The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 209 The Falling Sun Is Not the End

Chapter 209 The Falling Sun Is Not the End
In Luoyang City, a large number of buildings fell apart and became construction waste on the ground, becoming ruins in the true sense.

A large number of monks died under the washing of the shells. The greatest significance of this kind of damage is that it can disintegrate the opponent's organizational ability at the fastest speed.

In other words, after a few rounds of shelling, you will most likely forget your last name. Once your boss dies, the organizational and action capabilities of the subordinates will be greatly weakened.

It would be a particularly difficult thing to do something under such circumstances.

If aerial strikes can be considered visible to the naked eye and can be avoided to a certain extent, then the bombing of mountains outside the city is really impossible to prevent.

The artillery positions outside the city are carrying out precise strikes all the time. The so-called capital of Luoyang City has been plowed by artillery shells for a long time.

Conveniently within a few kilometers, there is no grass in the true sense.

For this artillery position, no matter how much the monks in the city hated it, there was nothing they could do.

Even keeping their own lives is a big problem for them now, so why do they want to go out of the city to solve the artillery positions?

Arabian Nights!

It's better to think about how to solve the pressure on the ground first.

Countless exoskeletons and hundreds or thousands of mechas appeared in Luoyang City.

The one that is directly equivalent to thirteen life points is the most basic B-level mecha, and most people come into contact with this level of mecha.

But the military is different.

This time against Tianhexing, the battle zone was really fired up, and real things and treasures were brought out. A-level mechas and even S-level mechas existed, and they were all pulled to the front line.

A-level mechs, directly deal with Jindan and Nascent Soul cultivators.

The S-level mecha can be split [-]-[-] with the peak of the second life level.

Although the Federation has not been able to come up with a weapon to deal with the third life level powerhouse, but since the middle-aged man is sitting in the rear, he has already killed the third life level powerhouse in Luoyang City.

Then, not being able to take out the corresponding weapons is not a problem.

Everyone, including Su Chang, was advancing crazily in Luoyang City, and all kinds of weapons were slanted crazily as if they didn't want money.

On the first day, Su Chang led Lao Wu and others to solve the four sects, and was directly nominated and praised by the Tianhe Military Department for his super high real-time contribution.

While the soldiers of Luoyang City were inspired by the good battle situation, their morale was also increasing, and batch after batch of attacks were restarted.

The next day, nearly [-]% of Luoyang city area was controlled by the federal military.

It was originally planned to carry out an all-round final strike on the third day, directly solving the last resistance force of Brother Tianhexing.

As a result, before the time came on the third day, Tianhexing's last cultivator force escorted their Luoyang City captain and city lord to leave Luoyang City.

During the period, the escort team was sniped by the Federation, and more than half of it was lost. In the end, they could only flee in a hurry like a bereaved dog, really not even daring to turn their heads.

Therefore, on the second night, Tianhe Star War Zone officially announced that Luoyang City had been captured.

Half an hour later, a series of brand new plans were brought out and directly distributed to the various general teams below.

Throughout the night, the various headquarters and detachments held frantic meetings in order to quickly arrange their own action plans.

But for Su Chang, it was a pretty good night.

It's rare that he didn't get up on time. After he fell asleep and woke up naturally, Su Chang had just washed his face when he saw the long-awaited Zhong Ling.

As soon as they met, Zhong Ling felt a sense of haste: "Brother Su, Captain Mao told you to go to him directly after you rested."

"The old man sent someone to notify him at five o'clock, and it's already 09:30. If he doesn't go, Captain Mao may have to wait in a hurry."

"OK, I know."

Su Chang didn't bother to wash up, so he dragged the people and ran directly to the captain's residence.

Nine minutes later, I finally saw Team Mao.

As soon as they met, Mao Ming pretended to be angry: "Yo, your kid is big enough, let me wait for you for so long."

"I haven't rested for two days. If you didn't see that you are the hero of our operation and have credited you, I would punish you to stand in a military posture for two hours."

Hearing this, the surrounding staff immediately laughed out loud: "Hahahahaha."

"Team Chairman Mao is joking," Su Chang immediately showed a smiling face, "How dare I keep you waiting for me, the main reason is that I dreamed that we have already defeated the entire Milky Way star, and the Federation plans to design the entire Milky Way star as No. 11 lives The planet, the picture is too beautiful, I can't wake up."

"Hahaha," Mao Ming nodded, with such an expression on his face: "Commander Han told me that you are a smooth-tongued kid, and I saw it today, and you are really like that."

Different people call Hanli differently.

Those who are mainly related to the military, and those who have a connection with Han Li in the military and have experienced the peak period of Han Li, will call Han Li the commander of Han.

This is an absolute affirmation of Hanli's achievements in the military.

If they are acquainted in Xinghai Yili, they will move their honorific title closer to the teacher.

Two names are two completely different titles.

Not talking too many useless things, just a little more lively, Mao Ming said directly: "We have already checked the records in your brain, and it is judged to be true."

"I will try to declare first-class meritorious service for you. Of course, I personally think it is a bit difficult. It is very difficult to declare first-class meritorious service. You have to be mentally prepared."

On this point, Mao Ming did not talk nonsense.

Even Su Chang himself knew the difficulty. Qian He had made it clear to him long ago.

He was able to get first-class meritorious service before, largely because he caught up with the collapse of the black market and the good timing, and also because he almost died, and the most critical list directly led to the destruction of the black market. Also lit by him.

The news about Tongtian Mountain was also dug out by Su Chang.

The combination of many reasons led to Su Changxi's final first-class meritorious service.

This time, his contribution was not small, but compared to the time in the black market, it was really nothing.

Then, Mao Ming directly assured Su Chang that he would do what he said.

If you can't get a first-class meritorious service, you can mention Su Chang's position and get a detachment to be the deputy captain.

If Su Chang is dissatisfied and wants to have greater independence, Su Chang can also be asked to be the captain of a smaller team directly, and Su Chang can choose the personnel himself.

Of course, all of this will take some time, at least you have to make sure whether the higher-ups will give you Su Chang's approval, and Mao Ming will be able to make the transfer after the approval is not approved.

It will take about seven or eight days, and the action is not too slow.

To be honest, Su Chang is quite satisfied with such a result.

At least his efforts are directly proportional to his rewards, and the other listeners nod their heads in the same way, and they are also convinced. It is not possible to say that Su Chang was able to climb up because of the help of Han Li.

Finally, let’s talk about the new strategic guidelines for the meeting last night.

Logically speaking, the detachment leader below should notify Su Chang of these matters, but Mao Ming also felt that they had arrived anyway, so he simply let Su Chang know what he was going to do.

"The meaning now is very clear. Luoyang City is not the end, it's just a part of Tianhe's plan."

"Within five days, the third detachment of your eighth corps will go to Pangcheng, which will be your second battlefield."

(End of this chapter)

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