Chapter 92 Sewers

From Jiang Shiman's tone, Su Chang didn't hear any hint of a joke.

There is no need to say more about the seriousness involved.

Obviously, the sea of ​​​​stars is very large, and no matter how powerful the federation is, it cannot control everything. It is inevitable that secret things will breed in places that the federation does not control.

Of course, this does not mean that the federal government is not good, nor does it mean that the federal control and leadership capabilities are weak.

To use Jiang Shiman's subsequent explanation, any planet that has not been fully colonized will have collusion between indigenous people and major forces. This is very common and there is almost no way to solve it.

Who said that the Federation is monolithic?

At first, Su Chang thought that Jiang Shiman didn't know much about the power of the black market because he came to the black market for the first time, so he needed someone from Su to be a guide.

Not to mention protection, at least let Jiang Shiman know what he can do and when he can't do it, and how to deal with people in the black market.

At first, he didn't understand why Qian He didn't come. He didn't understand why such a junior sister was going to the black market. As a senior, Qian He didn't know why he didn't know how to send her off.

He should be the most aware of the dangers of the black market.

Now, Su Chang understands.

Of course Qian He knew the dangers of the black market, but he also understood how powerful his junior sister was.

It wasn't too long from the wasteland station.

In Su Chang's shocked expression, Jiang Shiman stopped a car on the road, smashed the bodyguard inside to death with his fist, then shot and killed an obviously distinguished man inside, and took away the vehicle.

Finally, he drove up to Su Chang and asked him to get in the car.

Looking at the luxury car whose blood was still not wiped dry, Su Chang let out a sigh of relief.

"Teacher Jiang, are you really not afraid of encountering something?"

"No one who can drive openly on the black market is simple. It will be very troublesome if they come to visit you again later."

Su Chang said it very sincerely.

Jiang Shiman also listened very seriously.

But she didn't hesitate and replied: "Don't worry, I often do this kind of thing."

"I have just checked the surrounding situation and used the special program of Zhinao to directly clear all the surrounding surveillance equipment."

"I'm also very professional in dealing with traces. I burned all those corpses."

"As for this car...give me some time."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Shiman got out of the car, and kicked some parts under the car hard, kicking out several things abruptly.

In an instant, the vehicle's chassis dropped nearly five centimeters.

At the same time, Jiang Shiman removed the car logo and obvious signs on the body, and she took out some things to spray, and the metal around the car was instantly melted.

In just 2 minutes, the entire car has undergone a huge change.

Compared with before, there is no common ground at all.

This time, Jiang Shiman pulled Su Chang up naturally, kicked the accelerator and drove the car out.

"I heard you were driving without a license?"

"Coincidentally, I don't have a driver's license either. You don't need a driver's license to drive in Tianhexing."

"Oh, and also, I just found an anonymous card with more than 3000 million yuan on the person in this car. I will give you 20 yuan. Don't thank me."


Although Jiang Shiman doesn't have a driver's license, he feels quite stable while driving.

Obviously, he is also an old driver who has been driving without a license for a long time.

Under Su Chang's guidance, they went all the way to Peng Yunjian's factory.

Along the way, I also met some people who wanted to find trouble and rob.

It's just that they dared to pounce on Jiang Shiman, so they were destined to be unlucky.

On the streets of the black market, there will always be a few more corpses inexplicably, and a little more today will not be a problem.

In the end, Jiang Shiman seemed to directly regard the black market as his own casino, rampaging all the way, arrogant and domineering to the extreme.

In this regard, Jiang Shiman's explanation is that they are all like this.

The teachers teach well, so they are like this.

On the word teacher, Jiang Shiman added the accent, and said that their teacher is a very powerful and special person.

She didn't say much more about the specifics. She only said that everything would be clear to Su Chang after he entered school.

After a while, the vehicle stopped in front of a huge factory.

The factory building is still the same as before, it is very grand, but there is not much life, only the roar of the continuous rotation of the machine.

Su Chang had stayed here for a few days, so he had an indescribable familiarity with this place, and brought Jiang Shiman in within half a minute.

Deep in the factory, Su Chang and Jiang Shiman met Peng Yunjian.

This guy is as sloppy as before, his clothes seem to have not been washed for a long time, and his whole body is unkempt.

He doesn't seem to care about his appearance at all.

Of course, he has a spirit that Su Chang can't describe, and a very direct edge. It seems that through this edge, people can realize that he is not a simple person.

A person who can possess such vigor should not be a so-called lunatic as the outside world says.

At least Su Chang didn't think so.

"I am a representative of the University, Jiang Shiman."

"An unknown person who was kicked out of school, Peng Yunjian."

Jiang Shiman didn't seem to notice Peng Yunjian's unkempt face, nor did he care how many bacteria there were in his blackened hands.

A cordial handshake reveals an absolute respect.

After hearing this, Jiang Shiman smiled again and said: "An unknown person?"

"You are older than me, you are ahead of me in age, and we are not in school now. To make it simple, I will call you Brother Peng, okay?"

I mentioned the school, but didn't mention the Frontier University of Science and Technology.

Jiang Shiman walked around the surrounding machines twice, knocked on them a little, and he roughly understood what these things were used for and how they were used recently.

"Brother Peng, I won't say much about your fame and ability, let alone back then, even now, there are still a lot of scientific and technological papers written by you. Now people don't want to mention you, but when it comes to you, Who dares to deny your ability?"

"I won't go into details about your former teachers and classmates, but you know better than me who the people in that school are and what kind of environment it is like."

"You also know the inside story of the First University and the University of Science and Technology, and the reasons for the split. To be honest, did the First University really do a bad job? Did it really let those guys down? It's nothing more than uneven distribution of benefits, and those greedy people Only a devil could do such a thing."

"How long have you been huddling in this place? It's called a black market in a good way, but it's a sewer in the Federation. I don't believe you are willing to hide here as a mouse. There is no world."

Speaking of this, a sneer appeared on the corner of Jiang Shiman's mouth, and he said quietly: "Here, under such circumstances, even if your project is really researched and successful, how many people will be able to see it?" , what is the meaning and effect?"

"To put it bluntly, even if you really have results, you won't have a channel to release them. Those people at the Ninth University probably don't care about the sound of the sewer, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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