Chapter 85 Seed Class

After sending the news to Qian He, and chatting with Qian He for a long time, and discussing the current situation of these schools and the pros and cons for Su Chang, Su Chang quickly got the answer in his heart.

Without too much hesitation, he directly signed the contract with Xinghai First University under the witness of the crowd and the news media.

All kinds of benefits have been written, and the share of the seed class is reserved for him.

After doing all this, Su Chang made several video calls with the director of admissions office of Xinghai First University, and the other party was also very optimistic and enthusiastic about him, Su.

Make a direct appointment to meet on campus when the term starts.

Seeing Su Chang make such a decisive choice, the other admissions teachers couldn't help being a little disappointed.

But for the vast majority of teachers, they can understand and accept it. After all, a big foundation lies here, and the strength of each college goes without saying.

Although the momentum of the Institute of Science and Technology has declined a bit in the past two years, the prestige is still there. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, which is not comparable to most schools.

They also knew that this would probably be the case, so they were not too disappointed.

On the contrary, the admissions teacher of the Frontier University of Science and Technology did not understand Su Chang's choice, and approached Su Chang again, saying that in terms of scientific and technological research, the Frontier University of Science and Technology can already be a big ahead of Xinghai at this stage.

Su Chang was able to stand out mainly because of his outstanding mechanical talent.

The admissions teacher of Frontier University of Science and Technology hopes that Su Chang will not waste his talent, but can continue to study technology and embark on his own exclusive technological path at Frontier University of Science and Technology.

Instead of wasting time in the Xinghai University of Science and Technology, which is now in decline.

Even if a university has money and resources, the really good teachers and students have already gone for a long time, so it is difficult to teach anything.

During this period, the admissions teacher of the Frontier University of Science and Technology sent another message to Su Chang.

Most of the teachers and outstanding students who left Xinghai University recently went to Frontier University of Science and Technology. If Su Chang changed to the school now, he would still accept Su Chang and let these excellent tutors and students teach Su Chang.

This can be regarded as the benefit he prepared for Su Chang.

Su Chang did not explain anything directly, but stated that he also wanted to learn martial arts and other things on the side.

Frontier University of Science and Technology obviously couldn't give him enough help in these aspects.

In this regard, the admissions teacher of Frontier University of Science and Technology only left a sentence, young people should not be too ambitious, think that they can eat everything, and then leave.

Su Chang did not hide anything when he signed with Xinghai University, and witnesses from the news media were also present.

After the other nine teachers left, microphones came up one by one immediately.

"Student Su Chang, may I ask why you didn't think more about applying for the school? Why did you choose so decisively!"

"That's right, student Su Chang. With your technological talent, the Frontier University of Science and Technology should be the most suitable for you. Why did you choose Xinghai University?"

"I heard that Xinghai University's science and technology college has been troubled a lot during this period, and the science and technology college is even showing signs of weakening. Why do you still invest in it? Do you have any thoughts or rejections of the frontier science and technology university?"

"Student, as a talented student who broke the federal application exam, do you have any decisions and plans for the future?"

"Su Chang, some people think that you are just a villain who relies on mechas to win. If you don't have mechas, you are nothing. Do you have anything to say about such remarks?"


Voices appeared one after another, but Su Chang didn't have much response or attitude towards these voices, just reluctantly perfunctory.

"My plan for the future is to become a news media broadcaster like you after graduation and contribute to the development of the federal news industry."

"Those people are right. If I don't have a mecha, I'm really nothing. What they said is so true. If I have time, I hope to meet them and ask where they live."

"I don't have any so-called opinions on Frontier University of Science and Technology. In fact, each of the nine universities is the backbone of our federation. I hope that every candidate can enter the school they want to enter."

"Goodbye, future colleagues."

Talking nonsense and nonsense is Su Chang's most direct expression now.

The surrounding reporters were speechless for a while after hearing this set of remarks. They only felt that this talented candidate and record-breaking young man had a really good tongue.

Even media people like them cannot be opponents.

As for Su Chang wanting to join the news one by one...

They had imagined the scene of Su Chang descending from the sky in a mecha, holding a weapon in one hand and a microphone in the other, forcing others to accept interviews.

Su Chang didn't pay attention to the follow-up ideas of these guys. When he came for the exam, he came on a unified passenger ship, but when he went back, he was specially sent by Jiang Shiman.

In Jiang Shiman's words, at least he is a seed student of their first year, so he still needs the most basic service of sending him home no matter what.

What's more, she hasn't seen Qian He for a long time, and she plans to use this opportunity to see her former senior again.


Jiangnan Province, Donghai City, heaven and earth.

Qian He was embarrassed.

He never expected that Su Chang would directly locate him, deliberately not telling him that he was coming back, and intending to surprise him with Qian.

It is not clear whether there is a surprise, at least the shock is full.

In the colorful and gorgeous box, there are fifteen girls and one man, Qian He.

Now, there are two more Jiang Shiman and Su Chang.

Su Chang and Jiang Shiman, who rushed over quickly, obviously didn't realize that their senior Qian still had such hobbies and interests, and had such a big heart that he could order so many girls in one go.

Of course, these are not important.

After a moment of embarrassment, Qian He resolutely went out to pay the bill, and then took the two of them out of the heaven and earth, and walked on the avenue of Donghai City.

Qian He seemed to have forgotten the embarrassment just now, and his face was full of confidence: "I knew you, Su Chang, could do it. You can actually make mechas."

"Fight to become famous, I'm afraid no one in this freshman class doesn't know your name, Su Chang."

Breaking the new record score of the application test in one fell swoop, 990 directly shredded everything and recorded it in the teaching plan and test history.

It should also be remembered.

"The seed class will be a good training ground for you. Compared with other places, a large seed class allows students to freely display their individuality. You can study technology, concentrate on martial arts, or not take classes. Indulge in the wild."

"There are some things I can't tell you now, but you just need to trust me, and I won't cheat you even if I cheat Lao Wang."

Qian He stayed in Xinghai University for four years. Although he was outside most of the time, the foundation he left behind was quite solid.

He didn't want to influence Su Chang's choice at first, no matter where Su Chang wants to go is his own freedom, Qian He is only responsible for supporting.

Unexpectedly, this time, his school girl directly took out the quota of the seed class. Of course, Qian He wanted to persuade Su Chang to join it, so as to help Su Chang in the future.

Qian He directly stated that there is no chaos in a big one, and Qian He dare not say that he has the final say, but he stamped his feet, and he had to shake a big one.

Just so domineering.

(End of this chapter)

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