Chapter 41 Blood Red Sapling

Seeing this, Su Chang was not nervous.

Before taking the medicine, he had already asked Qian He and the owner of the museum, and got all the possible situations of taking the medicine from them.

As a spiritual medicine, the blood-red world exudes spiritual power of visualization all the time. Its volatilization will directly bring about the erosion of spiritual power. This power itself may not be offensive, but for many people, Still has a lot of influence.

All the scenes that Su Chang saw now obviously belonged to this kind of situation, and it was the volatilization effect of the blood-red world itself that was affecting his mind.

The blood-red liquid swayed in the medicine tube, giving Su Chang a special sense of temptation.

Smash the top of the bottle and drink all the liquid in one go.

As if a heavy hammer hit Su Chang's head, an indescribable roar appeared in his mental side.

The world around him began to undergo some rapid changes, and he seemed to be gradually heading towards a place where the wind and rain drifted.

It is spiritual.

He stepped into his mental side in an unconscious state, and the familiar world of raging boats appeared in Su Chang's field of vision.

It was as if the world-ending waterspout was still far away, setting off endless waves, and a huge wave appeared in front of Su Chang, as if it wanted to kill Su Chang directly, and smashed into the deep sea.

If it were the previous Su Chang, the persistence in his heart might be shattered in an instant, and his mind could not be how to survive the waves, but how to save his life so as to leave the spiritual side.

But this time, he was a little different.

An indescribable heat appeared in his body. When he raised his hand, a trace of blood appeared.

A cloudy and thick force appeared in Su Chang's heart.

Within the spiritual realm, a warrior's body is different from the outside world.

No matter how high your life points are in the outside world, it is something you have in the material world and cannot be brought into the spiritual world.

When Su Chang entered the spiritual world for the first time, his physical body was like the simplest ordinary person, and he had no ability to resist the monstrous waves.

However, after taking the blood-red world, his spiritual body has improved a lot in an instant. This improvement is not simply reflected in strength and speed, but is more attached to spirit, ideas, and visualization.

Just like he was no longer afraid of the waves in front of him as before, but could greet the other party with a quite calm and calm attitude. The huge waves in front of him no longer made him feel that it could threaten his own life.

The waves were heavily photographed, and both Su Chang and the boat on which he was sitting felt terrible pressure. It seemed that there was a huge natural force that was going to crush them to the bottom of the sea, and bury them under the blue ocean, becoming the surface of the sea. The body below.

Su Chang was photographed by gravity and entered the world below the sea.

It was dead silent and dark.

There is no sound, no color, no light, and any sense of hearing or touch will not have any chance to function there. It seems that after sinking, it will die forever.

This is why Qian He repeatedly reminded Su Chang to set the alarm clock. If there is an external force calling, there is still a chance to go out in a short time.

Su Chang and Bian Zhou were briefly hit to the bottom of the sea, but after a moment of effort, a blood-red light burst out.

At the moment when the next wave appeared, the flat boat that Su Chang was riding broke free from the world under the sea surface, and the spiritual power that could manifest as actual existence appeared in his hands.

The next moment, another round of waves that were about to be slapped down was stopped by Su Chang's spiritual power, and a huge hole was torn in the middle of the waves for Su Chang and the boat to pass through.

Su Chang entered that state of concentration again, but this time he did not lower his head, but focused on the waves in front of him, without any escape.

Beside him, there seemed to be an unknown force that was changing the turbulent sea surface. The surrounding sea surface no longer rolled up waves of several meters or even tens of meters at every turn, but tended to be at a very gentle speed. calm.

To be honest, the speed of calming down is not very fast, and the effect can even be called pitiful.

But no matter what, Su Chang's strength is reflected in this raging sea.

At the same time, Su Chang felt that the power of the blood-red world had not been fully digested, a small part had been digested, and there was still a lot left.

Looking back, this small boat that could only accommodate him alone has changed. Not only has the hull become larger, but there is also a small sapling that is slowly growing.

This one is the sapling of the blood red fruit tree.

The blood-red power on Su Chang's body all comes from it, and when it really grows into a towering tree, Su Chang will be able to possess the complete blood-red power.


Walking out of the spiritual square, a large piece of Su Chang's back was already wet.

When practicing the spiritual side, the physical body of the material side will also bear a certain amount of pressure, and naturally it will inevitably be exhausted and affected.

It's not bad that his back is only soaked. I heard that some people have kidney failure immediately after practicing, and die on the spot, even if they can't be rescued.

Of course, that kind of situation is rare after all, and it belongs to the situation that there are problems in the cultivation of the spiritual side.

"The use of weapons is still not enough, I still need to continue reading."

"Huh? My physical fitness and life points seem to have changed."

Su Chang frowned slightly, swung his arms, looked at his more and more robust muscles, and then felt his stomach that was hungry after eating, and he vaguely understood in his heart.

He also heard from Qian He before that although the blood-red world is a medicine for spiritual cultivation, because of the precious materials used, it will also increase the life points to a certain extent.

Of course, in his words, it was a relatively small improvement, and it was nothing to them.

It is precisely because of this sentence that Su Chang did not pay too much attention to the increase in life points at the beginning. In his world, the so-called relatively small increase is at most a fluctuation of 0.05 or 0.1, and the difference is not large. Big meaning.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

"Didn't Teacher Qian mean it to me when he said this? It's nothing to them, but to me it's a real good thing, right?"

"In any case, the increase in life points is a good thing for me. Even if it is only increased by 0.1, it is a very critical improvement for me. It is one thing to be admitted to the Ninth University, and what is more important is to go to the Ninth University. Which school in the middle school, which major to study in.”

On this issue, Qian He had deeply educated Su Chang.

Ordinary people only know that the Nine Greats are good, but they don't understand that there are upper and lower classes in the Nine Greats, and there are also certain strengths and weaknesses.

The gap between majors and majors is huge. Otherwise, why can some [-] students be able to study, while some majors require the top batch of talents?
(End of this chapter)

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