The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 259 World Consciousness and Technology

Chapter 259 World Consciousness and Technology
Nandi City.

Yang Man, who had already returned, gave an overview of what he had seen and heard in the Jianqiu Sect with Su Chang, basically repeating everything.

After listening, Su Chang really didn't know what to say for a while.

He originally thought that going to Jian Qiuzong was simply killing people.

Purely for revenge on Jian Qiuzong.

Indeed, from the very beginning, I never expected such a thing to happen.

But the follow-up situation is already here.

The appearance of demons from outside the world in Jianqiuzong suddenly turned Jianqiuzong into a real place of right and wrong.

What kind of things will happen in that place after that, even Yang Man didn't expect it.

It would be fine if it was simply Jian Qiuzong who arrested someone.

Anyway, no matter whether it is the evil spirit outside the sky or the people from Jian Qiuzong, all of them are dead now.

Even if you want to find any evidence, it's impossible to find any melons by following the vine.

But the problem is.

From the mouths of those people, Yang Man and Su Chang were able to realize that because they knew the problematic content of the abyss.

Cause they are being hunted down by some people.

This has led to the current situation.

Will someone come to the door later.

No one made it clear.

Exhaling a breath, Yang Man rubbed his temples: "If the opponent is an ordinary force or individual, there may not be any problems or crises."

"After all, Nandi City still has a lot of weight in the southeast state, including the current Nandi Mountain, which still has a considerable number of monks."

"For ordinary enemies, it won't be a problem."

"The most fearful thing is that monks and forces that can be involved in the abyss are not easy in most cases."

Who is involved with what.

No matter how you think about it, the guy who can be involved with the abyss is not easy.

While talking, Su Chang also became inexplicably irritable.

This kind of thing that is not grasped and expected is indeed the most annoying.

He waved his hand: "Maybe Dongchuang won't have an incident, and it's also uncertain when it will happen again."

"We are backed by Nandi City. No matter what happens on the opposite side, we always have some scruples. We can still relax relatively easily."

"The real problem is that Wu Qiu of Jian Qiuzong has already started to get in touch with technology. No one can tell what the other forces of the Nine Palaces Civilization will look like."

When it comes to some key words.

Both Su Chang and Yang Man will use some other special words instead, so as not to be discovered by others.

In this regard, they are quite cautious.

Regarding Su Chang's question, Yang Man just smiled slightly.

"No, there are some things you may not understand."

"In other words, the vast majority of people in the Federation will not know."

"I can tell you responsibly that quite a few people in the Nine Palaces Civilization have thought about contacting the Federation and trying to learn the technology of our Federation."

"These monks are very smart. They are not pedantic. To some extent, they are willing to touch anything that can change themselves."

"They have monks who have conducted the most basic chemical experiments and studies for a long time. There was even a factory in Tongtian Mountain a long time ago!"

Hearing this, Su Chang was taken aback.

These things were indeed things that the previous Su Chang had never been aware of.

Before the Nine Palaces Civilization, quite a few people thought about contacting the Federation and trying to learn the technology of the Federation?

Even, a long time ago, Tongtian Mountain had already opened a factory?
Does this mean that there was a wave of industrial revolution in the Nine Palaces civilization long ago?
After Su Chang thought for a while, combined with the current situation of the Jiugong civilization, he suddenly had a new understanding.

"I understand. Someone didn't allow them to do this. Otherwise, the current Nine Palaces civilization would not still have traces of industrial technology."

"It's the world consciousness of the Nine Palaces civilization, right?"

Su Chang's words really surprised Yang Man a little.

Before that, he really never thought that Su Chang could put all the answers in front of him so directly.

After a while, Yang Man nodded slightly: "That's right, it's the influence of world consciousness."

"For some reason we don't know, the world consciousness of every world doesn't like technology."

"In other words, they don't like pollution and are extremely repulsive to industry."

"Within the scope they can control, they will reject the emergence of all industrial industries."

"Tiantian Mountain has used various methods to steal various knowledge from various places in the Federation, obtained a large number of supporting industries, and then operated in the civilized land of Jiugong."

Yang Man didn't say anything about what happened afterwards.

But Su Chang can also roughly understand himself.

Obviously, the final result was that Tongtianshan's plan failed.

There is obviously no need for such things as industry in the Nine Palaces civilization.

Therefore, the world consciousness of Jiugong Civilization came forward and stopped everything.

This is also the reason why the Nine Palaces civilization has no traces of technology so far.

Because technology once existed, but it was completely annihilated after that.

And sects like Jian Qiuzong, people like Wu Qiu, they don't know that their own world consciousness is extremely repulsive to technology.

I just think that I am a waver in thought, trying to lead a new era.

They didn't expect that their idea was ridiculous from the beginning.

The rules don't allow them to do this, but they just don't know it from the beginning.

Suddenly, Su Chang was taken aback: "Then, what's going on with Lan Xing."

Yang Man's smile still hung on his lips: "Guess for yourself?"


Su Chang didn't say anything and raised his eyebrows.

There is an indescribable strangeness in the eyes.

The Federation has directly stated that Blue Star is as famous as Galaxy Star and Jiugong Civilization.

Su Chang had received relevant education more than once when he was in class in the First Army.

In the teaching of the high-level military department, it was directly stated that Blue Star also has a sense of the world.

Since Blue Star also has world consciousness, it is the same as Tianhe Star and Jiugong Civilization.

Then why does Blue Star's environment allow the existence of technology?
Su Chang couldn't understand this.

Of course, he also has his own thoughts and judgments in his heart.

World conscious planets and worlds will not allow the development of technology.

Then, Blue Star is either a special case.

Or, there is a problem with Blue Star's world awareness, which makes him not have much restraint on the Federation humans?
Under these conclusions, Su often puts a question mark.

For some things, he really couldn't give a real answer.

Finally, pat your head.

Su Chang can only hope that there will be other existences in the future to tell him the reasons for all this.

At least now, he can't figure out the real answer behind this.

Su Chang also didn't know whether Yang Man didn't know or knew and didn't tell.

Anyway, the guy seemed pretty rascal.

He waved his hand carelessly: "Come on, I'm sorry you can't figure it out with your brain."

"When you climb up in the future, you will know more."

Speaking of this, Su Chang suddenly became suspicious again.

"You are the Nine Palaces Civilization who arrived at the first level of life, right?"

"For some reason, your sending chip cannot be used."

"It stands to reason that you at the first level of life shouldn't know these things?"

"In other words, you know this part of the content in the Nine Palaces Civilization?"

"Nine Palaces Civilization, is there any news about Blue Star?"

Hearing Su Chang's series of analysis.

Yang Man froze in place.

He hesitated for a moment, faltered, and really didn't know what to say for a while.

Su Chang said one sentence after another.

It really made him speechless.

I don't know how long it took.

Yang Man let out a sigh of relief and asked, "Have you ever considered going to an island country to make a detective film?"

"Is the island country gone? Now there is a vast ocean."

"Hehe, it's just a joke. When I was young, there was a remake of Detective Conan playing."

Su Chang didn't want to hear Yang Man's nonsense.

But Su Chang also understood what Yang Chang meant.

Yang Man didn't want to tell someone Su about these things.

Su Chang felt awkward in his heart, but he also understood that Yang Man did not need to report everything to him.

So, I didn't ask any more questions.

The dialogue between the two sides fell into an awkward stage for a while.

Yang Man was about to leave here and go about his own business.

Suddenly, it was discovered that some special changes had taken place in the original blue sky.

A sky-reaching black vortex appeared on Nandi Mountain, like a gate leading to the abyss, before everyone below.

This is the power that many people feel oppressed and even painful. It seems that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at you in the dark, and then watching you go to destruction little by little.

It seems that all the negative emotions in the world condense into one point, and then release the most resentful eyes on you.

This is a kind of indescribable madness.

Just by looking at it a few more times, the weak monk will have a feeling of being insulted and directly attacked spiritually.

Su Chang's mind sank.

Vaguely realized that some bad situations appeared.

He and Yang Man looked at each other, and both saw a hint of worry in the other's eyes.

The appearance of this black door immediately attracted the attention of countless people on Nandi Mountain.

In fact, it's not impossible that you don't want to notice him.

After all, such an obvious situation, this sudden depression, can destroy a person in sight.

After waiting for countless eyes to look at the black door above his head.

The existence in the black gate finally surfaced.

Countless monks flew straight out of the black gate, covering the sky and the sun like locusts passing through.

If it's simply because of the large number, there might not be too much disturbance among the monks of Nandi City below.

After all, this is the monk's world.

If your strength is not enough, no matter how many people you have, it is meaningless.

Seeing this, Zhou Qu's state of mind, which was originally cultivating, was suddenly disturbed, and he looked at Heimen, as if his strength had been drained.

He muttered to himself: "Black Gate?"

Obviously, the Black Gate cultivator above did not want to waste time with the people in Nandi City below.

Their purpose here is simple.

Kill them all if you can.

Then there is no need to catch Yang Man anymore.

After all, everyone is dead, so naturally there is no need to worry about this matter going out.

If there will be a situation where someone escapes.

Then the first task is to catch Yang Man.

Although the leader of the hall master has long been determined to kill Yang Man.

But at this time, in order to ensure that their own news will not be leaked.

The hall master went directly to the top of Nandi Mountain: "Hand over all the monks you went to Jianqiuzong before, and I can let others survive."

"Otherwise, no one will stay."

The hall master didn't bother to think about who Yang Man was.

In other words, he actually knew, but he hoped to be able to kill more in one breath.

After all, as long as the resistance force of Nandi City is destroyed in advance.

Then in the subsequent killings, Nandi City's ability to resist will naturally be greatly reduced.

Hearing this, Zhou Qu soared into the sky.

After that, there were monks of the third life level such as Rong Jiuxun and Yang Man.

One after another figure appeared.

But there was no wave in the eyes of the hall master in front of him: "I only give you half a quarter of an hour, otherwise, we will start."

It seemed that from the very beginning, he didn't pay attention to all the resistance in Nandi City.

It seems that, to him, the series of monks at the third level of life in front of him are not an obstacle to any degree.

Zhou Qu looked at the hall master in front of him with a pale face: "The Heimen really deserves its reputation for doing things, and it really is extremely arrogant and domineering."

"Are you going to ask me to hand over people from Nandi City?"

"Hmph, I think even if we hand over people, you will still do it, right? You will not keep any of them."

Seeing Zhou Qu directly express what he was thinking.

The hall master still didn't change his face.

At most, the eyebrows were slightly raised: "I have told you a lot."

"Hand over."

"Otherwise, die."

As for Heimen, there are hundreds of monks, most of them are second life level.

Among them, No. [-] and [-] are the strong ones of the third life level.

Zhou Qu and the others admitted that the opponent was indeed stronger than them.

But some things are not so easy to say. For example, why do you think that a few hundred people of you can completely destroy Nandi Mountain?

Nandi Mountain has been cultivated here for so many years, if you say that there is no special method, even Zhou Qu himself would not believe it.

The people of Heimen are really strong.

The black gate is indeed not simple.

But some things are not so easy to handle, right?

Their current strength gap is definitely not something Heimen can easily gnaw away.

Seeing that Zhou Qu and the others were still unwilling to surrender, the hall master immediately turned his gaze to Yang Man who was not far away: "Well, it seems to be you."

"You commit suicide, I can consider killing a few fewer people."

The voice fell, and no one responded.

Anyone standing here would feel that the atmosphere was getting awkward.

But for this hall master, he doesn't care about anything.

Instead, he laughed outright.

"Okay, okay, now more and more people don't take Heimen seriously."

"Then die!"

After finishing speaking, a small purple-black bead suddenly appeared in midair.

The next moment, the world changed color.

Everything around seems to lose color and become a series of black and white photos.

All the pictures and contents of the whole world seem to be presented on this purple-black bead.

Then, the entire Nandi Mountain shattered!

 Some people seem to think that I want a eunuch. . . .It is true that this book does not make money, but it does not mean that I have to read it. I can find other ways to make money, at least not to disappoint the friends who read this book.

  Well, anyway, I try to write as much as possible. Although not many people read it, it can be regarded as an explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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