Datang little husband

Chapter 10 The Backbone of the Han Family

Chapter 10 The Backbone of the Han Family
At the same time, Du He didn't want to get involved in the court of right and wrong.

And then again, although Du He didn't expect that his rare system would be so cheating, but in line with the principle of spending less money, spend less money.

From the very beginning, Du He’s goal is to have green peppers that are not yet mature, but the green peppers need to be mature, so spring and summer are fine, and early autumn is also fine, but only this winter, if you want them to be ripe, there is nothing special Way, that's really impossible.

Although before that, Du He started to build the greenhouse, at any rate, in order to write novels, and even to try to write as realistically as possible, Du He searched for some information on Du Niang.

So he still knows the construction of this simple version of the greenhouse.

But there is also a problem, that is, the ghost knows how authentic the answers on Du Niang are.

In addition, he also had to consider the technological issues of the current era, so Du He continued to experiment for nearly a month, and only then did he build the greenhouse a week before he earned the money to exchange peppers, and he also smoothly welcomed his future after crossing. The test of the first snow.

Although it is not as good as the heat preservation and light transmission of the greenhouses built with thermal insulation films in later generations, after increasing labor costs, his greenhouses made of high-quality silk, linen and straw, and adding charcoal from time to time to improve the interior of the greenhouse. The temperature, the effect of his greenhouse is still good.

Anyway, many of the vegetables he planted before were growing well. The peppers after transplanting not only survived, but also grew well.

Therefore, Du He is still very satisfied with his foresight and the results.

Of course, what I am more satisfied with is the warm kang that he brought people to make. Because it is really simple to make and the materials are not hard to find, he succeeded in one attempt.

After the winter, lying in the room with heated kang every day, the small life was not to mention how comfortable it was.

Of course, for such a good thing, as a son of man, although Du He failed to go home, he still asked the housekeeper Fu Bo to take the professional decoration team trained by Du He to Lai Guogong's mansion and make it for his wife's yard. The heated kang was also remodeled for his elder brother and younger sister's yard.

At first, Du Gou and the others didn't think it was useful, but since winter, they have fallen in love with this heated kang.

After all, in the cold winter, there is a warm place without worrying about problems caused by burning charcoal. Who can not love this.

It's just that their family had a better winter, but the winter of other people, even the emperor Li Shimin, may not have a better winter. Although the palace has mature heating technology, the cost of heating is too expensive.

In the past few years, Li Shimin was naturally reluctant to build because of the shame of the Weishui Alliance and his pursuit of saving and accumulating national strength.

Although the Eastern Turkic Kingdom that brought him shame this year has been destroyed by him, but after the war, the money accumulated before has also been consumed a lot. With the addition of rewards, the palace this year is not much better than in previous years, so naturally he will not be so extravagant built a greenhouse.

In fact, in Du He's view, Li Shimin was prodigal, and the Eastern Turkic Kingdom was finally destroyed, and the Eastern Turkic Khan was also arrested, but for the sake of his reputation, he directly changed to put him under house arrest. Most of them were released, and failed to form a good management of the territory left by the entire East Turkic.

This also laid the foundation for the birth of nomadic peoples that continued to attack the Han family on the prairie.

You must know that Li Shimin's destruction of the Eastern Turks can be said to be the first and only time that the Han people completely conquered the northern nomads and completely incorporated that area into the Chinese territory.

But because of Li Shimin's so-called benevolence, he failed to completely conquer there, leaving endless troubles for future generations.

Even later, the nomads were allowed to directly enter the Central Plains and enslave the Han family for nearly a hundred years. If it weren't for the rise of the beggar emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, although the Han nation would not perish, the backbone of the body would be broken.

Just like the Qing Dynasty after the Ming Dynasty, it was a group of guys without a backbone, and it was also this group of people who completely ruined the last backbone of the Chinese nation and signed countless treaties that forfeited power and humiliated the country in modern times.

So when Du He knew that he had traveled to the Tang Dynasty, and it was only a few months after the Great Tang eradicated the Eastern Turks, he wanted to speak up more than once.

Let Li Shimin implement a more harsh system, and turn those Turkic captives into slaves of the Tang Dynasty, completely break the backbone of these nomads, and implement assimilation education for their next generation, and at the same time recruit a group of Han people into the northern grasslands, so that It has completely become a part of the Chinese nation.

And these are what Du He learned from the early Qing Dynasty. Although the rulers of the Qing Dynasty, especially the later generations, were too rubbish, I have to admit that their policies at the beginning were really good, and they were obviously just a population. A small number of ethnic groups can actually rule the Han people who are dozens of times larger than their population.

What did they rely on? They relied on the crazy killings in the early stage. The three massacres in Yangzhou on the tenth day of Jiading completely shattered the integrity and backbone of a nation. After that, they gave small favors and small favors, just like this Han family that has been passed down for thousands of years. , just gone.

Some are just a group of Manchu people trying to survive.

We must know how many people were unwilling to let those Han people cut off their whips that symbolized slavery when the Manchu Qing Dynasty fell.

Although many people say that it is only because of the inclusiveness of the Han people, it is undeniable that the Han people did not dominate the entire land of China in the end.

Because the Han nationality has such a characteristic, that is, it is too inclusive, and they can absorb the culture and characteristics of any foreign invader, allowing them to gradually Sinicize.

The same is true of the Qing Dynasty. Although the Manchu Qing Dynasty has retained its own national characteristics after entering the customs, the Manchu Qing emperors of all dynasties still used the Han Chinese style when governing the country.

But it cannot be denied that the backbone of the Han people was shattered under the Manchu Qing rule, even in modern times.

Otherwise, where did so many traitors and surrenderers come from?

Just knowing and doing are two different things, so Du He has been procrastinating until now, and there are not many opportunities left.

But this also reflects a problem, Du He is still an ordinary person after all, even if he transmigrated and became the son of the Duke, his cautious temperament still remained the same.

The reason for his temper is related to his values, that is, the more people know, the more timid he becomes, just like the story of a kind-hearted person often reported in later generations who went to help an old man and was blackmailed in the end, once or twice It can't extinguish the kindness in people's hearts, but knowing that there are too many such things, people's hearts will be numb, and they will become irrelevant and hang up.

And Du He is like this, so he is just an ordinary person.

(End of this chapter)

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