The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 95 Testimonials on the shelves (must read!)

Chapter 95 Testimonials on the shelves (must read!)

I had the idea of ​​writing this book on July 7st, submitted it on the 1th, published it on July 5th, and put it on the shelves on August 7th (that is, tomorrow), around 6:8 noon.

This is not a short period of time, with 20 words before and after, and it is a labor effort without any income.

Listing is a process that every author has to go through. He spends days and nights, writes words after words, and always hopes that he will get something in return. This is very realistic and not artificial at all.

It stands to reason that it would sell badly on the shelves. In fact, there is no need to say too much, and I am not afraid of jokes. I was born in the poorest county town of the poorest prefecture-level city in a certain province, an ordinary rural family.

My hometown is a place that almost no one knows in the province. When it comes to prefecture-level cities, the first impression left on people is that it is backward and mountainous.

This is not pure misery, this is reality.

Of course, I also know that there is no need to feel sorry for myself. I am very grateful to my relatives.

After going to college, seeing more outstanding people, and seeing the real world, I will also feel inferior. I may have to eat or drink a house in someone else’s house for many, many years.

Big cities are places where I can't stay.

Therefore, I understand that I have to work hard in advance and do things by myself, so I am here to code.

The data of this book is not good so far, and there are not many collections. I also know that this is my own reason. The writing is not very good. Of course I have a problem.

There is nothing to say about this. I have to admit my own strengths. I never think that I write well, so I don’t refute many pointers. I admit that this is my own problem. This is a process of growing up slowly.

I hope I can use this account to write the second and third books, so that more people will remember me, and I hope to see readers who have chatted with me after a long time.

I have basically seen everyone's comments, thank you for all the kind pointers.

Of course, I will delete some meaningless abuse and insults. Everyone is a passerby. If you really don’t like me, there is nothing you can do. It’s better to get together and leave. Before that, I didn’t waste a penny of your money. I get angry.

I don't even know how many people can see this, after all, my follow-up is not good.

I really really hope that you can subscribe to the follow-up chapters. Now you can watch advertisements to get valuable coins, and the subscription is not expensive. I just want to use my own efforts to get the manuscript fee to support myself, without letting more people bear it for me.

My parents are very ordinary people who work very hard. I don’t want them to pay for me anymore, that’s all.

I sit at the computer desk all night, and the manuscript for a day is actually only one cent or two cents, and it can even be less if I update it slower.

It is also impossible for the author not to earn a penny, and then to work for free. For me, it means that I work hard to code and pay the fruits of my labor, and then you subscribe, affirm the fruits of my labor, and everyone pays and returns. fair enough.

To be honest, the manuscript fee is really not much. Many people think this figure is even pitiful, but this is the result of my own hard work, and it is also the key to supporting myself without money from my parents.

In addition, the chapter charges at the starting point are based on the number of words. After it is put on the shelves, I may sometimes use the method of large chapters in order to ensure that the order is uniform (full attendance requires [-] equal orders, and if I can’t eat full attendance, I will starve to death), but that is because There are many words, so the fee is a little more, which is exactly the same as the small chapter, and it will not deceive people.

I sincerely hope that you can subscribe to my follow-up chapters. If you are a reader who saw it on an external site, I hope to come to Qidian Chinese website to support me, thank you!

The update problem on the shelves... will explode!

One chapter is more than 4000 words, and then the explosive changes thrown together in ten chapters, I calculated it myself, it is about [-] words.

It is equivalent to about 22 chapters of other people. Throwing so many words and chapters in one go, it should not be a small number in the starting point.

I don't want to change the rules. Instead of using the saved manuscripts to "fake struggle", I might as well just post everything I can.

If possible, ask for a wave of data, I love rewards, subscriptions, and monthly tickets (I'm just so shameless).

Finally, I wish everyone who sees this place all the best.

(End of this chapter)

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