Chapter 272
The blood moon has always been an inevitable topic in the land of the abyss, and it is also an obvious crisis in the land of the abyss.

Under such circumstances, Su Chang and others naturally had to be prepared.

And what Huang Hong said is correct, the blood moon will also directly stimulate all potential dangers that do not exist in the first place. Although the strength of Su Chang and others is here, but you insist that they face the danger...

Su Chang asked himself that he did not have such ability.

Without thinking about other things, Su Chang and others quickly found a location, dug out a sufficient cave space, and then arranged enough formation runes inside and outside for defense.

Then, the blood moon officially rose outside, and the entire land of the abyss seemed to be plunged into another level of weirdness.

Su Chang and the others chatted without saying a word. Su Chang's own mind had already entered into the memory of the cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period.

Compared to before, this time, Su Chang's attention was more focused on the dark area.

The only thing that makes Su Chang feel a little pity is that what he got is only a broken part after all, 14% of the memory is directly caused, if Su Chang is lucky, then he can get what he wants.

If he is unlucky and the content he wants is not in this part of the memory, then Su Chang has no choice but to give up.

Fortunately, this cultivator who crossed the catastrophe did have a considerable part of the content about the dark area in his memory, and Su Chang began to clear a large amount of memory.

At the same time, Su Chang also understood why he entered this half-dead state.

This tribulation cultivator was first severely injured in a strange place, but he had no choice but to hide in the dark area.

Of course, just like the prestige of the Dark Zone, although the strength of this cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period is terrifying, he obviously did not end well in a place like the Dark Zone.

In the end, he himself found a way to leave through the secret method, and escaped.

It's a pity that although the person came out, his injuries were extremely serious.

The price of everything is that his true self has fallen into this half-dead state. This domain is a part of his own law, heaven and earth.

That weird field was completely exposed unconsciously by this monk who crossed the catastrophe.

Just a single unconsciousness wiped out the whole town like this.

This is the horror of the monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period.

Of course, to Su Chang, the other things in the dark area are not too important.

However, how you leave matters.

Just like what Huang Hong said, the pitch-dark zone is a real death zone. If you don't want to enter and have no way to leave, then it's best to have enough preparations before entering.

Su Chang didn't intend to break into it and seek death by himself, it didn't make any sense, on the contrary, it would only lose his own life.

Su Chang exhaled, a lot of information swam in his mind.

In the vast amount of memory, Su Chang saw a familiar scene and saw a very familiar person.

Lord of the Southern Emperor.

My own cheap master.

At this moment, the City Lord of the Southern Emperor is Su Chang's biggest backer in the Nine Palaces civilization, and also Su Chang's golden finger in a certain sense.

Grasping the Lord of Nandi City is a crucial step for Su Chang.

At the same time, if Su Chang wants to get in touch with more critical content, the secrets deep in the consciousness of the civilized world of the Nine Palaces, the Nandi City Lord will obviously be the most direct breakthrough.

It is necessary to find the Nandi City Lord.

And now, according to the memory of this cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period, the City Lord of the Southern Emperor is in the dark zone.

Then, for Su Chang, the dark area is undoubtedly a place that must be entered.

Then, Su Chang continued to search, and a lot of content flickered.

The way this cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period left was through an extremely unpopular formation in ancient times.

Extremely complex, extremely cumbersome, and requires a lot of resources.

At the same time, the price is to fall into a weak state for a long time, and at the same time, the original injuries on the body will be aggravated.

Take a breath, for Su Chang, Su Chang still accepts such side effects and effects.

While Su Chang was searching his memory, the blood moon outside had already ended.

Just as Huang Hong was about to get up, he planned to discuss the future plan with Su Chang, but Su Chang suddenly spoke up.

One sentence made Huang Hong sweat profusely, and he couldn't even speak for a while.

"I'm going to the Dark Zone."

"There is someone waiting for me there, I have to go."

"I told you before, if I don't go, it won't be a good result to meet me."

Su Chang's words left Huang Hong hesitant and unable to give an answer.

He was terrified to the extreme of the four imperils in the pitch-dark zone, and reason told him that he should never have the idea of ​​wasting time in the four impasses, which was not much different from courting death.

For the place where the death rate is so high that people doubt life, Huang Hong only feels that every pore of his body is resisting.

After all, he has friendship with Su Chang, and the two sides trust him quite a bit. Huang Hong still explained to Su Chang patiently.

"You don't know what the four imperiled lands mean, it means that after you are inside, it is almost impossible to get out of it again. Do you understand this truth?"

"You will die! I know that you are not afraid of death when you come to the abyss, but the problem is that this kind of death path is meaningless, isn't it?"

"I know you have a mission, but the problem is, you can wait until that senior comes out of the dark zone before delivering the letter!"

"If he died inside, wouldn't it be fine? Wouldn't you be able to get out of this matter?"

Huang Hong tried his best to persuade Su Chang to let him give up this crazy idea.

It's just a pity that Su Chang's face was filled with absolute calm, as if he didn't take these words or the situation seriously from the very beginning.

What was written all over his face was absolute calm.

Su Chang understood Huang Hong's excitement. For Huang Hong, entering the dark zone was tantamount to death.

Huang Hong is very optimistic about Su Chang, so he doesn't want Su Chang to die inside.

However, for Su Chang, there was nothing to say about it, he had to do it.

Su Chang maintained his previous expression, and said quite calmly: "I have my own difficulties, and there are some things that you can't help no matter how hard you try to persuade them."

"Similarly, I didn't break in without a brain, and I also have a certain degree of certainty."

"I will enter it alone. This matter is too risky, and I will not let you have to follow me. I will go alone in the dark zone."

Hearing this, Yang Tang became a little unhappy instead, and said directly: "Brother Su, I want to go with you."

There are some other things that Yang Tang didn't say directly, but Su Chang understood.

However, it is still impossible for Su Chang to let Yang Tang follow him.

This is a very simple reason. For Su Chang, in other places in the land of the abyss, Yang Tang is quite useful as a trustworthy person.

With the Nascent Soul monk and him as a monk in the combined realm, the combat effectiveness can be guaranteed to a certain extent.

But in such a situation, obvious changes will occur after entering the dark zone. At that time, the person a person can trust is no longer very important.

The danger in it is too great, and there is a high probability that it will fall halfway.

Yang Tang has a good relationship with him, and Su Chang doesn't want to take Yang Tang to risk.

He directly sent relevant news to Yang Tang with his thoughts, indicating what happened next.

At the same time, he said that after finding the master, he would definitely let the city master of Nandi come forward to find Yang Tang.

A monk who has cultivated to this level is not a fool in the absolute sense.

After realizing the Taoism in it, Yang Tang quickly fell silent, expressing his understanding.

Huang Hong soon realized that there was a high probability that Su Chang had other reasons for this, but it was because the relationship between the two parties had not reached that level, so Su Chang didn't tell him clearly.

Even, Huang Hong once wondered whether Su Chang had other methods and ways to get out of the dark area safely.

Of course, such thoughts were quickly understood by Huang Hong.

The four impasses are definitely not a joke. If you want to get out of them safely, unless you are a fairy, there is almost no other way.

Su Chang and Huang Hong did not waste any other time. After everyone finished talking, there was no need to talk about the rest.

Since they are going to part ways, and it's all because of their own affairs, even if they can't stay, it can only be said to be a pity, and there is no other fault.

Su Chang, Huang Hong, and Yang Tang continued to go to a designated town, intending to say goodbye there.


In the land of the abyss, in a certain town.

These towns in the land of the abyss have a distinctive feature, that is, there is a special kind of cruelty and desolation. Most people have an absolute sense of indifference, and there is no other reason to say.

In towns, only consumed resources, medicines, a lot of news, and black stones are sold.

In cities and towns, there is a lot of news, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can even find the four great impasses and even deeper secrets.

Of course, it is up to you to judge the authenticity of this, and no one can tell whether what you get is true news, or just a waste of time.

Su Chang originally planned to collect all kinds of information in the town, but now he has the memory of the tribulation monk.

Knowing the follow-up direction and what needs to be done, of course, there is no need to waste time on this.

After Su Chang separated from Huang Hong and Yang Tang, he did not go directly to the dark zone. Instead, he first purchased the low-level array talisman book in the market and then synthesized it through the synthesis module.

Then, sell the valuable things in the synthesis module to get a lot of profit.

Su Chang's follow-up actions are of course quite simple. On the one hand, he buys a lot of relatively low-level things, and then strengthens them through synthesis modules.

You can set the white wolf empty-handed, and earn a lot of wealth through the synthetic middle price difference.

This is only one aspect of the benefits.

More importantly, Su Chang can directly obtain a lot of knowledge from these aspects and from the synthesis of these transactions.

Not only formations, but also talismans, celestial figures, and all kinds of secrets are in his bag.

A lot of syntheses and transactions brought benefits to Su Chang, which directly made Su Chang reap a lot.

And these are Su Chang's preliminary preparations.

After doing a good job of accumulating his own original capital, Su Chang finally set off.

As a well-known place in the entire land of the abyss, the dark zone is known as the four major secret realms of the land of the abyss. There are many people who know it and want to know it.

But the closer to the dark area, the rarer the number of monks.

According to the judgment of everyone in the market, the essence of the pitch-black area is actually alive, and it is constantly moving.

It is precisely because of this constant mobility that if you approach this dark area, it is very likely that you will be forced to be involved in it.

So many people are not willing to approach here.

But for people like Su Chang who essentially want to enter the inside, of course they have to take the initiative to cater to the dark zone.

A huge, huge, pitch-black mass appeared in Su Chang's field of vision.

In a sense, to say that this thing is a huge block is obviously to underestimate the dark area.

In fact, Su Chang prefers to call the thing in front of him the world.

In front of him, there seemed to be a whole dark world slowly moving towards Su Chang, as if the whole world was moving slowly.

However, although it is said to be moving slowly, its speed still exceeds the limit level of ordinary Jindan and even Nascent Soul cultivators.

In other words, if you are a Jindan, Nascent Soul, or even weaker, when you realize that the dark zone is coming towards you, there is no other meaning for you to run away.

Because the huge dark world in front of you is far faster than you, even if you use all your strength, it will be meaningless to you.

Only death.

Su Chang didn't hesitate too much, he frantically made the final preparations, raised all his states to the extreme, and faced the overwhelming dark world without any waves.

Watching the entire dark world melt itself into it.

An extremely strong pressure appeared on Su Chang's body. In just a split second, Su Chang felt that the energy and blood in his body were boiling.

Of course, this kind of pressure and injury is not serious, and for Su Chang, it is completely tolerable.

What really troubled Su Chang was a kind of absolute darkness and indifference.

The dark zone is just like its name. Su Chang is greeted by a kind of darkness that makes people unable to resist. Not only his vision, but also all perceptions are directly eliminated.

Tactile, auditory...

The entire five senses have been cleared.

What Su Chang can use is only the most basic spiritual power. Although his spiritual power is suppressed, it still exists. The existence of spiritual cultivation allows his ability to continue to be used.

The spiritual perception brought by the spiritual square is all that Su Chang can perceive.

Well, at this moment, it is also empty.

Where Su Chang originally existed was a large forest, logically speaking, while the dark zone involved himself, it should also involve the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, including those stones.

Except that's not the case.

But in Su Chang's consciousness, there is nothing in this space.

There were no trees that should have existed.

(End of this chapter)

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