Li Tai dared to approach him, it was no wonder Du He was not angry.

(End of this chapter)

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