Chapter 25 1.5
After communicating with Qian He, Su Chang said goodbye, and then returned to the VIP area to use the holographic simulation cabin.

There are many important things, and there are also many things that require energy and time to condense.

But no matter what, actual combat experience and customs clearance are things that must be tested in the higher examinations, and of course it is impossible to let them go.

What's more, in the holographic simulation cabin, Su Chang can also set it as a weapon assembly scene, so as to train his weapon assembly ability.


In the next week, Su Chang has always been in the three-point line of school, training hall, and home, trying to make his life as regular as possible.

At the same time, do not let go of all aspects of exercise.

Dongmen Training Hall, inside the physical testing room in the VIP area.

Su Chang got off the speed machine and went straight to the room where the mental reaction was tested.

Many guests in the VIP area were surrounding him, including Ye Danghai and Qian He.

During this period of time, Su Chang also made a small name in the VIP area.

After all, he was the one who trained with Qian He and the owner every day, and was soon introduced to a lot of regulars in the VIP area, and everyone gradually became acquainted.

After hearing that Su Chang is a student of Qian He and that he might attack the Nine Colleges, everyone became interested.

They were also curious, the last time Su Chang's physical test score was 1.2, this time Su Chang's life points will soar to what level.

"At least 1.4."

"More than that! Su Chang's punching strength and speed have already exceeded the standard of 1.4. You think his nerve response speed has dropped, but let me tell you, Su Chang's nerve response speed is exactly his best."

"Yeah, I've seen him practice. His breathing method is very firmly bound to his own existence. It plays a great role in stabilizing and exerting the level of life. If he didn't practice the boxing method with amplification, I think his boxing The strength can be raised a few more notches.”

"Hehehe, you think boxing and martial arts with boosting effects are rotten. If you want to practice, you can practice. It takes time. What people are most anxious about at this time is the advanced exam, and there is only less than a month left. Time, how can you waste time on this? You can’t learn if you don’t have enough time!”

"Such an excellent young man, why is it a waste of time, let me say that one month is more than enough."

"Call your son over tomorrow. You are talking about how smart he is every day. If he can't learn it in a month, I will let your old Zhao family die."


In the space where the crowd was noisy, Su Chang had already completed the physical examination.

"The test is complete, and the life points of the tester are 1.5!"

1.5 hit points.

Seeing this number, and looking at Su Chang's young face on the stage, many people below showed more or less envious eyes.

Of course, Ye Danghai would not have any other troubles. His age did not require him to think about progress.

He only looked at Qian He at the side: "When you applied for the assessment, how many life points did you have?"


"Then it seems that boy Su Chang is almost the same."

Faced with this conclusion, Qian He just rolled his eyes: "Coach Ye, let's not talk about the decentralization of so many resources in the past few years, the life points of other people will also have a relatively large increase."

"At that time, I didn't just rely on life points for a living. I could assemble C-level weapons, and even Su Chang couldn't."

"The life points of 1.5 are indeed promising, but it can't be said that it is almost or safe, and we have to work harder."

Rubbing his temples, others don't understand, Qian He is a person who has really seen the world with his eyes open, he understands how small this vast starry sky and the vast world make people feel.

Quasi warrior, warrior.

1.5 life points?It's too small, it's really nothing in the entire star sea.

He used to think that he was the proud son of heaven, and that he would definitely become a dragon and phoenix among the people after studying in the Nine Great Academies, but in fact, the Nine Great Academies gathered countless human geniuses. This number is far beyond your imagination, and there are many people who are stronger than you.

The gap between people is bigger than pigs and dogs.

The students who can be admitted to the Ninth University are so different from ordinary high school students that they hesitate to separate the galaxy.

Similarly, the outstanding students among the nine universities are also indescribably powerful.

The world is too big, stay humble.

Of course Qian He would not say these words. At Ye Danghai's age, he didn't need to care about these things at all, and he didn't want to know how big Xinghai was.

Su Chang needed to know, but Qian He felt that it would be more effective for him to break in and see it himself than to explain in advance that he would come here.

After Su Chang completed the physical examination, the people around him slowly dispersed.

Su Chang walked towards Qian He, holding a lot of blueprints in his hand.

As soon as they met, there were all kinds of questions about weapon assembly.

Qian He didn't play tricks with Su Chang, and he gave a series of appropriate answers to the places and questions he didn't understand, which benefited Su Chang a lot.

After a while, Su Chang asked an inexplicable question: "Mr. Qian, I heard that since your class, the Ninth National University will no longer give nuclear energy devices and dark matter devices for the application assessment, right?"

Qian He could vaguely guess what the kid in front of him wanted to do, but he just raised his eyebrows and gave the answer first: "It's not that I won't give it at all. After all, the Ninth National University has applied for so many exams, and the previous few times it was true. Some ruthless people have made even bigger disturbances."

"It's an exaggeration to say that I don't give nuclear energy devices and dark matter devices, but since we made a big noise that time, we have indeed weakened a lot of large-scale energy devices and materials, and of course the existence of nuclear energy , but if you want to get a B-level weapon, it is almost impossible to do it."

"Why, do you want to be like that guy and get a mecha directly in the assessment? If you can do it, I will support you. After all, the Ninth University's application assessment is not just to determine whether you can go to the Ninth University. If you are very good, and you are favored by the teachers of the Ninth University, you can also be specially recruited."

"For example, the guy who wanted to install a mecha in my year was offered an olive branch by five or six Xinghai Ninth Universities, saying that he could take him away directly. The conditions offered were better than the other, and he was eventually accepted by Xinghai Science and Technology Frontier University. The R&D department recruited him away, and the teacher thought that guy was promising, and coaxed him like a baby."

As he said that, Qian He looked Su Chang up and down: "Of course, I don't expect you to reach this level. As long as you can go to school safely, you will be fine. Entering the Ninth University, you will be greeted by a whole new world. .”

"Tomorrow is off, do you have any ideas?"

Su Chang simply smiled: "I'm going to have a good rest tonight, and then go out tomorrow."

"Oh?" Qian He obviously didn't expect Su Chang to give such an answer, and he didn't understand where Su Chang could go.

But he didn't intend to care about Su Chang. He just told him to practice hard and then went to do his own thing.

(End of this chapter)

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