Chapter 66 Laser Cannon
Su Chang's position was in front of these guys, so he was always ahead of that group of people.

I watched them take out a lot of weapons and throw them behind them, but the explosion couldn't solve the situation.

In fact, bugs are not scary. In the application for the exam, the organizer can't really get you those extremely powerful things. What is placed in front of you must be within the allowable range.

Almost everything is something that candidates can deal with, and it will not be too over the top.

What is really frightening is that the current environment is not in a dark area, and the unspeakable things behind him are devouring the companions. The road ahead is not clear, so I can only run wildly following the prompts of the brain.

Some people have thought about opening the protective ball, even if they fail the exam, they don't want to face such fear.

In the end, the people around said "how do you know if the thing behind can tear the protective ball and kill you directly" and gave up the action.

The speed of the group of things in the back even surpassed Su Chang, and the guys behind him who were not as strong as Su Chang were of course impossible to get rid of such pursuit.

So they quickly ran into problems.

There was a scream, and another person was dragged by the bug behind him and pulled directly into the darkness. The protective ball opened instantly, and the final result was unknown.

No matter what, this situation really deepened the crowd's fear of the darkness behind them, and their slack movements suddenly sped up.

Similarly, it was not until this time that the people who were fleeing discovered what was behind them.

Insect swarm, a large number of insects, directly covered half of the forest in the field of vision.

There are big and small bodies, there are many big men with two meters, and there are also black beetles the size of wild dogs.

In fact, the damage of these bugs alone is not high, but after they are combined to form a bug swarm, the strength of the explosion is completely different.

Seeing this, the national scolding appeared: "What do you mean by applying for the exam! Let's go to the B area to gather at night, and now these bugs are inexplicably united, are they trying to trick us out and kill them?"

"If you want me to say, don't run away, our speed is nothing but these guys, sooner or later they will eat them up!"

"Don't think about the exam! Think about how to save your life first!"

After hearing the bitter words of the guys behind who wanted to give up, Su Chang frowned, and immediately scolded: "If you can't run, do it! I really don't want to live and die directly, don't talk so much."

It wasn't until this time that the people behind realized that there was another Su Chang in front, and just as they were about to say something, the swarm of insects behind accelerated towards them again.

This situation scared them to the point where they almost jumped up.He didn't even think about questioning Su Chang, but he had to continue running for his life.

The next moment, they were held in place by Su Chang's words: "Running now is a waste of energy, and they will die later."

"You have also seen that a group of bugs may not be a big problem. If we find a place to organize a counterattack, there is a possibility of survival."

"No one wants to encounter such danger and situation. I don't want to hear nonsense about giving up again. If you don't want to live, just go directly into the insect wave. Don't ruin the minds of other people who want to live. Is there a problem?"

After three sentences, Su Chang's reasoning made sense, and the others nodded immediately.

The swarm of insects behind him was about to approach, so Su Chang directly smashed out two bottles.

The energy liquid refined from energy ore can be ignited instantly with a simple spark, and a large amount of fire instantly enters everyone's field of vision.

The combustion-supporting ability of the energy liquid is extremely strong, which is basically the same as where it touches, it will start a fire, and Su Chang specially threw it towards the place with a lot of vegetation, so the flame in front of them burned more and more vigorously, and soon spread to the on the trunk.

The swarm of insects in the back stopped suddenly after realizing that there was a flame, and froze in place, not daring to break into the fire circle for a long time.

Seeing this scene, several people looked at each other and smiled, as if it was victory.

But he was ruthlessly interrupted by Su Chang at the next moment: "What are you doing, what are you celebrating? This is not the earth's environment, and the surrounding trees are not the species you usually see."

"The high temperature of planet Z3 is close to 70 degrees Celsius. Do you know why there is no risk of spontaneous combustion of their trees? Hmm? The exterior of these trees has a natural fireproof layer."

"The raging fire now is because the energy liquid is covering it. Let's see how the energy liquid burns out in 2 minutes. If you don't prepare now, it will be up to you when the time comes."

Su Chang remained blunt after he finished speaking, and even added a few words of national abuse during the breaks.

But it was such unkind words that quickly made a few people realize what they should do now, and they took out the only remaining weapon on their bodies.

Many of their things were discarded by them at the very beginning, but the weapons that are really easy to use and important are still kept on them. These things are really the bottom line of a warrior.

As Su Chang said, as the energy liquid gradually burned out, the flame in front of him no longer had the momentum it had just before, and gradually withered away.

Su Chang threw an individual energy gun to the two guys beside him, and asked them to refill and counterattack by themselves, while he started to set up a laser cannon.

When he went out this time, he only brought a knife on his body, an individual energy gun and this laser cannon.

Laser cannons are also divided into sizes, because there are too many things on his body, and Su Chang really can't bring any big or ruthless goods, so the power of this laser cannon is not too big.

In the new era, the existence of laser cannons is naturally very different from before. Lasers are widely used, and there are quite a few ways to obtain similar energy sources and manufacturing methods.

The high-end technology of the new era has directly turned these unattainable things into the products of the factory assembly line. Although the power of the laser cannon is still terrifying, its value has plummeted.

From the initial use of the group system, it gradually evolved into a semi-military use, and began to enter the ranks of ordinary weapons and entered the public eye.

Although ordinary people and cities are not allowed to install these things, since they have entered the public eye, they will of course start to circulate. Su Chang has seen all kinds of blueprints more than once, and has long memorized them clearly.

The one on Su Chang's body is a C-grade product specially assembled by him, and all the items from that batch of high-end parts are used.

Cannonballs are filled with extremely compressed energy.

One shot down, directly solve the problem.

He originally planned to bring this thing out for self-defense, but he didn't plan to use it until the last moment. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen today, if he really didn't show some skills, he doubted whether he would be able to get out alive.

(End of this chapter)

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