Chapter 123 Heart Devouring Demon Clan
When Liu Feng returned to his office, he said, "The initial plan failed, we have to make another plan."

A man in black robe stepped out from a dark corner.

"what happened?"

"The city token of Linhai City is in Lu Chuan's hands, and the cards in my hand are basically invalid."

Hearing this news, the man in black was a little surprised.

Liu Feng looked at the man in black and asked, "Why didn't you cancel the effect of the puppet pill in Liu Sheng's body?"

The man in black shook his head and said, "There is only one way to get rid of the puppet pill, and that is to kill the master."

Hearing this, Liu Feng was a little helpless.

"It's too late to say anything now. The token of the city is in Lu Chuan's hands, and he has the final say on Linhai City."

The man in black thought for a while, and then said, "It's not too late, please invite Lu Chuan here now."

Liu Feng was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Do you want to attack him now?"

The man in black nodded and said: "If we don't do it now, it will be very difficult for us to find a chance to do so when the Dragon City troops arrive."

Liu Feng thought for a while, then said: "Okay, I'll send someone to invite him over now."

At the same time, Liu Sheng's office.

Lu Chuan sat on a chair, playing with the city token in his hand.

Liu Sheng bowed and stood aside, not daring to take a breath, let alone look at Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan handed the token to Liu Sheng and said, "Liu Sheng, remove the city lord status."

"Okay, Santo."

Liu Sheng took the token and operated on it.

Not long after, a milky white light group emerged from the city token.

The light group made a majestic voice: "City Master Liu Sheng, do you voluntarily remove the status of City Master of Linhai City?"

Liu Sheng nodded and replied, "Yes."

"The identity of the city lord was successfully removed."

After Guang Tuan finished speaking, he re-entered the city token.

Liu Sheng respectfully handed the token of the city to Lu Chuan.

After Lu Chuan took it, he put it away.

"Liu Sheng, tell me what you think of Liu Feng."

Liu Sheng said quickly: "City Lord, senior brother has no interest in Linhai City on the surface, but secretly he has always wanted to compete with me for the position of City Lord."

"According to my initial understanding, there is a force behind him helping him."

Lu Chuan raised his head, a little surprised.

"You also know that there is a force behind him?"

Liu Sheng nodded and said, "Actually, Master told me. After Master discovered this force, he began to make a lot of preparations."

"Before he died, Master handed over Linhai City to me. On the one hand, it was because Liu Feng was an ordinary person, and on the other hand, it was also because he didn't want the city to fall into the hands of others."

Lu Chuan stroked his chin and asked, "How much did your master tell you about the details of that force?"

Liu Sheng shook his head and said, "Master doesn't know either. After he found out, he was killed by them before he could investigate."

Hearing this, Lu Chuan frowned.

It seems that this mysterious force is very vigilant and decisive.

"I'll handle Liu Feng's matter and that mysterious force.

What I want to know is, after Longcheng took over Linhai City, what can people in Linhai City use now, which ones should be used with caution, and which ones cannot be used? "

Liu Sheng thought about it for a while and then replied: "The people on Liu Feng's side, the city lord should try to use and use them with caution, and the people on my side are the same."

"Oh? You have Liu Feng's undercover agent by your side, and you still don't know the identity of the undercover agent?"

Liu Sheng nodded and said, "The people around me are all left to me by Master, and I don't really know them well."

Lu Chuan laughed when he heard that.

But for Liu Sheng, Lu Chuan expressed his satisfaction.

A puppet must have the awareness of a puppet, and Liu Sheng's awareness is very good now.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and a voice came in.

"City Lord, Deputy City Lord Liu would like to invite City Lord Lu Chuan to his office to discuss important matters."

Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Liu Sheng looked at Lu Chuan and asked hesitantly: "City Lord, Liu Feng may not have good intentions when he invites you to his office."

When Lu Chuan heard this, he stroked his chin and began to think.

After a while, Lu Chuan got up and said, "It's okay to go there, no matter what tricks he is playing, I have no fear."

Now the Ninth Continent is still in the power blockade period, and the highest supernatural power is below the fifth level.

Lu Chuan's strength exceeds the fourth level, that's because he is the protagonist and he has a system.

Xiaolong and Xiaofeng are special because their masters are the protagonists.

Liu Sheng was helpless, but he could only go with Lu Chuan.

After leaving Liu Feng's office, he turned a few turns and arrived in front of Liu Feng's office.

Suddenly, Liu Sheng, who was following behind, gasped.

Lu Chuan asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Sheng pointed to the log sign on the office door, and said, "City Master, before today, there was no such thing on the door of the senior brother's office."

Hearing this, Lu Chuan looked at the wooden sign, and the detection function was automatically turned on.

[Treasure: One of the formation cores of the Heart Devouring Demon Formation
The Heart-devouring Demon Formation is a unique formation of the Mind-devouring Demon Clan. The supernatural beings in the formation will be gradually devoured by the formation, and eventually become the puppets of the Heart-devouring Demon Clan.

The working principle of the formation: the Heart-eating Demons use the formation to implant the Heart-eating Curse into the body of the supernatural being;
As long as there is supernatural energy in the body of the supernatural person, after resisting the wishes of the heart-devouring demons, they will suffer the pain of thousands of ants eating their hearts.

Cracking method:

1. Self-defeating ability to become an ordinary person
2. Destroy the formation core before it is fully controlled]

After reading the information returned by the detection function, Lu Chuan's face became gloomy.

The profiler function gives a lot of information, and it is also very important.

The mysterious forces behind Liu Feng surfaced, they were the Heart Devouring Demon Clan.

Liu Feng's office is currently a Mind Eater Demon Formation. Liu Feng invited Lu Chuan over because he wanted to turn Lu Chuan into his puppet.

While Lu Chuan was concentrating on the system, the door of Liu Feng's office just opened, and Liu Feng walked out with a smile on his face.

"City Master Lu Chuan, Junior Brother, you are here, please come in quickly."

Liu Feng stepped aside, wanting Lu Chuan to enter the office first.

But Lu Chuan didn't take a step forward, but asked with a smile, "Is there something important that you called me over?"

Liu Feng was stunned for a moment, then said: "Yes, I want to chat with City Lord Lu Chuan about the issue of taking over the city."

Lu Chuan waved his hand and said, "No need, I've made it very clear about the takeover of Linhai City."

"No matter what the problem is, it can be solved with city tokens."

Hearing Lu Chuan's words, the smile on Liu Feng's face froze, and he said with a smile:
"In that case, then City Lord Lu Chuan, come in and have a cup of tea. I just want to tell City Lord Lu Chuan some thoughts about the future of Linhai City."

Lu Chuan still refused.

"I don't have time today. I'm going to start building a private teleportation array today. It will happen in a few days. At that time, Dragon City will officially take over Linhai City, and I will be free."

"Actually, I also really want to talk to you. I know you have unique insights into city governance, but building a teleportation array is the most important thing right now."

Hearing this, the disappointment in Liu Feng's eyes disappeared in a flash.

"In this case, I will invite City Lord Lu Chuan to drink tea with me in a few days."

Lu Chuan smiled and nodded in response, then turned around and took Liu Sheng away.

Seeing Lu Chuan's disappearing figure, a hint of anger and helplessness flashed across Liu Feng's face.

He walked into the office and spread his hands.

"You saw it too."

The man in black nodded and said, "He is more difficult to deal with than imagined."

Liu Feng frowned and asked, "Did he discover something?"

The man in black shook his head and said, "It's unlikely. Our Heart Eater Demon Clan is very small and we don't show up in public. The world of the city masters knows about our existence, but very few."

"Continue to look for opportunities. It really doesn't matter if you wait until Longcheng takes over Linhai City. Anyway, as long as you control Lu Chuan at that time, all problems will be solved."

Liu Feng nodded helplessly.

For now, we can only wait.

It's just that there is always an ominous premonition in his heart, which can't be said, but it bothers him very much.

On this side, on the way back to Liu Sheng's office, Lu Chuan's face was always gloomy.

After explaining some things to Liu Sheng, Lu Chuan took Long Wen to build a teleportation formation.

After involving the Heart Devouring Demon Clan, Lu Chuan felt that the situation in Linhai City was more complicated than imagined.

Therefore, no time should be wasted, the teleportation array must be dealt with first, and only then will the entire Linhai City be wiped out by calling the army over.


At the same time, Dragon City.

At the gate of the city, the city entry certificate distribution center.

At one processing window, the staff member said apologetically, "I'm sorry, during the disaster assessment period, Dragon City will no longer process the entry certificate for the chamber of commerce delegation."

The stern-faced middle-aged man frowned and said, "In this case, let's apply for an ordinary city entry certificate."

The staff member said with a smile on his face: "Of course there is no problem, but the ordinary certificate can only live in the city for three days."

"The time is up, please consciously leave the city."

With that said, the staff gave a token to the middle-aged man.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, and I hope you can have fun in Dragon City."

The middle-aged man took the token without saying anything, then got up and walked to the side.

There are five people waiting for him over there, and these five people are representatives of this chamber of commerce.

The staff watched the middle-aged man leave, and inadvertently pressed a button on the table with his finger.

"Next person, please provide your reason for entering the city and relevant identification."

On this side, the middle-aged man and those five people entered Dragon City smoothly after obtaining the city entry certificate.

"Find a stronghold, and then look for the target."

In Zilanxuan, in the private room on the top floor, Yan Lingji and Mrs. Mingzhu were lazily lying on the couch.

Nongyu concentrated on playing the piano in the room.

She frowned slightly, and felt dissatisfied after playing it several times.

Mrs. Mingzhu said with a smile: "Sister Nongyu, you are serious. That's what the city lord said, but you took it seriously. You don't think that the city lord really understands the sound of the piano, do you?"

Hearing this, Nongyu stopped his movements and sighed slightly.

Mingzhu said this because the last time Nongyu played for Lu Chuan, Lu Chuan said that the piece lacked a bit of feeling.

After receiving Lu Chuan's evaluation, Nongyu spent the past few days trying to adjust it, hoping to play for Lu Chuan next time to satisfy him.

Yan Lingji sat up from the couch, and pulled up the slipped shoulder straps.

This kind of suspender skirt is the city lord's favorite, and it looks good, but there is a shortcoming.

The straps keep slipping off.

Yan Lingji stretched her waist and said, "Sister Nongyu, next time you wear cooler clothes and play for the city lord, he won't say you don't feel it."

Hearing this, Nong Yuqiao's face turned pink.

If she really dressed like that, even if the city lord felt it, it would make her blush and her heart beat.

At this time, the door opened, and Zi Nu walked in holding Xiao Anle.

At this time, Xiao Anle had already fallen asleep in Zi Nu's arms.

"Six fourth-level high-level supernatural beings entered the city, and the coir raincoat sent a message that they were dead men sent by Nanqing City and Kehai City."

The three women stood up at the same time.

Zi Nu shook her head and said: "We are not strong enough, I have already notified Zhang Han and Xuan Jian."

Mrs. Mingzhu licked her rosy lips, and said, "We have just been promoted to the fourth level junior, so we should find someone to practice."

"You can't win by fighting alone, so let's fight together. We are all little girls anyway, so there is no need to talk about the virtues of gentlemen."

Yan Lingji smiled and nodded, "Miss Mingzhu is right."

Zinu looked at Nongyu and saw that she was also eager to try, so she smiled wryly, "In that case, let's go together."


In a residential house, six people sit together, but they are clearly separated.

On the left is the death squad sent by Kehai City. The squad leader is Xuan San, and the two men under him are Xuan Qi and Xuan Ba.

On the right is the death squad sent by Nanqing City. The squad leader is called Zhao Si, and the two men under him are called Zhao Jiu and Zhao Shi.

Xuan San was the first to speak and said, "According to our previous intelligence, no major incidents have occurred, and Lu Chuan basically stays in the City Lord's Mansion."

"Therefore, if we want to kill him, we must enter the City Lord's Mansion area."

"However, according to the information, the area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion is populated by high-level people in Dragon City, and the guards are very strong."

"So before killing Lu Chuan, our most important task is to get close to him."

Zhao Si's face was still grim.

"Let's go to that area to find out the situation tonight, and then make plans... who is it?"

Halfway through Zhao Si's speech, his complexion changed.

The six stood up in unison, took out their weapons, leaned their backs together, and scanned the room.

The door of the room was suddenly opened, and Zhang Han and Xuan Jian stood outside the door.

Behind the two, the four Nongyu girls were wearing black combat uniforms, black veils on their faces, and their respective weapons in their hands.

Seeing the person coming, Xuansanliu and the others also understood.

They should have been exposed.

But this shocked the six of them.

The actions of the six of them are top secret, and their identities cannot be mistaken.

Now, they were exposed as soon as they entered Dragon City, which is too unbelievable.

Without any language before the confrontation, the entire residential building was destroyed by the supernatural fluctuation in an instant.

Around the dwellings, the city guards had already set up a cordon, and no one was allowed to enter within 1000 meters.

In the distance, residents, refugees, and outsiders can only see the soaring light produced by the fluctuation of the supernatural power, and can only hear the violent explosion caused by the collision of supernatural powers.

"What's going on? The battle is so fierce."

"Could it be another powerful superhuman who broke into Dragon City?"

"Tch, no matter how strong you are, we in Dragon City are not afraid."

"That's right, no matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than our city lord?"


There was a lot of discussion among the people, but the intensity of the battle over there still hasn't weakened in the slightest.

Finally, an hour later, the battle was over.

All they saw were ruins and six corpses.

Lu Chuan didn't know what happened in Dragon City.

At this moment, he was thinking about how to deal with the Heart Devouring Demon Clan.

If you want to solve the Heart Devouring Demon Clan, you must first find all their hiding places, and then you can destroy them, and then you can completely solve this trouble.

Looking for the hiding place of the Mind Devourer, the breakthrough point is Liu Feng.

But how to find a breakthrough from Liu Feng, Lu Chuan needs to plan.

(End of this chapter)

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