Chapter 60 The Exam Begins

Not all the candidates were gathered together, a large number of candidates were assigned randomly after that, there were dozens of entrances in total, and everyone could be assigned to any one.

In this way, candidates from the same city who were still together were separated.

This situation is to prevent candidates from one city from cooperating together to forcibly promote the whole situation. In previous years, it also happened that one person directly led hundreds of people to apply for the exam.

If you are qualified to grab it directly, if you have benefits, you can do it directly.

Their idea is that everyone succeeds together and takes the Ninth National University together.

Many people from behind joined them directly with the idea of ​​joining them if they couldn't beat them. This organization of hundreds of people snowballed and grew bigger and bigger, growing to more than [-] people in the later stage of the game.

The resulting situation is that even if all the places in the Ninth National Congress are given to them, it will not be enough.

At that time, the organizers forcibly intervened in this organization to barely suppress this momentum, which still had a great impact on the results of the competition, and the fate of many people changed as a result.

It’s not that the organizers don’t want you to unite and work hard. In fact, in the sea of ​​stars, human beings can continue to survive and develop because of teamwork. Applying for the exam also allows you to carry forward this style.

However, it is not advisable to directly organize a group of people in a city, so that no one else can survive.

Don't ask why people in other cities don't form groups.

They also have to have a grandfather who is an army commander, a father who is a peerless powerhouse, and a mother who is the general manager of the Commonwealth Bank, who is also a leader who is equally powerful.

So ever since that incident, the organizers have taken everyone apart. If you have the ability to gather everyone together after entering the examination room without your intelligence brain contacting other people, you are considered capable. I also recognize it with my nose.

After everyone arrived at the designated location, the staff began to distribute supplies.

A set of F-rank combat uniforms with good adaptability, enough food for two days, and a protective ball.

Needless to say about the other two things, the so-called protection ball is an item that can release a huge barrier in an instant after receiving fatal damage to directly protect the user.

It can be turned on actively, or it can be turned on automatically after being judged to be life-threatening and about to die.

It has strong protection ability and can be used in most areas and environments.

At the same time, after the candidate uses the protective ball, a staff member will come to pick you up and take you out of the examination room safely.

Of course, in this case, it will be judged that you are eliminated, and you can only leave the examination room with half of the scores.

After packing up the things and signing the safety self-responsibility statement, half an hour later, the island's protective shell was temporarily lifted, and nearly [-] candidates and staff members entered the island and started to do what they needed to do.

A large number of candidates flocked to the island, and from this time on, the competition began.

As soon as he entered the area of ​​the island, Su Chang felt his body sink.

1.8 times the gravity is showing his power.

Of course, such a situation did not trouble Su Chang, and he continued to move towards the target.

Su Chang ignored the crowd behind him. What he needed to do now was to fight for the resource boxes that had been thrown out.

"A resource box will be issued every other day, which means there are seven opportunities to refresh before and after."

"Of course, no matter what, every bit of resources needs competition. Who knows what the final situation will be, and how many I can get."

"I don't have any weapons on hand now, and I don't have anything that can help me survive. I have to get these from the resource box. If I can't get them, even I will probably be eliminated."

Su Chang's HP at this moment is about 1.9, and he can break through 2 at any time, becoming a true warrior.

At the same time, his mental strength is quite high, and his cultivation base is enough to make him despise too many people. In terms of spirit, he doesn't know if there is a high school that has been opened, and his spiritual cultivation base is already very terrifying.

But even so, he would die if he was hit by two D-level or even E-level bombs. At that time, the end would be to enter the protection ball, and then wait for someone to pull him out of the application test.

"I'm currently in Area A, which is full of forests. These trees are all special species on planet Z3, which can survive the abnormal temperature difference. If the species on the blue star are placed here, most of them will die if the temperature changes. .”

Su Chang kept shuttling through the woods, and one leaf after another was pushed back by him. His brain contact function was turned off, but other functions still existed.

In the center of the brain, a topographic map of a huge island is displayed. The crossed places are the locations with resource boxes.

Pulling away another layer of unknown red shrubs, Su Chang found a box that had been slammed on the ground.

Kick it away, and everything inside appears in front of Su Chang.

A large group of parts appeared in Su Chang's field of vision. He exhaled a breath, knowing that his accelerated trip was not in vain.

It is impossible for him to assemble things on the spot. There are many candidates behind him who are heading in this direction. He is just the fastest one.

Su Chang didn't want to be influenced and disturbed by others when he was assembling things, and he really didn't know if he could keep all these things in his hands after a fight.

The location of the resource box is marked, but there is no mark on the box. As long as Su Chang takes things away, no one else can check the subsequent location of the box from the brain.

Thinking of this, he put the box on his back and ran straight into the distance.

Less than 3 minutes after Su Chang left, the second wave of people arrived. After seeing that there was only a pit left on the ground, they frowned, uttered a curse, and then walked towards other resource boxes.

As everyone knows, the second location he is going to is also Su Chang's goal.

There was a box on his back, and he was still unwilling to let go of his feet, so he went straight to the second box.

The previous box didn't have much impact on Su Chang's speed, so when that person arrived at the box again, all he saw was a depression.

This time, he was furious.

The scolding once resounded through the sky.

Of course, Su Chang doesn't care, as long as he doesn't go hungry or poor.


In a not-so-high mountain, Su often used tools to forcibly split a cave, then buried the cave entrance, and hid himself in it.

The first box is the parts box of the weapon, luck is good.

The second one is a simple mechanical tool, which was assembled by Su Chang into mechanical arms, directly arranging this cave into a studio.

Of course he can operate with his hands, and he also learned part of Peng Yunjian's technique. He dare not say that he has Peng Yunjian's skills, but he has indeed learned most of the thinking and madness of directly creating miracles with his hands.

But at times like this, Su Chang just wanted to fight with all his strength. Since he had tools, of course he used them as soon as he could, and as soon as he could.

(End of this chapter)

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