Chapter 5 Black Market
After Su Chang walked out of the physical examination room, a crowd immediately surrounded him.

Su Chang's doubts never stopped.

"Su Chang, tell me honestly, have you taken some banned drugs, otherwise how could you have made such great progress!"

"Your boy has suddenly entered the stage of quasi-warrior from 0.7 two days ago, and his life points have reached 1.2. Don't tell me that you broke through by accident!"

"Tell us if there is any good way, we are not the kind of people who go whoring for nothing, please make a price!"


Similar voices kept coming. Although there was some joking among them, more people really hoped that Su Chang could say something.

Such a large increase in growth rate, it is false to say that it is not envious.

In this regard, Su Chang waved his hand and took out the excuses he had prepared a long time ago: "Everyone, it's not that I don't help you, but that my experience cannot be replicated."

"I got some elixir from the shopkeeper. After taking it and practicing, I can make such a rapid progress!"

"Now you ask me to find other medicine pills, and it is impossible for me to have another way."

Pulling out the shop owner's tiger flag was Su Chang's original intention to declare to the outside world.

The reason is very simple, the shopkeeper's strength is unquestionable, he can indeed pull Su Chang to such a point with a few casual trainings.

As for your question, will someone go to the owner to confirm?

First of all, people who often have contact with Su hardly have the opportunity to communicate with the shop owner.

Secondly, he has already inquired that the shopkeeper's appearance at the elixir shop today to settle the real estate is his last step in the East China Sea. Today he will leave Blue Star on a Xinghai ship and go to the high-tech block and new planet created by the Federation.

Hearing that it was the shop owner who helped Su Chang, all the people were speechless in an instant.

"If it is that one, it can indeed be done."

"Hey, I should have worked at the Leishan Pill Shop back then. Although the salary is a little lower, it's totally worth it to be able to get close to that person!"

"Huh, what age are you, what age is Su Chang, that strong man needs to help you a person who has not broken through to the quasi-warrior at the age of 40?"

"That's right, Old Zhao, some things can be settled after thinking about them."

"It's his fate that Su often has such an opportunity, we should congratulate him!"

After all, they are all acquaintances, and there is an obvious age gap between Su Chang and them.

Emotions such as so-called jealousy did not appear in the crowd.

Su Chang didn't say much. After exercising for a while, he left the East Gate Martial Arts Training Hall and returned to his rented room.

The rental house is located in Dongmen Street, not far from the martial arts training hall.

The room is not big, but it has everything you need.

As usual, after hastily finishing his dinner, Su Chang began to think about what he should do next.

The biggest problem facing him now is that he has no money!
The synthesis module is his greatest treasure, which is more valuable than anything else, but it is impossible for him to exchange the synthesis module for money or resources.

During today's quasi-warrior trial, he could realize that although his strength, speed, and nerve response had all reached the standard.

However, in terms of actual combat experience and field experience, the gap between him and others is still too large.

Donghai No. [-] Middle School is not a very good school, it can only be regarded as quite satisfactory in the entire Donghai City, and Su Chang is not a member of the key class in No. [-] Middle School.

Therefore, it often takes two weeks or even longer to use a class in the use of the entire series of analog delivery equipment, in order to exercise one's actual combat experience and field simulation experience.

It is impossible to compete on the same starting line with those key prestigious schools with better teaching equipment and higher-end means.

It is even more incomparable with those wealthy families who have holographic simulation warehouses at home.

Actual combat experience and field experience also accounted for a large proportion in the martial arts test, and they would also be a key point for scoring points. Su often needed to make up for it.

"If I want to make money, I can do it by selling pills."

"But the problem is, although the elixir I have on hand is a good product without any problems, it can't be sold formally and reasonably."

Entering the Xinghai era, the rapid development of science and technology not only drives the progress of positive technology, but also makes it easier to manufacture pirated and counterfeit products.

And those things are often hidden deep in the city, or simply in the black market.

Wanting to strike completely is not much different from dreaming.

Therefore, the alliance does not start from the source, but interrupts the interrupted transaction level, and does not allow any finished products such as pills and medicines without formalities to flow into the market.

Su Chang didn't know whether he rejected those pirated and counterfeit products. Anyway, he was blocked to death now.

"The black market is the only place for me right now."

"Only there can I let go of what I have in hand."

"Not only these blood-dissolving pills, I can also synthesize more things in batches, and those items can also be sold through the black market."

In today's Blue Star, the black market that is widely talked about is not an uncontrolled block in the network.

It's a real city.

The location is not far from Jiangnan Province, and even the East China Sea has a maglev that goes directly to the black market.

Up to three hours round trip.

I can't go today, and there will be classes tomorrow morning. If I skip class, the school will issue a warning to the students.

If the number of warnings accumulates too much, the students will be directly banned from the martial arts test.

Martial arts test is a major direction for Su Chang to change his destiny at this stage, and of course he can't leave it at this point.


The next day, Donghai City No. [-] Middle School.

In the class, a teacher sits directly above the podium, and the holographic simulation of the casting board is presented in front of everyone.

Taking the martial arts test does not mean that all of them really take the test of martial arts, instead of pursuing cultural achievements.

In fact, the total score of the martial arts test is 850 points, and there is also a 350-point paper score.

It's just that compared with the literary examination, which requires detailed professional subjects, the papers of the martial arts examination are mostly about the understanding of the creatures in the starry sky, as well as the familiarity with genetic engineering and mathematics.

In general, it is to let students know more, and the specific calculation will be handed over to the optical brain.

The voice of teaching rang in everyone's ears.

"In terms of genetic drug engineering, last time we talked about Canglang No. [-] drug from Ruoding Company."

"Canglang No. [-] is not a cultivation-type potion that is directly applicable to ordinary warriors. It is a genetically-improved potion, and its direction is more fierce and extreme. It uses the special species of Canglang on the sixth life planet as the genetic blueprint. , after the gene is extracted, research and development will be carried out."

"We know that the wolf is a very good star creature. They can run when they are born, have a certain combat power, and have a life point of 0.9. They only need to grow up for a few days before they can enter the quasi-warrior level. After adulthood The number of life points mostly fluctuates between 2.8 and 3.2."

"That is to say, this kind of creature doesn't need any training, it only needs to grow up, and it can have at least 2.8 life points, which is really enviable."

(End of this chapter)

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