Chapter 23 The Two-Party Theory
Things have developed to this point, and even made the curator a little unconfident.

He looked at Su Chang worriedly, and said, "Boy Su Chang, if you really can't do it, there's no need to force it. There's still a lot of time in the future."

"As long as you can get into the Nine Colleges, it won't be a problem."

"Well... forget it, I know your temper, since you want to try, then I will give you a chance."

In the end, the owner of the museum acted as if he understood Su Chang, walked to the back silently, took out a large box of parts and materials, and placed it in front of Su Chang.

Pointing at these things, the museum owner said: "I don't know how many things are in it, and how many weapons can be assembled, I can only say that a considerable part of F-class weapons and E-class weapons can be assembled in it. You arrange it yourself."

"Your Teacher Qian has already put the benefits in front of you. As long as you can assemble something, I will let you comprehend the visualization map once."

"As for the visualization map... I can only describe it to you in this way. It is a necessity for you to become a strong man. I have also comprehended the visualization map, but only comprehend it."

"The visualization map is not something that ordinary people can have. It is just a realization once, and it is also a real creation for many people."

The rest is Su Chang's own business.

Not to mention Qian He, even the owner of the pavilion felt that Su Chang was starting to talk nonsense.

In class in the morning, I couldn't even assemble an F-rank weapon in 10 minutes.

How long has it been since now?Even if you, Su Chang, have been studying hard and eating books in your stomach during this period of time, it is absolutely impossible for you to make such a big progress.

Compared with F-level weapons, E-level weapons have another obvious improvement, and the complexity of weapons is at least doubled.

In such a messy time, in 10 minutes, people who are not familiar with weapons may not even be able to dig out the parts.

Under the watchful eyes of Qian He and the museum owner, Su Chang moved.

His hands moved quickly, and he immediately began to pick out the parts below.

A lot of things were sorted out by him, and piles of things were placed in different orders by him.

Seeing this, Qian He was indeed taken aback.

He always felt that something was wrong.

In the morning, this kid obviously couldn't figure out the type of energy, and things were not well placed, which made it impossible to assemble even an F-level weapon.

But now can these things be sorted out one by one, and then stacked together according to their functions?
Although he could tell that Su Chang's actions and classifications were obviously not familiar, and there were mistakes in the classification of many things.

But compared to the morning, this kind of thing can already be said to be quite scary.

A lot has changed.

Qian He's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly felt that the kid in front of him was really interesting.

Under the watchful eyes of the two, Su Chang's movements became more and more agile.

A prototype of weapon preparation appeared in his hand.

It's an electromagnetic gun.

The gun body, internal structure, and triggering device are all armed.

In the last energy column, Su Chang stopped what he was doing and put the things on the ground.

This is the East Gate Training Hall, which is a building facility shared by the Federation and the owner of the hall, and it is also a private territory in a certain sense.

A weapon without an energy device is an empty shell. Once it is equipped with an energy device, it is a real killing weapon.

The Federation's control over weapons is not too strict. After all, in the Xinghai era, the folk customs were tough, but in the private territory of the owner of the pavilion, Su Chang still had to show respect.

Qian He picked up the electromagnetic gun assembled by Su Chang, looked it up and down, and carried out the simplest inspection.

After a while, he looked at Su Chang with some curiosity: "If I hadn't seen you assemble it here today, I would never believe that this thing was made by you."

"Just half a day ago, you and a half-understood kid couldn't even be sure about the application range of parts. Now you can do this?"

"Suddenly I can't see through you. Are you hiding your tricks in class, or are you really making progress in such a short time?"

Qian He prides himself on being very accurate at judging people, and if he has some contact with others, he can roughly understand what kind of guy the opponent is and what kind of methods he has.

But Su Chang made rapid progress in this move, and it really hit him a little speechless.

How can a normal person do this?
A sense of mystery appeared on Su Chang.

Su Chang didn't say anything, just smiled. Qian He also understood that everyone has their own secrets, so he stopped asking: "It's interesting. You have assembled the things. Of course I can't break my promise."

"follow me."

After leaving this sentence, Qian He walked straight in one direction.

Seeing this scene, the owner of the museum also became excited, and pulled Su Chang to follow Qian He.

Patting Su Chang on the shoulder, joy was written on the owner's face: "You don't know, this guy Qian He is very precious to his visualization map. I have been friends with him for so many years, and it is not often that I can see it." watch."

"He lost his bet with you today, so he must be embarrassed to say anything more, and I will follow you in, to catch your light."

Saying that, don't forget to take care of Su Chang's emotions: "Why, you shouldn't have any objections!"

"At worst, I will not charge you for your expenses in the VIP area in the future, and I will also refund you the two months' wages for cleaning the toilet."

Su Chang was quite happy at first, but when he heard about the two-month salary for cleaning the toilet, his face turned dark immediately.

With a stiff expression, he said: "Master, no need, I thank you."

"I really didn't expect that someone would take over the work of public toilets outside, just to get more federal subsidies every month."

Hearing this, even the owner of the pavilion couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. After a moment of embarrassment, he continued to chase after him.


Qianhe has a building behind the Dongmen training hall.

The Loumen is directly connected to his training room in the East Gate Training Hall, so Su Chang and others can go through directly.

In a huge training ground in Qian He's home, Su Chang saw a painting covered with a black cloth.

While packing up his things, Qian He talked to Su Chang: "Do you know what is the theory of two parties?"

Two theory?

Su Chang was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head to express his understanding.

As if guessing that Su Chang didn't understand, Qian He explained to Su Chang: "The so-called two parties are a distinction between the spiritual realm and the material realm, which is the consensus of high-end warriors and monks today."

"The material realm, also known as the material realm or the material realm, represents the strength of your physical body, the destructive power of your physical body, how much power you can display, how many mountains you can destroy, and how much destructive power you can exert on the materialized material realm. "

"The spiritual realm is also called the spiritual world and the spiritual realm. In ancient times, there were capable people who believed that the mind and spirit could affect the material world. They thought that as long as the mind was moving, people could move the material within their own ability. To be omnipotent is, in fact, an understanding in the spiritual realm.”

"You can also understand it as idealism."

(End of this chapter)

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