The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 244 Nine Houses of Civilization

Chapter 244 Nine Palace Civilization
In the words of Hanli, of course you, Su Chang, can also make more contributions to the federation. It is good to enhance technology, and there is no problem.

But the key point is that you can study now, and you can study it in the future.

When you break through to the third level of life, or even a higher level, your existence itself will become a treasure in the true sense.

Being strong is also a special contribution.

Obviously, whether it is Hanli or Qianhe, although they both value technology, this kind of emphasis is second to individual strength.

You can say that their thoughts had some influence on Su Chang, or that Su Chang himself also had the same thoughts.

In any case, in short, Su Chang made his own choice.

Then, he directly applied to the Milky Way theater for transfer.

Mobilizing things like theaters is a relatively flexible operation.

Generally speaking, the word mobilization would not appear on the desk of the war zone chief.

When you join the team, it doesn't mean you can leave whenever you want. Following orders and instructions is what you need to do most.

Personal transfer wishes are rarely agreed.

However, there are exceptions.

The vast majority of people want to be transferred from the front line to the rear, so they have been rejected.

But if you want to move from the rear to the front line, to the first battlefield where you fight the enemy, then such a move can be handled specially.

In particular, people like Su Chang, who are at the level of director generals and at the second level of life, have a lot of military exploits.

He voluntarily went to the front line, and of course no one would stop him.

Su Chang's goal is simple.

Nine palace stars.

He is going to the Nine Palaces Civilization.

There is the beginning of Tongtian Mountain. The Nine Palaces civilization is the biggest enemy of the Federation, where the enemy is the strongest and the threat is the most terrifying.

Similarly, that place is also the most attractive to Su Chang.

Xinghai University, Hanli Office.

Su Chang was lying on the sofa, Han Li and Qian He were sitting on leather swivel chairs not far away, and said to Su Chang, "Going to Jiugong Civilization without saying anything? Why are you fussing?"

"Don't think that you can sit back and relax now that the Jiugong Civilization and the Federation have ceased fighting. The ceasefire is not the beginning of peace, but the end of the last war."

"The Federation and the Jiugong Civilization will definitely continue to fight. The size of the two sides is almost the same. This is completely different from the battle between the Federation and Tianhe."

The Federation does not have a deep foundation on Tianhe Star, and after the battle 60 years ago, the Federation did not take much action on Tianhe Star.

However, once the fight starts, it will take less than ten months before and after, and everything will be resolved.

Moreover, Tianhe Star actually does not have much countermeasures against the Federation. Facing the Federation, they do not have the ability to control the sky.

Neither the frontal battlefield nor the side battle is an opponent of the Federation.

Always being crushed by madness.

In terms of powerhouses, Tianhexing is also not good.

Before Qi Shenxian, there was not even a single immortal.

The highest level is a pseudo-immortal like Qingti.

Therefore, it was directly suppressed by the federation.

But what about the Nine Palaces Civilization?
What level are they at?
It was a civilization comparable to the Federation, and it was truly vast and abundant.

Similarly, the other party also has a lot of immortals.

On the frontal battlefield, the Federation may still be able to gain a slight advantage through technological power.

But in other aspects, the Federation cannot take advantage of it.

Most of the Federation's power is also focused on the Nine Palaces civilization.

Su Chang understands these truths.

He waved his hand: "Can I still not understand what you are saying? Everyone knows that the civilization of the Nine Palaces is dangerous, and everyone knows that the attitude towards federal monks there is even worse."

"But the problem is, tell me, besides the Jiugong Civilization, where can I get more opportunities to grow?"

Su Chang's last words blocked Han Li and Qian He's speech.

After a while, Han Li said: "The world consciousness of the Nine Palaces Civilization is not the same as Tianhe Star."

"The world awareness there is extremely aggressive. Once the other party realizes that you are not in this world, they will mobilize all their power in an instant to solve you, just to kill you."

"It's fine if you enter with the whole army. After all, you have to fight no matter what. At most, it's a matter of earlier or later."

"But if you sneak into it alone, once you are discovered, you will be dead. The difficulty of escaping is not much different from if you let a three-year-old child go to heaven."

Su Chang didn't speak.

He also understood that Han Li was worried about him.

As Han Li's new disciple, everyone got along really well.

From the very beginning of the apprenticeship ceremony, to supporting him later, Su Chang did various things.

Su Chang remembers the Han calendar well.

Saying these words to Su Chang now is obviously a manifestation of worry.

But Su Chang can't never deal with danger just because the Nine Palaces civilization is in danger.

On the contrary, the kind of madness that looms in his bones is desperately driving him into the Nine Palaces civilization, surviving in difficulties and dangers, and born from the bath of blood and fire.

Seeing this, Qian He finally spoke.

Compared with Han Li, the emotion in his eyes is more towards Su Chang.

He also had the aggressiveness of a madman, and smiled slightly: "I support Su Chang."

"It's not the past now. Doesn't the Federation already have a way to sneak into the Nine Palaces civilization without being discovered by the world consciousness of the Nine Palaces civilization? The safety of the infiltrators will be greatly guaranteed."

"Plus, don't you admit that monks can get the best development in the Nine Palaces civilization?"

"How big a game has the Federation set up against the Nine Palaces Civilization? How many chess pieces have secretly sneaked into the Nine Palaces Civilization? Su Chang can also contribute to the Federation by entering the Nine Palaces Civilization."

"One great achievement, believe it or not, Su Chang can jump up again and directly reach my level."

Above the director is the committee members.

This level is already regarded as a high level in the true sense.

It can really participate in the high-level decision-making of a theater.

Han Li obviously didn't pay much attention to whether he was appointed as a member or not, but he calmed down immediately and understood the meaning and reasoning behind it.

"That's right, young people want to break through, but I can't help it."

"Damn, it really bothers me to accept this apprentice."

"Next, I'll hold this thing for you."

As Han Li's voice fell, a small jade pendant appeared in Su Chang's hand.

Han Li looked at the ceiling, and his voice was full of distress: "This jade pendant is activated by spiritual energy, and then creates a space crack."

"It can take you to an area thousands of miles away. Of course, it is not specified, it is very random."

"If you use it well, it can save your life."

Having said that, it is basically finished.

Su Chang held the jade pendant tightly, a simple smile appeared on his face.

Han Li said he was dissatisfied with Su Chang's approach, but his actual actions were never ambiguous.

(End of this chapter)

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