Chapter 50 Neat
This score is not high, at least I'm sorry for Su Changjuan's super high start with the first place in Donghai City.

But Su Chang's situation is seen by the vast majority of people. They understand that Su Chang's current situation and score are all due to the big accident that happened before.

Without Yang Hui's malicious injury and chaos, Su Chang would probably get close to the full score in the personal challenge, not to mention being the first and second in Donghai City, and even the overall ranking in Jiangnan Province. Low.

Of course, ranking is one aspect of the content. It is very important for those who put their heart and soul into the higher examinations for admission to ordinary schools. Yu Suchang's higher examinations are just to get 750 points to apply for the Ninth University. Nothing.

The real-time electronic screen outside the No. [-] Middle School quickly began to summarize the scores. At this time, more and more people completed the exam, and the computing power of the brain began to be fully mobilized.

Su Chang didn't care about his ranking, and he didn't want to look at the ranking after knowing his total score, so he walked out of the school directly.

At the same time, a large number of reporters who had already been prepared came towards Su Changwei in an instant.

Su Chang was not the first to leave the examination room. Someone had already taken a step ahead of him.

But it's a pity that after Su Chang came out, those guys "fall out of favor" in an instant, and no one pointed the camera and microphone at them, but all came towards Su Chang.

"Su Chang, the person who was taken away by the police just now, why did he attack you together with other candidates? What grievances did you have before?"

"I heard that that person is also a student of No. [-] Middle School, and he was even your classmate..."

"For your current score and ranking, what do you think and what do you want to say? Do you think that this score is not directly proportional to your real strength?"

"Also, do you think that the college entrance examination has become a regret in your life, and what are your plans for the future?"

"Will you continue to take the exam to apply for the Ninth National University? Some outsiders call you a madman, a madman. What do you think of this nickname?"


There are many reporters and there are many questions.

Su Chang actually didn't want to reply, he just wanted to go back and lie down and sleep.

But there were too many people in front of him, and it was impossible for him to do it directly like in the black market or holographic simulation, so he could only raise his hand and reply helplessly: "I believe that the relevant departments will give a fair and just result about the attack, and at the same time I also hope that every candidate will treat the higher examinations with the principles of reasonable competition and common progress."

"For my ranking and score, I don't have much opinion, no matter what, this is the result of my hard work."

"The so-called regret is not a regret. If I didn't get a score of 750, I think it would be a great regret in my life. At least I haven't felt this way until now."

"Okay everyone, give me a seat if you can, I'm going home now."

A few sentences in succession, the first two sentences are all high-sounding nonsense. The reporters listen to similar words every day, and have long learned to ignore them directly.

What they want to dig deep is Su Chang's personal emotions and cognition, not these speeches that can be listened to anytime, anywhere as long as they go to the official website.

It wasn't until Su Chang said that he didn't feel sorry for getting 750 points in the test, which made the reporters below a little bit interested.

Although they are not engaged in the education industry, they know no less than those in the industry.

Of course they knew the key point of 750 points. Su Chang's words were telling them inside and outside, that he, Su, was going to take the application exam and enter the Ninth National University?

Although this news is not surprising, Su Chang has such good grades, it is of course very normal to have such thoughts, and most people understand.

But now that Su Chang has personally admitted, letting the words out has aroused the interest of the crowd, and the question continues,

"Student Su, which school do you prefer among the nine universities? Do you think you have a chance to be admitted to the target school?"

"Su Chang, can you tell me how many life points you have now..."

"Student Su, our newspaper wants to invite you to do an advertisement, do you think you are interested?"


Su Chang's wish to leave was directly ignored.

Before Su Chang could say anything, a force came from behind, and the owner of the hall, wearing a vest and hanging a cigarette, appeared in front of Su Chang.

The huge body occupies quite a large area in the crowd, and the owner of the pavilion didn't play any quality etiquette with Su Chang, just pulled Su Chang outside, got in the car and left.

This time, the museum owner did not let Su Chang drive.

This is Donghai City, which is an area under the normal jurisdiction of the Federation. It is true that you cannot drive without a driver's license.

The owner never talks nonsense: "750 points are enough."

"Now that your exam is over, let me tell you directly, your teacher Qian went to Ou Dalu to find the Yang family."

"Looking for the Yang family?" A key word, let Su Chang understand the general idea: "Where are they hiding, and they think we can't do anything to them, so ask Yang Hui to play tricks on me here?"

"Well, I heard that they still have some friends in Europe. They really have some energy. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to let Teacher Qian spend such a few days."

"Of course, the result is still good."

After finishing speaking, the museum owner sent a video to Su Chang's brain.

In the picture, a large number of federal staff shuttled back and forth in a company, and many of them were escorted down by relevant personnel.

Among them was Yang Hui's shrew mother.

At this time, that sturdy woman finally lost her temper, her face was filled with tears and pain.

Su Chang didn't pay attention at first, but when he watched the video for the second time, he found that in an unobvious corner, Yang Tiannan was being stepped on by Qian He and rubbed back and forth, a very serious scene, but Su Chang was shocked. An inexplicable sense of joy.

The owner's voice continued to sound: "Now that the Yang family's company has gone bankrupt, Yang Tiandong is still doing well. After he went to Europe, he didn't stay with Yang Tiannan anymore, but stayed alone, and because he didn't participate in the plan to deal with you Li, so Qian He didn't make things difficult for him."

"That old woman and her damn company were convicted of smuggling large-scale nuclear weapons in an attempt to undermine the peace of the Federation. They were sentenced to 50 years in prison. There is no hope in this life."

"Yang Tiannan is the stupidest. Originally, Qian He didn't know where to start, but after Yang's company went bankrupt, this guy came to the door directly, directly using electromagnetic guns and mechas, trying to kill Qian He directly."

"You know Qian He's strength. He smashed mechas and stepped on electromagnetic cannons. Yang Tiannan is now sentenced to 50 years for attacking a second-class federal hero, not only for smuggling, but also for directly using electromagnetic guns and mechas."

Both are 50 years old.

Yang Tiannan is fine, at least he has a longer life, and he still has a chance to come out when he is 90 or [-] years old.

That shrew's life points are not very high, this level is really hard to see the light of day again.

Moreover, Yang Hui has been arrested now, and the circumstances are so bad, he must be sentenced.

The three members of the Yang family, except Yang Tiandong, who does not do much evil, the other three are all in good order and are undergoing reform.

(End of this chapter)

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