Chapter 286 The Finale
Su Chang would give such an affirmative answer, which was expected by Han Li from the very beginning.

This time, Su Chang must go.

He nodded: "Don't worry, all configurations will be given to you according to the highest."

"Tongtian Mountain is the pillar of the Jiugong civilization. If we can take Tongtian Mountain, it means that the entire Jiugong civilization will be under our feet. You have to understand this truth."

"The Federation needs you, and you also need yourself, come back alive, understand?"

Facing Han Li's care, Su Chang just nodded slightly, indicating that there is no problem.

The follow-up matters are quite simple. Similar emergency deployments and operations have been arranged in the camp early on. Of course, such a plan must first go through the Jiugong Theater and then arrive at Su Chang's hands.

Therefore, there is no need for Su Chang to think about the corresponding aspects, as long as he takes action.

In less than half an hour, Su Chang had already disappeared in the camp. Several monks changed into the costumes of Nine Palace Civilized monks, and the overall atmosphere also underwent a series of changes.

These methods were obtained by the monks above.

Su Chang didn't know the specific source, but he could clearly feel that this power was acting on him, and it was quite effective.

To be honest, Su Chang was also quite surprised by this power. After all, before this, as far as he knew, there seemed to be no such technology in the Federation.

When I asked Han Li, Han Li also said that he didn't know, and the above did not say the same.

Well, Su Chang didn't continue to struggle with this issue for too long.

After all, there are many secret projects of the Federation, and no one knows when something will have new results.

Suddenly, I took out something that I hadn't seen before, and it seemed that it could barely be considered normal.


Outside the camp, a group of people were walking in the endless wilderness.

Su Chang was at the top, and a group of people guarded him.

There are a total of four monks around, all of whom are in the Tribulation Period!

The number of strong men in the federation is rare, and those in the Transcending Tribulation Period are extremely rare, and they are extremely important.

Now, four monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period stayed around Su Chang in one breath.

If it wasn't for fear of other situations, the higher-ups would definitely not mind arranging more defense forces for Su Chang.

Of course, more defense forces are possible, but we must also consider the influence of so many people in the civilized world of the Nine Palaces.

With so many monks guarding Su Chang alone, outsiders would immediately understand that there was something wrong with this situation, and they would soon be noticed.

Therefore, the team is good, not crowded.

Quantity is often not critical.

The four monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period have been able to guarantee their safety most of the time.

Su Chang was surrounded in the middle, and another cultivator in the tribulation period said to Su Chang; "The first positioning point has arrived, should we check it out?"

Logically speaking, these monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period are all arrogant people, and they all have their own abilities.

The status in the Federation, each one is quite high.

But now, they have a good talk with Su Chang, and even Su Chang is the main one.

After all, they also know what their mission is at this stage.

What they are doing now can be said to be the most critical task in the entire Jiugong theater, and it is a matter of planning in the true sense.

What determines the direction of the entire Jiugong War Zone is the most critical matter for the Federation.

Under such circumstances, of course, there will be no other people messing around inside, wasting time, and consuming some meaningless things.

However, such an important task is mainly buried in Su Chang's body and needs to be arranged by Su Chang.

Su Chang nodded and operated the following things to check the first positioning point.

No anomalies were found.

There is no so-called weak point in the formation in this area, and it is quite stable.

That's not to say that this place can't be targeted and attacked, but if we really put our power here, there's a high probability that meeting them will not be a good result.

Maybe with one shot, there is no way to destroy the entire small world of Tongtian Mountain and solve the problem in one go.

Since there is no way to solve the problem in one go, then you can't just use your real skills.

After confirming the situation here, Su Chang shook his head slightly: "No, I have to change to another place."

"The formation situation in this area is very stable. If we attack forcefully, we may not get a good result."

"As an alternative, we should try our best to find a final result."

The crowd was quite convinced by Su Chang's answer, and immediately nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

Exhaling a breath, Su Chang didn't say anything, and went straight to another direction.

For the second selection point, Su Chang once again understood the structure of the array.

A series of structures were placed in front of Su Chang. After a moment, he showed a surprised expression.

There are seven or eight selection points before and after, and there are many suspicious places.

Now is the second choice point, Su Chang can find the final result at once, this kind of situation is indeed what Su Chang did not expect.

In any case, the current situation is definitely good.

After exhaling a breath, the surprise on Su Chang's face came into everyone's sight.

Facing Su Chang's surprise, the people around said immediately; "Find the weak point? Are you sure there is no problem?"

"No problem, this is the weak point."

"Maybe the weak point of the entire Tongtianshan Small World is not just this one place, but the effect here has been placed here, and it is absolutely meaningful."

"Being able to find the weak point in the second wave is really good luck for us."

"Of course, if possible, we can continue to search, but it may waste more time..."

The results of the discussions here have not yet come out.

In the distance, several figures suddenly appeared.

In this endless plain, the appearance of such a few figures naturally aroused the vigilance of all the monks present in an instant.

The five people including Su Chang immediately turned their gazes there.

The people who appeared here at this time, Su Chang and others could know the origin of each other even if they closed their eyes.

After exhaling a breath, everyone immediately began to plan how to deal with each other.

On the other side, at the same time that Su Chang and the others discovered the other cultivator, of course they also realized the existence of Su Chang and the others on this side.

Compared to the high tension of Su Chang and others, they seemed a little more relaxed.

After all, at this stage, with the Federation outside and the invasion of evil spirits from outside the sky, all the monks in Tongtian Mountain are quite united, and there will be no bad vicious incidents.

And before that, the Federation had never had any latent plans, so the people in Tongtian Mountain didn't pay special attention to the Federation's infiltration.

Only when the Federation does not have the means in this regard.

The auras of the cultivators at Su Chang's side were immediately released, making the people at this end aware of the strength of the other people.

Therefore, when they arrived in front of Su Chang and others, a group of people immediately bowed and half-kneeled on the ground: "Participate, my lord!"

This is of course the case for the monk in the Tribulation Stage in front of him.

In the realm of comprehension, the strong will always be on top.

This is also because these monks did not find any problems with Su Chang and others. The aura of Su Chang and others was the same as that of other monks, so there was no big problem.

When things are within the controllable range, Su Chang and others will not act brazenly.

Su Chang and others nodded slightly: "We have something to do here, so don't ask any questions."

"Report your mission."

Logically speaking, the monks of Tongtian Mountain who met outside had to report their parts and certain passwords.

But on Su Chang's side, there are four monks in the Tribulation Period!
And one by one they have tasks and orders, of course it is impossible for them not to listen.

The few who came naturally did not dare to ask Su Chang and the others why they were standing here, they could only follow Su Chang and the others' wishes honestly, and directly tell the reason why they appeared here.

"Report to the adults, we are here to strengthen the key nodes of the array."

"Well, it says that the Black Underworld has been destroyed, which means that those extraterrestrial demons may have a way to directly destroy the small world."

"So, I hope we will come over to reinforce and confirm the situation, and then we will send more strong people to solve the problems here."

Hearing this, Su Chang and the others nodded slightly.

A smile immediately revealed: "Okay, since the tasks do not conflict, then you can do it."

After getting the consent of Su Chang and others, several monks immediately breathed a sigh of relief and quickly carried out their own operations.

On the other side, Su Chang and others looked at each other, and they all saw absolute murderous intent in each other's eyes.

Nonsense, the other party is here to embarrass them, of course there is nothing to say.

If these guys are really allowed to complete the task, then they will really return without success!
With Su Chang's look, several people around immediately understood.

Everyone understands the truth here.

It took only an instant before and after, and several monks started to do it in an instant.

Then, the cultivator of Tongtian Mountain in front of him was killed instantly, without any ability to resist.

Then, Su Chang quickly contacted the camp and asked them to start a battle as quickly as possible and carry out a large-scale attack.

On the other hand, they directly skipped all the procedures and continued to the Jiugong theater to let them activate the core star destroyer.

If they do something here, the consciousness of the Nine Palaces Civilized World will react soon!
When the time comes, they will be discovered in an instant.

Therefore, follow-up actions and plans must of course be advanced in advance. If you don't do this, the previous preparations will probably be turned into nothingness!

At this moment, all forces have already made full preparations, including the side of the camp, and countless forces have already made preparations. After the news from Su Chang's side, a large number of interstellar ships immediately launched.

The attack mode has long been prepared.

Not long after Su Chang and the others left the weak point, the reaction at the other end of the Jiugong war zone was also quite quick. A large amount of power came directly, and the core star destroyer was directly activated, and it went straight down.

In an instant, a small half of the block was smashed by this force, and the extremely majestic power seemed to penetrate the entire small world of Tongtian Mountain.

Also in the same period of time before and after, a series of stalwart forces shot simultaneously.

When the matter developed to this point, it was no longer a matter of one or two people. In the field of vision of Su Chang and others, at the huge mountain peak in the distance, a pair of incomparable big hands were about to block the beam of light of the entire core Star Destroyer Cannon.

Trying to use his power to directly block the entire core Star Destroyer Cannon!
Seeing this, Su Chang and others couldn't even say a word for a while.

Such a move is no longer as simple as being crazy.

Shocking to make people doubt the authenticity of this world.

Can a monk's power really reach such a level?

Su Chang didn't understand, and he couldn't tell.

But the problem is, everything is in front of you.

This is that immortals and saints are the masters of heaven and earth.

And at the same time as the existence of Tongtian Mountain made a move, a large amount of power fell to the ground.

On the side of the federation, the great beings that exist in the positional plane and the direction strike simultaneously, and the confrontation starts in an instant.

In an instant, the whole world was spinning.

It seems that even without the core Star Destroyer Cannon, this force can destroy the entire small world of Tongtian Mountain.

Su Chang and others quickly fled, trying to leave this place of right and wrong.

Then, an illusory figure appeared in the field of vision of Su Chang and others.

Su Chang didn't think of this phantom figure, but he somehow knew what it was in front of him.

The world consciousness of Nine Palaces Civilization.

The other party's actions were very direct. Before Su Chang could react, the four cultivators around him were already frozen in place, being directly controlled.

They lost their sanity and all reason, and stood there blankly like puppets.

Seeing this scene, Su Chang just kept silent and didn't make a sound.

Quietly looking at the consciousness of the Nine Palaces Civilized World in front of him.

As a monk in the Fusion stage, Su Chang was able to deal with all the other monks in the Tribulation Stage around him in an instant. It would be too difficult for Su Chang, a monk in the Fusion stage, to have other reactions and actions.

And since the Jiugong Civilized World Consciousness in front of him didn't deal with him immediately, of course it also has its own ideas.

As soon as he opened his mouth, there was a sentence that Su Chang couldn't understand.

The illusory figure slowly said: "It's about to end."

"All problems and things will end soon, and all answers will be unveiled in a short time."

"Of course, there are some things you will never know clearly, and the answer will always be buried at the end of everything, becoming a real haze."

Su Chang remained silent on the spot, unable to speak.

The world consciousness is still making its own statement: "You have to understand that some things are not as simple as we think. The beginning and end of something have their own reasons and reasons."

"The thing in your body is the product and legacy of another civilization crystallization, um, that is, the civilization that made up your Blue Star civilization and fell on your Blue Star spaceship 300 years ago."

"I don't know where they come from or what they are, but I understand one thing. They are fundamentally different from us."

"This time, I lost, but I don't want the Nine Palaces to be completely destroyed because of this. You will be chosen by that civilization's crystallization, so I shouldn't be wrong in choosing you."

After finishing speaking, the world consciousness of the Jiugong civilization directly transformed itself into an illusion and entered Su Chang's body.

A large amount of power appeared in Su Chang's body, and at the same time, the synthesis module revealed its own body for the first time, and a small seed appeared in front of Su Chang.

Then, the two forces immediately merged in a certain sense, and all kinds of mana were formed into one body, and all of them were poured into Su Chang's body.

High-level fit, Mahayana stage, crossing the catastrophe stage...

Then, another new stage appeared in front of Su Chang. He seemed to have entered a new realm in a certain sense. Everything in the world and everything that existed in front of him had different changes and had real achievements.

His spirit seemed to have surpassed the entire world, and endless vision was presented in front of him.

This is the fairy.


This book is over.

(End of this chapter)

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