Chapter 74
Su Chang's sense of urgency is getting stronger and stronger. He knows that what he has to do at this time is to perfect the mecha crazily.

The gang of lunatics outside had already started to fight. If he, Su, did not rely on others, but relied on his own body to deal with those steel alloys outside, he believed that he would be beaten badly.

The era of Xinghai in the new era is an era of cultivation and an era of technology.

The power of technology is even more important when human beings are still weak.

The hands are constantly wandering among the various parts, the condition of the mecha is getting more and more perfect, a large number of mechanical arms are operating in the studio, and they are constantly working hard for the steel giant in front of them.

Outside the studio, in the world of Area A, a large number of weapons and groups have already begun to work.

It stands to reason that such a crazy elimination would appear on the last day, but Lin Ruijin's appearance and shot directly changed everything.

His surname is Lin. If you don't resist, if you don't do something, you will be greeted by a dead end.

Forced and helpless, everyone had to do it.

And you must show your true ability, show your full strength.

After all, if you fail at this time, you are truly eliminated, the score is determined, and the hole cards are meaningless.

If you are a person with a hole card, of course you must do your best to leave a good ending for yourself directly here, put a full stop, at least it is better to fight than not to fight.

Outside Su Chang's studio.

On the hill, a penetrating induction ray swept from a distance, and an external skeleton appeared on the mountain.

As the penetrating induction ray enters the mountain a little bit, the internal situation is also presented.

The first half of the mountain, without any problems, is made of ordinary stones.

In the second half of the mountain, there is a hole in the sky!

The small half of the mountain has been dug, and a large number of resources and items are displayed in it, like a large parts warehouse.

Among them, there are signs of life.

Obviously someone's hiding place.

The eyes of the driver of the exoskeleton immediately lit up, and after reporting to the person in the communication equipment, he rammed straight towards the mountain below.

He didn't bother to find the so-called entrance, so he chose to use the roughest method to cross directly from the center of the mountain.

The rock was torn apart by him, a large amount of slag was thrown into the distance, and a passage appeared in front of him.

According to the penetrating induction rays, he was only a little away from the inner cave, and there was only a film less than two centimeters wide left.

Just when the external skeleton was about to penetrate the last two centimeters, a huge force erupted from the inside instead, and a pair of big hands broke the final distance before him, appearing in front of him.

After seeing the existence in front of him, the user of the exoskeleton was slightly taken aback. He wanted to move his mouth, but couldn't speak for a long time.

It was only after a while that I realized from the shock that a voice resounding through the sky appeared: "Mech...mecha!"

As the voice fell, Su Chang's face appeared in front of him.

The wide and thick mecha gives people an indescribable heaviness and peace of mind, but it also brings a kind of technological and aesthetic fear and fear to the enemy.

"Do it with me? Let's see if you have the ability!"

The big mechanical hand grabbed the guy in front of him, and with both hands moving in opposite directions, he dismantled the mechanical skeleton on this guy!
Parts and flesh were separated directly, and a large number of circuits and synthetic fragments were presented in front of Su Chang, who was trampled under his feet.

Then, after grabbing the communication equipment, Su Chang punched out the guy's protective ball and kicked the ball away.

Facing the communication equipment, Su Chang's voice was quite cold: "I didn't want to do it so early, but it won't be interesting for you to play with me."

"Only one No.1 can apply for the exam. Believe me, that will be my position."

There was no voice from the other side of the communication equipment, only a lingering sound of rapid breathing.

After a while, a familiar voice appeared: "Student Su Chang, I didn't expect that we would have a second conversation in this way."

"It's a good thing that you have confidence. The mecha is very powerful, really powerful. Being able to produce this thing in the application test already shows your strength."

"But let me tell you, it's the sixth day, and many things still don't have answers. The mountains and rivers meet again. Let's see who can have the last laugh."

After speaking, Lin Ruijin on the opposite side ended the conversation first.

Hearing this, Su Chang just grinned at the corner of his mouth, and didn't say much.

The next moment, he soared into the sky.

The unnamed energy body inside the mecha started to burn wildly, once the use of this thing was turned on, there was no way to stop it.

In fact, the current Su Chang doesn't care about the use of energy anymore. Although the limited time of the unnamed energy body is only [-] hours, he has discovered that as long as he continuously invests in follow-up energy, the use time can always be superimposed.

This method is a bit outdated, and it needs to artificially add energy to keep the mecha in use, but in the current situation, this is the best way.

In this way, the mecha can not only have powerful energy, maintain a performance that is far beyond the normal, but also have a certain amount of staying power, at least it can last until the end of the application test.

very perfect!
Under his unfamiliar control, Su Chang soared into the sky.

The flames behind the mech erupted, and the huge thrust brought him into the blue sky.


Over the island, the examiner team.

In the huge room, there are a lot of monitoring equipment and projection machines, so you can fully understand the internal situation of the application test.

Including the live broadcast content of the outside world, all the pictures come from here.

The eyes of all the invigilators wandered around the screens, and they kept talking.

"The situation in the examination room here seems to be a bit more complicated. In most cases, it is the last day to really fully bloom. We have to force these candidates to truly unleash their full strength and show all their cards."

"This examination room is quite interesting. On the sixth day, I showed all my strength at noon. After the bombing of Area B, everyone dispersed. Not many people dared to stay in Area B anymore. Area A was a mess, and Area C was busy. Against the scorching sun."

"The rank rise of Lin Ruijin is very stable."

"Of course it should be stable. He asked the people below to kill other examinees, and then obtained points by eliminating his own subordinates. One layer after another, it's not much different from a food chain."

"It's interesting, there are more than a dozen external skeletons. You guys at the Frontier University of Science and Technology don't have any ideas for such a guy who can make external skeletons? If you don't use the special recruitment quota, it will be a waste."

The last sentence fell, and many people focused their attention on a female teacher in her fifties behind her.

In this regard, the female teacher just waved her hand: "Look at the score."

"The person who really wants to be specially recruited must be the one who drives the mecha."

Hearing this sentence, everyone around laughed knowingly.

"Mechanical Armor, do you think there are such lunatics in every session?"

"Assembling B-level weapons, I'm afraid these little guys are not so capable!"

"Huh? Why did a black shadow flash past?"

(End of this chapter)

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