The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 29 Guess I'm Dead or Not

Chapter 29 Guess I'm Dead or Not
Get out of the shop and head all the way to the northern area of ​​the black market.

Along the way, many people were indeed stabilizing the situation in the south of the city, and some were searching for Su Chang's presence.

It's just that his makeup skills are really up to standard, and the others only met him in another makeup mode through surveillance, so the resolution is not very high.

In addition, Su Chang was all about running away and didn't care about other things at all. He had already confirmed that there was no problem with the map with the synthesis module, and of course he chose a path to go all the way to the end.

A group of people are constantly blocking and searching aimlessly.

Su Chang, on the other hand, kept running away, relying on detailed maps to become more familiar with the terrain than most people, and soon disappeared into the steel jungle.

The black market is also a city, except for the barren area near the waste soil station in the south of the city, the rest of the city is still like a city.

There are many tall buildings and bright lights.

The crowd is constantly flowing, and a large number of things that are not available in the outside world are sold here openly.

There are conflicts all the time, but with the development of the black market now, most places have their own rules and forces, so they have the most basic stability.

Of course, when it comes to killing, those forces are good at bullying those who are incompetent.

Conflict with the real strong?They don't have the guts.

When encountering people with means, those powerful people who take commissions just pretend they don't see anything, and they look like they are blind.

If you want to say something different, you rarely see old people and children in this place.

Or rather, no.

The number of women is also relatively small, and everyone reveals a dangerous atmosphere, and their strength is not too bad.

The black market also has public transportation. Trolleybuses on the elevated roads are running at high speed. The lights below are flashing by, and the crowds are constantly passing by, drawing pictures.

If he didn't care about the occasional explosions in the distance and the threats and riots that could be seen everywhere, Su Chang felt that there was not much difference between this place and Donghai City.

This time, he worked very hard in the south of the city. Compared to the small movement last time, today he collected 4000 million in one go.

4000 million unregistered cards are placed in his brain card slot, waiting for him to use.

This is definitely not a small number. If he gives up other things and just wants to be an honest federal citizen, he can choose a place in the entire Blue Star to live comfortably for the rest of his life.

Of course, he won't do that.
On the trolleybus, a few strong men were holding weapons and magnetic cards, collecting fees one by one.

In their words, they are responsible for [-]% of the public transportation here. In addition to the forces that create these means of transportation have to charge once, they also have to charge again.

This is a protection fee, a necessary fee to ensure that there will be no problems with the vehicle.

If not?

Throwing it directly from the elevated, at a height of several hundred meters, the bottom is reinforced concrete, and ordinary people will die if they fall.

Not to mention quasi-martialists, even warriors have to be reduced to a state of half-death.

Everything that exists in the black market has a reason for its existence.

In a place like this, these public transportation can still run, and naturally there are pillars behind it to stabilize the situation here.

Collecting money one by one, before Su Chang, they didn't suffer any embarrassment.

When he arrived at Su Chang, he showed a timid expression and asked, "The minimum card I have is 30. You won't take it all, right?"

Or the least one card?

The strong man who came to collect the money was taken aback for a moment, and said with a playful smile, "Of course we won't take it away. We only charge the money we should take. Those people in front are all good at it. Check it out first."

After speaking, the card reader was taken out.

Set the withdrawal amount, thirty.

Su Chang's bearer card was swiped on it.

Thirty deductions from the amount.

The remaining amount is 99 yuan.

More than 30?Is it a 100 million card?

Seeing this, the strong man who swiped the card immediately gave an evil smile; "Stupid boy! Bring it here!"

"You don't even understand why wealth should not be exposed. You are in bad luck today!"

"I advise you not to have any other ideas. We are from Sanhetang! This area is full of people from Sanhetang. If you dare to resist at all, I will peel off your skin today!"

Just when the strong man realized that he had encountered a fat sheep today and thought about how to slaughter it, Su Chang drew his knife directly.

E6 level blood knife.

He enjoyed using it in the holographic simulation pod so much that he bought one on the black market.

The explosive power shown by the 1.5 life points is of course terrifying. This strong man looks tall and powerful, but he is just the lowest gang member.

Not even a quasi-martial artist.

To deal with ordinary people, it is definitely good to bully the weak, but to deal with people like Su Chang, of course, this is not the case.

Su Chang used the knife skills that he had practiced to his core for a long time. The sharpness of the blood knife allowed him to directly cut open the body of the strong man in front of him.

The knife fell, the blood flew, and the corpse fell.

Su Chang took out the automatic firearm from the synthesis module.

Energy has long been installed in it, push the safety, and shoot directly.

sneak attack?

As long as it can kill the opponent, anything is fine.

For Su Chang, the two spaces of the synthesis module are simply a treasure bag of another level. No one will notice the situation if he carries it on his body. Once he makes a move, the threat level is extremely high.

It happened in a flash of lightning, and the remaining strong men didn't react.

After a handful of energy bullets were swept away, only one guy with extremely high HP blocked almost all the bullets with his muscles.

The energy hit him, making large areas of his skin scorched black.

The core bullet core was stuck in his flesh and blood, preventing his injuries from healing automatically.

This automatic firearm is mostly used against quasi-warriors below level 1.5.

Further up, quasi-warriors can resist the energy bullets in the firearms in various ways.

To deal with this guy from a distance, you can only use the hand cannon.

But the opponent obviously didn't want to give Su Chang the opportunity and time to take out the hand cannon. After a roar, he came directly towards Su Chang, his eyes were red and he was completely crazy.

Blood-red blotches and veins were exposed on his skin, and there was a small empty potion husk on the ground.

Even with his eyes closed, he could tell that this guy had injected himself with some life-saving genetic medicine in the gap of Su Chang's shooting just now, which made him alive until now and had the ability to fight back.

To be honest, this guy's reaction speed is very fast and he is very good at saving lives.

If he didn't have such reaction nerves, he would have died just now.

But that's not enough.

Su Chang had used the bloody knife Fa Su Chang many times in the holographic simulation cabin, but today was indeed the first time he had used the knife to actually kill someone at close range.

There is not much difference in life points between him and his opponent. In the small tram cabin, Su Chang already has the advantage with a weapon.

Coupled with the cooperation of the breathing method, his rhythm has always been ahead of the strong man in front of him.

Open it with one punch, lest ten thousand punches come.

A force of several thousand catties erupted directly, hitting the opponent in the face, and directly smashing him towards the facilities in the car not far away.

Most of the stuff on the black market is made of special materials to prevent it from breaking down too quickly.

This trolleybus is almost the same, except that this seemingly very hard alloy obviously doesn't work here. The man in a manic state directly squeezed a large pile of metal alloy into a ball.

Part of the alloy steel pipe was broken and inserted straight into the strong man's body.

This guy has a certain fighting level and experience, and the fire in his heart made him not care about the pain, and he came towards Su Chang in an instant.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that Su Chang had already been waiting for him here.

Su Chang dodged and jumped over the strong man's punch, and then inserted the bloody knife into the opponent's neck.

The future world of cultivation here is not a fantasy fairy world.

At least not yet.

With one stab, blood spurts out, and the person who dies cannot die anymore.

After kicking the corpses out and taking away all the valuables from these guys, hundreds of thousands of dollars were put into Su Chang's bag.

Looking at the people around them, they seemed to have seen nothing. They just stayed as far away from the battle site as possible between Su Chang and the strong man, and they were still doing what they were supposed to do.

Obviously, they have long been accustomed to such situations and have considerable understanding of daily fighting and killing.

In fact, the vast majority of them had their lives on them, and there were many people who wanted to take part in the battle just now to gain benefits, but Su Chang ended the battle too fast, so he suddenly killed all of them. scare.

Compared with the previous journey, the rest of the journey was uneventful. After arriving at the platform, Su Chang got off the train straight away.

The majestic smell of blood quickly attracted the attention of the surrounding people. Seeing this, some people with the same clothes as the strong man in the car ran over quickly, intending to keep Su Chang here.

A handful of handguns, firearms, and machetes were all displayed.

The strong men gradually formed a circle, trying to surround Su Chang in the middle to prevent him from escaping.

Su Chang calmly took out two small steel products, rolled them together with tape, and threw them towards the guys in the distance.

Before that, Su Chang had only heard about the power of D-class bombs when he was buying explosives.

It wasn't until those two small things exploded in front of Su Chang that Su Chang realized that this thing is really powerful.

The huge explosion immediately set off panic.

Who says people in the black market are ruthless guys who don't care about their lives?
There are countless people who are deadly, and now the situation has become chaotic, and those who don't run are the real coins.

Su Chang is a madman in a certain sense, but he also abides by the rules of the black market.

Along the way, he saw many people like this.

The terrain in many places is strange, the roads are full of potholes, and there are dead ends from time to time.

In this case, Su Chang wouldn't believe it if you said you had never used explosives or anything worse.

When you visit the black market, you have to leave a memorable mark.

Su Chang didn't bother to entangle with those guys. After bypassing a series of small bends on the map, he walked into a factory in a small alley.

The street outside is small and narrow, but the factory covers a large area.

The only thing that made Su Chang feel a little strange was that many things inside were running, but after walking for a while, no one could be seen.

It wasn't until he walked into the center of the factory that a slovenly man appeared in Su Chang's field of vision.

He seemed to know that Su Chang entered the factory a long time ago, and he didn't even look at Su Chang directly, but asked in a hoarse voice: "Who are you and what are you doing here."

Su Chang had rehearsed this question countless times in his mind.

"Someone told me that I can get the technology I want from you."

Su Chang threw the note and business card given to him by the shop owner into the air, and the slovenly man took the things and smiled knowingly after reading them.

"Do you want to build mechas? Or do you want to obtain the technology of mechas? Well... If I'm not wrong, electromagnetic guns, nuclear weapons, and half-push projects will also be the goals of your plan."

Counted a lot of things in one breath.

Indeed, these things are within the scope of Su Chang's goals. He wants any of the above-mentioned technologies.

It's just a pity that the next moment, the sloppy man waved his hand: "No, I can't teach you anything you want."

"I don't know how much money that black-hearted profiteer lied to you, but it has nothing to do with me. I dare not do this. You may not know the consequences."

"What if you use these weapons to cause massacres outside? Do you think the Federation really has no influence on the black market? Many forces in the black market are inextricably linked to the Federation, and both parties are cooperative."

"Mechas, electromagnetic guns, and nuclear weapons appear in outside cities, causing massive casualties. Public opinion is boiling. The Federation will definitely take action against the black market, and at least find the source of the weapons. If it turns out that it is the technology I taught you, you Guess whether I will die or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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