Chapter 279 I Will Pick You Up!
It is no exaggeration to say that spiritual power weapons involve the entire Jiugong civilization.

Now, Su Chang directly took out the core of the land of the abyss, which is a real hope for everyone.

In this regard, Su Chang didn't have much to say, and the discussion of some things still needs to be discussed later.

The most important thing for Su Chang now is to introduce all the information he has at hand.

Su Chang didn't care much about the approval of the project.

Take out all the existing Nine Palaces civilization directly, and a lot of information enters the ears of everyone.

Finally, the core of the land of the abyss was also determined.

First of all, the land of the abyss will be used in the new project of the Federation, and it is planned to create the most powerful weapon in the comprehensive war zone of the Nine Palaces Civilization, directly targeting the Nine Palaces Civilization to solve the problem.

Unlimited spiritual energy means that unlimited transformations can be performed.

On the other hand, it is to reuse part of the core power of the abyss to make project arrangements for the spiritual weapon project, trying to solve the problem in this way, and quickly produce spiritual weapons.

Once the mass production of spiritual weapons is successful, it means that the Federation can arrange spiritual weapons and even magic weapons for every federal soldier.

On the mecha, the original structure can also be converted into a spiritual weapon mecha, which improves the overall strength to a frightening level.

Therefore, the establishment of a spiritual weapon project must be done.

At the beginning, everyone hoped that Su Chang could come forward and preside over the overall situation.

Su Chang was tired of refusing, and in the end he was the general manager of the project, managing the overall situation, but the specific things were done by the people below.

Su Chang didn't expect that one day he would be able to become a leader and become a hands-off shopkeeper, so of course he didn't say anything more.

The last point is for Su Chang's personal help.

In addition to giving Su Chang a lot of resources, the core of the land of the abyss can also be used by Su Chang when he needs it.

If Su Chang needs to use the core of the land of the abyss for cultivation, he only needs to say a word, and the core will appear in Su Chang's hands.

After all, he brought the things back.

This privilege is still there.

In this regard, Su Chang doesn’t really have much to say personally, but the importance of the land of the abyss lies here. How many people would envy such a privilege to the point of envy, so of course Su Chang took it.

Seven days after Su Chang returned to the Federation, the Federation notified all the planets and territories in the Federation territory, officially announcing that the Federation and the Nine Palaces Civilization had resumed the war.

Compared to before, this time, the Federation really went all out.

According to Hanli, today's military budget has directly increased by 300% compared to previous years!

The three-fold increase has brought huge industrial and military improvements, and a large amount of resources and talents have poured into the Jiugong Civilization War Zone.

Half a month later, Su Chang was appointed as the No. 17 committee member of the Jiugong War Zone and appointed the regiment commander.


Tianhexing, a group of villas.

Returning to this familiar land, Su Chang's mentality was indeed quite strange.

In the past few years, the entire Milky Way has undergone tremendous changes. Compared with the original Xinghai, only one place has a certain degree of urbanization.

Nowadays, the entire Milky Way has undergone special changes.

A large number of modern equipment sprang up from the ground, and countless Tianhe star natives began to integrate into the Federation's technology and system, and actively integrated into the Federation.

The natives of Tianhe star also understand very well that since they can't beat them, they should join them completely.

Not to mention that the Federation's management of Tianhe Star is quite easy. From all aspects, it also cooperates with the local situation of Tianhe Star as much as possible.

At the same time, the Federation is also rapidly developing the local resources of Tianhe Planet, raising the planet's GDP to a very powerful figure.

At least in Su Chang's view, this place is indeed completely different.

Han Li walked beside Su Chang, looked at Su Chang's shocked face, and smiled slightly: "Why, it's incredible?"

"Hahahaha, let alone you who haven't been to Tianhe for so many years, even if I stay in Tianhe every day, I feel that this place is really developing fast."

"Well, you know that Tianhe is rich in resources and has a lot of mining value in itself, so there is now annoyance, innate conditions determine most of the situation."

"For the natives of Tianhe Star, such a change is of course good. At least they can get rid of the feudal society of the cultivation world and formally welcome civilization."

Good and bad things are all compared.

Compared with the strong, such a change is of course not good. After all, the arrival of the federation and the arrival of civilization will make them lose their right to do whatever they want.

But for ordinary people and low-level monks, the arrival of the Federation and the arrival of civilization will bring about the most direct and obvious changes in their lives.

It can be said that it is quite good.

For a group of people, such a change is very superior.

"You are still one of the twelve committee members of Tianhe Star, and your rank and status are here."

"At the beginning, you were reluctant to sit on the committee. During this process, there were many people who wanted to take your position, but because your position was appointed by the saint, no one dared to take concrete actions in the end."

"But for some things, you still need to show your real ability and level of strength, otherwise, even if people don't really do it, they will always have ideas in their hearts."

Su Chang understood what Han Li meant.

The previous him was no more than Nascent Soul cultivator.

With such a cultivation base, let alone the Nine Palaces Civilization, even on Tianhe Star, his Su Chang's ability is really nothing.

If you really tell him that no one else has thought about Su Chang's position, Su Chang still doesn't believe it.

Now that he has such a level of strength, others will certainly not have other thoughts.

The rank status of the dual committee members is here.

In the third level of life, in the state of combined body, Su Chang's combat power can be regarded as the real top.

The title of Federation Hero and the trip to the Nine Palaces of Civilization directly made Su Chang bear an unknown number of first-class and special-class merits.

The news that Su Chang brought back directly made him the darling of the entire frontline military.

Su Chang smiled: "Now that the entire Federation spends so much money on military industry, it seems that all the funds will be taken back from the Nine Palaces Civilization."

The truth behind Su Chang's words is quite simple. This is a kind of account involving investment and return.

The Federation has invested so much in the military industry, throwing a lot of money into it, and there will always be a return.

The reward here is to take down the Nine Palaces civilization and obtain a lot of resources from it.

Resources are the best return.

It can directly help the Federation to recover all costs.

If successful, everyone is happy.

If it fails, there will be a gap in the federal internal finances, and the subsequent situation will not be good no matter how you look at it.

This time, in a sense, the Federation is desperate.

"Economy and war are bound together. The Star Sea era is an era of colonization and plunder."

"Now that the Federation has such a big plate, aren't most of them snatched?"

"Of course, that's the reason why fists are hard. Xinghai... is a cannibal."

"If we don't eat others, they will eat us."

Su Chang is quite clear about this truth.

The world consciousness of the Nine Palaces Civilization also wanted to invade the Federation and devour the Federation's power.

Everyone is of the same virtue, eyeing each other covetously, trying to swallow the other party completely into their own body.

The land of the abyss is the best answer given by the Nine Palaces Civilization.

This matter, Jiugong Civilization has already done it.

Saying that, Han Li sent a large copy of the property certificate to Su Chang's brain: "These are all your money."

"After you enter the Nine Palaces Civilization, all your property will enter the federal protection account, and all your interests will be protected by the federation."

"In the past few years, your assets have really expanded at a crazy speed. Who can't be envious of you?"

Saying that, Han Li signaled Su Chang to focus on the property certificate.

Su Chang is of course not polite, his own money doesn't need any politeness, and he glanced over it, but he was slightly taken aback.

He really did not expect that the size of Shenzhou Company has reached such a level.

What's more, Su Chang's shares also exist in the derivative products of the wormhole shuttle technology.

Including the two trade market quotas won at Xinghai University at the beginning, and now it has grown into Tianhe Star's trading giant company, not to mention the market value owned by Su Chang.

Even the dividends he has on hand now are already an astonishing amount.

Then, Su Chang gave a rather pretentious remark.

"Money is just a number."

Regarding this, Han Li showed a very kind expression, and said with a smile: "Your boy still deserves to be beaten like before!"


After a few tedious efforts, Su Chang saw Qian He in the reserve area of ​​Tianhe Star's first war zone.

Qian He was not much different from what he remembered, and that familiar smile was still on his face forever.

It's just that compared to before, the current Qian He no longer has that kind of arrogance and youthfulness, and what he presents is already a kind of absolute stability.

"Yo, you kid still know how to come back?!"

"How many years have you stayed in the Nine Palaces Civilization? I thought you were about to be stunned by the fairies and witches of the Nine Palaces Civilization, and you didn't even know how to leave home!"

After finishing speaking, Qian He grabbed Su Chang and introduced to the people around him; "Let me introduce to you, Su Chang, the No.17 member of the Jiugong Civilization War Zone, and the real power member of Tianhe Star."

"There is also a group under his command, with great military exploits and a reputation far and wide."

After the introduction, everyone around looked at Su Chang and was stunned.

Here, it's not just because Su Chang has great ability and famous name, that's why he was taken aback.

The No.17 member of the Jiugong Civilization War Zone is very powerful, but it can't affect them, and it's actually not a very good situation.

The really powerful one is the real power member of Tianhe Star.

After hearing this title, everyone immediately realized who Su Chang was.

At that time, the name of Su Chang was spread throughout Tianhe Star. It is no exaggeration to say that Su Chang is also a legend in a certain sense.

Among the people present, which one has no impression of Su Chang?
Now that the real person appeared in front of them, everyone was of course quite surprised.

"Hello, Commissioner Su."

"Committee Su!"

"Commissioner, I have admired his name for a long time. When I see him today, he is indeed extraordinary!"

"Commissioner, I often use Shenzhou Pharmacy."

The last sentence made everyone burst into laughter.

Su Chang didn't see him either: "I never thought I could still remember my name after drinking a potion!"

Qian He patted Su Chang, pulled Han Li, and the three of them walked towards the distance together.

This guy first grabbed Su Chang and asked about his experience in Jiugong Civilization during this period, and asked about the situation of Jiugong Civilization.

Then, the conversation suddenly changed: "You came to see me today, you must have something to do?"

"Oh?" Su Chang frowned, showing a hurt expression: "Mr. Qian, if you said that, it would be too hurtful."

"In your heart, am I such a person who doesn't respect teachers?"

Regarding Su Chang's expression, Qian He directly shook his head: "I don't think you are bad, I just think that Old Devil Han is not a fun thing."

"This guy's belly is full of real bad water. He must have something to do with you today."

"The current situation on the Jiugong Civilization side is unstable, let me guess, which important person is it?"

After being called by Qian He, Han Li didn't waste any time, and nodded directly: "I'll tell you directly, too."

"I have already applied to the higher-ups to transfer you to the Jiugong Theater as the deputy commander of the army."

"The higher-ups have agreed to come today to pick you up!"

(End of this chapter)

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