The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 3 Strength Improvement, Physical Test

Chapter 3 Strength Improvement, Physical Test

Only now did Su Chang understand how great the benefits of sublimation are.

With his current level of synthetic modules, he could only synthesize ordinary hemolytic pills at most, but because the chance of sublimation was triggered, this limit was suddenly broken.

From the ordinary blood dissolving pill to the current triple body strengthening pill, just skip several levels!
Su Chang looked around at the unfinished moving and the corners that no one noticed.

Pick up the triple forging body pill and swallow it directly.

A wave of warmth exploded in Su Chang's stomach, and immediately after that, a vigorous force of blood flowed through Su Chang's blood.

This kind of power is very ferocious and powerful, but it didn't hurt Su Chang.

Qi and blood continuously nourished Su Chang's body, increasing his physical strength at a very rapid speed, every inch of flesh and blood including internal organs seemed to be blessed to some extent.

It was as if a person who had not eaten for a long time saw a table full of feasts and witnessed the legendary Manchu-Han banquet. He was completely immersed in it and enjoyed the ultimate feast.

The supplement of energy made Su Chang feel very comfortable.

As a matter of fact, a pill at the level of the Triple Body Forging Pill is definitely not something that a high school student like Su Chang with less than 0.7 life points can get.

Ordinary Hemolysis Pill is already a cultivation pill for quasi-warrior and even martial artist level, and the Triple Body Forging Pill is something that most warriors cannot afford.

If you want to buy this kind of elixir or medicine of the same level without frowning, you must be at least a warrior or above.

The effect of the Triple Strengthening Pill on a martial artist is quite obvious, let alone a high school student who is far behind even a quasi-martial artist.

It is precisely because of this huge gap that the triple body training pill set off a huge storm after entering Su Chang's body, which greatly increased his power.


In the age of stars, science and technology have a very thorough understanding and analysis of cells and genes.

If we dissect and observe part of Su Chang's cells and tissues now, we will find that some special changes are taking place in its essence.

For Su Chang, this kind of improvement is huge!
Normally, every 0.05 increase is very difficult and requires a lot of sweat.

However, a triple body forging pill directly shortened the road that Su Chang needed to work on, and completed it in a very short period of time.

If other people see this scene, they will be shocked to death.

The life points of 0.7 belong to the lower reaches in the class of No. [-] Middle School, which is really the bottom of the ranking.

Students in this ranking generally have no chance to pass the martial arts exam to fulfill their university dreams. These people will eventually choose the liberal arts exam, enter cultural schools to continue their studies, and enter society after graduation.

Become a passerby on the road, and become the basic framework of this huge human society.

The level of 0.8 is a normal level. If you work hard, you can be admitted to Wukao University.

0.9 is the top student in the class, and they must be required by the university to go to the martial arts exam.

Being admitted to the Wukao University means that your destiny has been changed a lot. In the future, you will join the army, plunder resources for the alliance, and capture planets.

If you have the ability, you can also become a strong individual, become the middle class of the army or some forces, and live a life that many people envy.

If you have special abilities in the brain, scientific research will also be a good way out.

But these are not the best choices, and these people are not the real human elites.

Let them go to the nine colleges, it can only be said that there is no hope at all.

1 life point, the strength of a quasi-warrior!

Note that it doesn't mean that you can enter the Nine Great Academies with the strength of a quasi-warrior, but only after you have such strength can you join the Nine Great Academies' unified examinations and become one of the countless candidates in the entire alliance.

Just to qualify you for this exam!
This is the most basic requirement for being admitted to the Nine Great Academies. Only those who become quasi-warrior are eligible to compete.

The nine great academies have cultivated [-]% of the geniuses in the Xinghai humans. Countless names have been heard in the starry sky and written into one book after another.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with the current Su Chang.

The potency of the Triple Body Forging Pill slowly receded, and Su Chang's final strength was finally stabilized.

The number of life points needs to be judged by instruments and data, so even Su Chang can't directly tell what level he is in.

He just felt that his strength had improved to a considerable extent, and there was a high probability that he had entered the level of a quasi-warrior.

Even, more than that.

The elixir, which most warriors can't use, has an astonishing effect on Su Chang's body.

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead due to the breakthrough, Su Chang continued to synthesize the elixir.

It's just that this time, his luck wasn't as good, and he couldn't achieve another sublimation after synthesizing ten more blood-dissolving pills.

At the same time, the number of inferior qi and blood pills on the container has been greatly reduced.

In order to prevent his actions from being discovered, Su Chang packed his things and walked out of the store.

He also doesn't intend to stay here as a part-time job.

With the synthesis module in hand, he no longer needs to earn the 500 yuan a month.

But before that, what he needs is to test what level his strength is at.


Dongmen Martial Arts Gym!
As a martial arts gym with a good reputation around, cheap fees, and easy-to-use equipment.

There are not many people who come to the Dongmen Martial Arts Training Hall to practice.

Although it was a working day, when Su Chang arrived, there were already many people present inside the training hall.

"Su Chang! Why didn't you go to a part-time job today, and came directly to the martial arts gym!"

"Hey, you're sweating profusely, what are you so nervous about?"


Su Chang once worked part-time at the Dongmen Martial Arts Gym for a long time.

And because his childhood welfare institution is in the surrounding streets, the people nearby can be said to be his neighbors in the neighborhood, watching him grow up.

Later, Su Chang also practiced in the Dongmen Martial Arts Training Hall all the time, so he knew a lot of people.

For Su Chang, most of the others also had good intentions and were very polite.

Su Chang responded to these people who said hello: "I have made a small breakthrough, let's take a physical test!"

Hearing that it was for the physical examination, some people became interested and followed Su Chang to the physical examination room.

"Do I remember that Su Xiaozi is in this batch of high school seniors? The college entrance examination will be in a month!"

"Yeah, he doesn't seem to be strong enough now, and if he wants to take the martial arts test, there is still a gap."

"The current education and teaching are getting more and more ruthless. At the time of my college entrance examination, um, 20 years ago... with a little more than 0.7 life points, there is still hope that I can pass the martial arts examination school."

"Now? If there is no 0.8, don't think about it at all. Even though some people's life points have reached 0.8, they will be brushed off because of various data and experience. At least 0.9 life points are safe."

"Martial arts schools and martial arts exams are, after all, the way forward for a small number of people. More people, like you and me, honestly enter the literary exam school to study, and after they come out, they become the masses."

A group of people who wanted to see Su Chang's side came to the side room.

At the same time, Su Chang had also entered the physical examination room.

(End of this chapter)

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