Chapter 55 Jiang Tian
This time when Su Chang went out, he was not greeted by the account manager, but by an angry man.

Around him, his account manager wanted to say something, but after being glared at by this man, he had no choice but to sit there and worry.

Su Chang really didn't know what happened, so he could only ask aloud: "Are you..."

"I am?" The man showed a slightly proud expression: "My name is Jiang Tian. I didn't know you well before, and of course I have no grievances, but if you touch my client, you are offending me."

"Moving your client?" Su Chang pointed to the door behind him: "Is he your client?"


"Sister Wang! It's Sister Wang! Let me ask you, why do you hypnotize Sister Wang? How did you make Sister Wang feel at ease with you?"

"You are just a newcomer. Who knows what your character is like. If you have any thoughts about Sister Wang that you shouldn't have, wouldn't Sister Wang be at a disadvantage?"

Faced with this inexplicable and even ridiculous aggressiveness, Su Chang didn't know whether this guy was playing tricks or really maintained such an idea.

Do you have any thoughts about Sister Wang?
Isn't Sister Wang going to suffer?

Leaving aside that his surname Su is not blind yet, even if something happens, who will suffer?Are you sure it's that Miss Wang who suffered?

Su Chang said inwardly, "Don't worry, I don't mean anything to your sister Wang, and I can completely give you that client."

"If possible, I hope you can disappear in front of me as soon as possible, because I really don't know you well."

Leaving directly, Su Chang didn't bother to pay attention to this guy.

Su Chang felt that talking to such people was a waste of time.

He knew that most of the hypnotists in this place were not dedicated to cultivation.

There are quite a few hypnotists, they are the lucky ones who are born to open the spiritual side, they only need to go through practice and training, and they can go to work directly and win a lot of money.

For them, if they are special, they should be pretentious, and they deserve to be able to earn so much money when they were born.

There are also quite a few people, they are acquired due to some reasons, they are lucky to open the spiritual side, and at the same time they have made some achievements in the cultivation of the spiritual side, so they are also superior in joining this industry.

Only a small number of people join here while concentrating on cultivation, and conduct professional training on the spiritual side.

This Jiang Tian is obviously the first two.

Su Chang didn't want to have any contact with such a superior person.

Leading the person in charge of his own customer to leave directly, Jiang Tian behind him showed an expression of displeasure, as if he was being bullied by Su Chang.

Looking at Su Chang's leaving figure, he muttered to himself: "Boy, do you want to become a rich woman with your body? It's more beautiful!"

"The two of us are in this rest center, and we are destined to be the only one alive!"

Su Chang didn't understand what troubles and things Jiang Tian was doing behind him, and he didn't want to understand.

Being pointed at his nose and saying that he has interest and thoughts on Sister Wang, Su Chang just wanted to get rid of this bad mood.

Under the arrangement of the person in charge of the customer, Su Chang continued to wander among several customers, and after completing four more orders, Su Chang felt that his mental strength was so weak that he could no longer do things.

In one day, six orders were completed, and the mental pressure was quite heavy. For example, for the warrior, seeing the volcanic island once was a challenge for him, and the pressure was not small.

Unlike Su Chang's face full of indifference, the person in charge of the customer was shocked to the point of satisfaction when faced with Su Chang's report card.

"Su Chang, you may not be clear. For ordinary junior hypnotists, there are at most four orders a day, and most people have three orders."

"On the first day you went to work today, you directly made six orders, and they were all difficult orders. It's amazing."

"This is your salary today. I have already taken it from the accountant."

In this line of work, there is no fixed salary to speak of, and it is all up to you to make the list yourself.

Of course, the draw of each order is very fast, and the unit price is very high.

After completing the order, you can get the money whenever you want, and the monthly, weekly, and daily settlements are all within the allowable range of accounting.

Taking a look at the notes in his hand, Su Chang always felt that something was wrong.

"If I were going to move bricks today, the salary would be considered high, but today I am working as a hypnotist, which is no different from stealing money. Tell me how I only have so little money."

Faced with Su Chang's question, the account manager gave an answer early.

"There's a guy who takes 80% of your salary right out of your account, and that's all that's left when I go."

"Well... the accountant said that the person actually wanted to take it all away, but he refused."

After the person in charge of the customer finished speaking, Su Chang was silent for a long time.

At first, he thought that Qian He was just joking with him, a martial artist at someone's level, could he care about such a little money?

Qian He told Su Chang with practical actions that he was really not joking.

Shaking his head, Su Chang didn't care about the money, and he didn't feel too much trouble in his heart. He talked to the person in charge of the customer and went straight home.

Along the way, he summed up the situation today.

Every time he uses mental power to hypnotize others, it is a kind of training for Su Chang. He often feels a kind of fatigue during the hypnosis process, but once he passes the fatigue, he will be greeted with a brand new power.

Fatigue, rest, recover, get stronger.

A closed loop has been formed.

This feeling of constantly honing and slowly improving oneself feels good, and Su Chang enjoys it.

"There is no doubt about the importance of exercising mental strength. However, this kind of exercise cannot be rushed. It needs to be done step by step. Now my progress is visible to the naked eye, and I am quite satisfied."

"The more important thing now is, how can I copy that visualization map to my own body."

That visualization picture was the second one Su Chang had seen so far.

To say that you are not greedy is absolutely nonsense.

But needless to say, the preciousness and importance of such things as visualization maps, which warrior would share such things?

Therefore, Su Chang thought of the old method.

When he obtained "Raging Sea Boat", it was through continuous copying and synthesis of synthesis modules that he obtained the final authentic product.

Of course, there is special help for sublimation, but even if there is no sublimation this time, Su Chang can at least get a not too bad visualization map, which has full effect and effect on his cultivation.

After buying enough rice paper and various supplies in the shop downstairs, Su Chang entered the hotel room and started painting immediately.

Compared with the last time's craftsmanship, Su Chang's results this time are much better, and there are no bad paintings.

[A very ordinary landscape painting]: You can see what the author wanted to draw from it, but for now, this painting is undoubtedly a failure, the quality is barely acceptable, and it is worth 300 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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