Chapter 216 Meeting
The military headquarters at this moment is really bustling like a vegetable market.

This time for the operation against Hongdu, too many troops were joined, layer by layer, and the number of commanders was quite large.

The military department directly set up an area of ​​[-] square meters as a conference room, allowing everyone to sit freely.

Every time we come to this kind of free choice of friends, the differences between factions are slowly reflected.

Mao Ming acted as Su Chang's guide all of a sudden, leading him to meet many people in the military circles, most of the detachment captains, a considerable part of the general captains, and even individual department chiefs chatted well with Su Chang, even to exchange contact information.

If he, Su, was really an ordinary detachment leader, of course it would be impossible for him to have such a big face and chat with so many people.

Mainly when Mao Ming introduced Su Chang, he said that he was Commander Han's beloved disciple.

Well, when people hear the three words Commander Han, they understand it naturally, and they become brothers with Su Chang in an instant, as if everyone is relatives in the future. Say something.

Apart from these, Su Chang also met a native of Tianhe Star.

"Su Detachment, hello, my name is Lu Zilin, from Lingzhou on Tianhe Star."

Lu Zilin is very polite, shaking hands in front of him, if it wasn't for his skin being a little different from Su Chang and others, and the fact that he directly introduced himself as a native of Lingzhou, Su Chang might not know that this is a native monk of Tianhe Star for a while .

Most of the local monks in Tianhe Star in the military department are from Chuling Prefecture. This word Su Chang has heard many words during this period of time.

After thinking for a while, Su Chang suddenly said: "Lu Zilin? You were the one who limped those families in Pangcheng?"

At that time, the troops of Su Chang and others were stationed outside Pangcheng, and they were about to fight, but something happened later.

Pang Cheng negotiated a deal with the Great Heavenly Demon Sect, and then the Great Heavenly Demon Sect surrendered directly to the Federation. All the people in Pangcheng were involved and surrendered together with the Great Heavenly Demon Sect.

Because of the direct contact with Qingyuan at the beginning, Su Chang had seen Lu Zilin's personal profile and had a good impression of him.

"It's me, the Su detachment can still remember me, thank you very much," Lu Zilin smiled: "The fourth army of the local army, the ninth corps, and the captain of the ninth detachment."

In fact, Lu Zilin's strength is not bad. To be honest, he can go a step further.

But after all, he came here by surrender, and he has just landed, and many things cannot be arranged for him as soon as he takes office.

What's more, the competition for positions within the local army is quite fierce. There are already many people, and a considerable number of key positions in the command position have been taken away by the Federation.

If the remaining positions are further divided, there will naturally be very few pitiful ones that can fall on everyone.

So Lu Zilin was satisfied to get a detachment leader.

After the two introduced themselves and chatted casually, Mao Ming came over slowly not long after and said to Su Chang privately: "The people from the Great Sky Demon Sect have directly defected to our local sect. Get in touch with them more." also."

"This Lu Zilin's ability is not simple, but his identity is not on the stage. He is the illegitimate son of an elder of the Great Heavenly Demon Sect. He was thrown into Lu's house in Pangcheng and lurked in Pangcheng as an undercover agent of the Great Heavenly Demon Sect."

"Because he is an illegitimate child, and that elder has done some bad things to his mother, coupled with the experience of these decades, Lu Zilin has been serving the Great Heavenly Demon Sect, but his heart has always been inconsistent."

Mao Ming clearly saw these things very clearly: "I think he is afraid that he will stay in Tianhe Star in the future and be ruined by those people from the Great Sky Demon Sect, so he wonders if he can find another backer or thigh."

"You must know your situation well. You are a potential stock, and it is your future. He is obviously interested in you."

"Brother Mao, can we stop using such words so easily," Su Chang understood the reason, but he always felt uncomfortable: "This will make me feel very gay."

"Very gay? Boy, Commander Han and Qian He get along so well. As their disciple, you haven't learned anything at all? Believe in yourself, you are talented in this area."


Su Chang couldn't understand this wave.

He knows that Han Li and Qian He are absolutely innocent, but if you make such a joke, it is easy for readers to misunderstand, okay?

After a while, the meeting started, and Su Chang finally stopped thinking about other things, and instead focused on the content of the meeting.

The content of the meeting was very simple. A lot of news that was beneficial to the battle situation was released directly, and then tasks were assigned in batches.

The reason why there are so many favorable intelligence news is, of course, because of the surrender of the Tianhe star native sects such as the Great Heavenly Demon Sect, they directly brought abundant news, allowing the federal troops to win many times.

At the same time, it was revealed that seven legions would land from the southern part of Tianhe Star in the future.

In other words, within 20 days, they had to penetrate Tianhe Star's territory of nearly [-] miles, reach the south, and meet the seven new legions there.

The reason why those new legions have to land in the south is mainly because the Tianhe star theater intends to establish a southern theater, and as many parties as possible will work together.

At the same time, it is more important to put some pressure on the current Tianhe Star and let them resolve the battle as quickly as possible.

Now there are tens of millions of federal soldiers on Tianhe Star!
Now is not the era of the old era. If the military expenditure at that time was compared to a small river, then in the new era, the daily expenditure of millions of troops is like a surging Yangtze River.

Tianhe Star, which usually has no wars, would cost 8000 billion, let alone a war where countless combat troops are now gathered to attack Tianhe Star regardless of cost?

A huge amount of money flows away every day.

Although it is clear that this kind of thing should not be too anxious, but of course it is better to be faster.

After getting the combat mission and leaving the conference room, another captain next to Mao Ming thought to himself: "I don't know why, the Federation can't directly support a power or country on Tianhe Star, and directly help us manage the area .”

"In this case, the cost of ruling is not with us, but all the benefits are with us."

Hearing this, Mao Ming just smiled: "The federation wants its own land, not a supporting force that may backfire at any time."

"It might happen in the future, but the federation's plate is not too big now, at least it can't hold down the entire Milky Way, so take your time."

After finishing speaking, Mao Ming turned his attention to Su Chang: "Is the combat mission clear?"


"Hurry up and go to the reserved place. Tomorrow, the hundred teams will fight. Show me your momentum and leave a name."

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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