The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 241 Particle Tracking Technology

Chapter 241 Particle Tracking Technology

After staying in the hotel, before Su Chang's butt was hot, Peng Yunjian hurried up to apologize to Su Chang.

In a word, he is sorry that he arranged all this in advance when he was not prepared enough.

directly led to their embarrassing situation now.

Facing the opponent's clamor, he couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation or solution.

In this regard, Su Chang's approach is to wave his hand slightly: "No, it's not important."

"I don't think this thing can't be solved. My favorite thing is to make miracles."

Peng Yunjian didn't quite understand Su Chang's words.

Even, he himself made some wrong judgments.

He only thought that Su Chang pinned his hopes on the so-called hope that had no clue, and it was a kind of abandonment in a certain sense.

He was even ready to come forward and admit his mistakes.

It's better to take matters and problems on yourself than to embarrass Su Chang and the whole Xinghai University together.

What Peng Yunjian didn't expect was that Su Chang said directly: "For us, the most important question is whether we can't detect a problem in that dimension while opening the wormhole tunnel."

That is to say, according to the current wormhole shuttle technology of the Federation, when the wormhole is opened, the power of the wormhole must have affected a certain dimension and had a relationship with it.

This meaning can be understood as that every time the federation opens the wormhole shuttle technology, it communicates with a certain area of ​​a certain dimension.

If there is nothing in this area of ​​this dimension, then of course all is well.

But if there is something in that area and there is a threat, the other party can perceive the situation on this side of the dimension in this split second.

In other words, the other party can reverse it.

This is their understanding, but the problem lies in scientific matters, it is not what you say it is, you have to produce evidence.

To prove, you have to prove that your theory is correct.

The big question for their proof is, how many dimensions are there in this world?How do you know which dimension will communicate with when the wormhole is opened?
This is when you don't expect it, and nonsense can't go so far.

Su Chang said lightly: "Have you tried to trace it from the source?"

"Of course there is." Peng Yunjian is not stupid. He has tried most of the operations of his own project, otherwise he would not have ended up in such a difficult situation.

Peng Yunjian shook his head: "It's useless. With the current particle tracking technology, it's quite remarkable if it lasts for five to ten seconds."

"But the opening of the dimension often takes a little time. The current situation is that the particles have completely disappeared before the dimensional collision begins."

"Anyway, for now, I have used all the methods I can think of, but unfortunately, there is still no good result."

When he said these words, Peng Yunjian was also quite melancholy.

Powerless, really made him very helpless and sad.

He obviously didn't see the gleam in Su Chang's eyes.

Su Chang gave the answer directly: "That's because of technical problems. In fact, particle tracking is completely fine."

"Take a look at this thing, and try to interact with three colliders."

Su Chang casually threw the notes to Peng Yunjian.

The other party was obviously taken aback, he didn't expect Su Chang to make such a move at this time.

Although he didn't think Su Chang could solve the problem quickly, his respect for Su Chang made him pick up the note in hand.

And after reading the contents of the notes, Peng Yunjian instantly retracted what he had just said.

"Why is it still like this?"

"Is there still such a structure?"

"Su Chang, just because of your skills, you can win today's Federation Galaxy Award!"

Su Chang is not very interested in the Federation Galaxy Award.

After all, that thing is only of great help to pure scientists.

For someone like Su, who relies on strength to make a living, the Galaxy Award doesn't mean much.

More importantly, can this matter of the research institute be resolved.

Su Chang waved his hand: "The notebook still contains a considerable part of my understanding of the wormhole shuttle technology. You should quickly understand it, and then make changes to the existing technology."

"I'm going to smash the faces of those guys when I post the topic."

Su Chang's words were not polite at all.

In other words, in Su Chang's view, there is absolutely no need for him to be polite to those guys.

Peng Yunjian nodded fiercely, expressing his understanding, and then left.

He is going to start a temporary experiment at a large station in Xinghai outside.

Unlike Peng Yunjian who devotes himself to research, Su Chang wanders around the hotel every day, eating and drinking.

When I meet people from the University of Frontier Science and Technology, I feel weird.

If people want to retaliate against him, they will use some spiritual attacks to directly kill these guys.

Although the people at Frontier University of Science and Technology were furious, they had nothing to do.

Then, a week has arrived.


Nine colleges and research institutes.

In the huge building, a group of people took their seats.

Su Chang walked directly to the central area with the machine and corresponding materials, and took out the holographic projection to explain.

"I don't need to say more about some things, everyone understands."

"The project that our Xinghai University put forward is the research on the new version of wormhole shuttle technology."

After Su Chang's voice fell, the people below each had their own expressions.

Some people were full of disdain, thinking that Su Chang was doomed, and what he said and did now was just nonsense.

There were also people whose expressions gradually became serious. What they saw from Su Chang's face was absolute affirmation, as if they were not worried about what would happen next.

Su Chang didn't care about the opinions of the people below. He didn't say anything, and directly flipped through the holographic projection: "The impact of wormhole shuttle technology on dimensions is Peng Yunjian's theory."

"I know that everyone here still remembers this incident, and has always regarded Peng Yunjian as a lunatic in the scientific research world, thinking that he is talking nonsense."

"To be honest, I can understand you. After all, no matter what it is, you have to talk about evidence and come up with a proof."

Having said that, the people below looked at each other, not knowing what Su Chang wanted to do.

Saying that you can understand their emotions all of a sudden, isn't that selling Peng Yunjian completely?

The meaning behind the words is that Xinghai is planning to abandon Peng Yunjian and start again?
Unfortunately, the plot did not advance as they had envisioned.

Su Chang changed the subject: "But to your disappointment, we have confirmed Peng Yunjian's theory just a few days ago."

"I accidentally enhanced the existing particle tracking technology, and detected the change of the wormhole technology 2 minutes after it was turned on. Do you understand what this means?"

(End of this chapter)

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