The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 200 Enter, False Immortal?

Chapter 200 Enter, False Immortal?
Regarding Su Chang's words, Han Li just smiled: "You are really good, you can find a solution in these gaps, which is a bit interesting, you handled everything well?"

"If that's the case, then I won't worry about it."

"It's you yourself, think about whether you should carry out systematic training, and you should indeed buy some cultivation resources, otherwise there is no point in putting so much money there."

It is meaningless to simply earn money, you have to circulate it to have value.

There are numbers, and the most important thing is to convert them into strength.

Su Chang also understands this truth.

At Xinghai University, you never have to worry about your money not being spent.

To put it bluntly, Su Chang's current cultivation methods are all "poor ghost style" cultivation, and finding a place outside the school to play with his body can only be said to be the most superficial exercise.

The real strong and rich people in the school directly find a team to tailor and create related plans for themselves, using the best equipment in the entire federation.

That's the real deal.

Su Chang had long wanted to experience the life of the rich, but he had very little money in his pocket before, so he was not blessed.

"They are here."


"You'll know if you look up."

Looking in the direction where Han Li was speaking, one interstellar ship appeared in front of Su Chang, directly blocking a large area of ​​the originally bright sky, making people feel an indescribable tremor.

There are dozens or even hundreds of interstellar ships like giant steel beasts here.

In addition, there are also huge space fortresses similar to those in the previous sci-fi worlds that are slowly entering the Milky Way star. They seem to be floating in the sky of the Milky Way star and become floating islands in a sense.

The logo that belongs exclusively to the Blue Star Federation appeared in front of Su Chang, bringing him an inexplicable affection.

The military forces covering the sky and the sun seem to be destroying the planet, slowly entering the interior of the planet from the outer space area.

A large number of ships and military organizations began to go in the predetermined direction, heading towards the target area, preparing to garrison troops.

Seeing this scene, a shocking emotion appeared in his mind.

The last time I saw something like this was in the black market.

At that time, the No. 20 Seventh Division dispatched part of the main force into the black market and directly destroyed the black market.

Now, it is the small half of the Milky Way war zone that enters the Milky Way and garrisons at the predetermined location.

In comparison, of course, the current situation is even more shocking.

After all, there is a difference between a division and half a war zone.

While Su Chang looked up at the sky, Han Li's voice continued to sound: "It is because of these armed forces that the Blue Star Federation can conquer planets one by one."

"Now, the Federation is finally planning to make a final decisive battle against Tianhe."

Taking a breath, Su Chang actually has a lot of questions he wants to ask.

Ever since he knew the situation when the Federation entered the Tianhe Star, Su Chang has always wanted to know, under such an advantageous situation, the Federation will be "driven out" of Tianhe Star.

Didn't the sage of the Federation say that the immortals of Tianhe Star are not worth mentioning?

Speaking out his question, Han Li was silent for a while, looked at Su Chang, and didn't think there was anything to hide: "It's Tianhexing's will."

"God's will? World awareness?"

"Well," Han Li nodded: "Some things are secrets, but I think you will get in touch with them soon, so there is no need to be stingy and guard against you."

"When the Federation arrived on Tianhe, just as you learned, it destroyed everything and occupied one place after another in the most simple and direct way."

"We fought three super-large-scale battles, and twelve large-scale regional battles. As a result, the federal army marched forward triumphantly, and it seemed that we could take down a resource-rich life planet."

"Then, Tianhe's world consciousness fought back."

The counterattack of a planetary consciousness?

Su Chang suddenly became curious about what kind of situation this would be.

Han Li seemed to be thinking about something, hesitated for a moment and then said: "You must first understand that a planet and a civilization cannot live without saints, understand?"

"A civilization without saints has almost no resistance against a civilization with saints. This is a complete crush."

"You can understand that a country has nuclear weapons and has the ability to easily deploy nuclear weapons, while another country has a developed economy but no nuclear weapons and is usually fine. Once the other party starts a nuclear war, it can only be beaten and destroyed. "

This analogy is very simple and appropriate, and Su Chang can easily understand it.

He nodded: "But don't there be immortals on Tianhe Star?"

"There are."

"What do you mean?"

"The immortal from Tianhe Star was still a cultivator at the pinnacle of tribulation before we arrived at the Dakun Emperor's Capital. It was just because Tianhe Star's world consciousness was pushed to the extreme, and he had no choice but to invest in him."

"In half a minute, I took the last step from the peak of Transcending Tribulation, raised my body to the realm of immortals, and turned the tide at the last moment."

"The battle of the imperial capital was quelled by him, including the subsequent battle of Hongdu that we fought because of his actions, so we were forced to retreat and give up our interests."

Is the immortal of Tianhe star a temporary product of God's will?
This statement is indeed a bit interesting, and a hint of disbelief flashed in Su Chang's eyes.

Then, he captured some special meanings in Hanli's words: "What does it mean to break through the immortal body."

"Literally," Han Li smiled; "He can be understood as some kind of pseudo-immortal, which is not complete, and he broke through purely with the help of world consciousness. In terms of spirit, he still stays at the third life level. "

Su Chang immediately straightened out everything in it: "So, this is why the sages of our federation look down on him."


"Then why didn't our sage kill that false fairy?"

"Hahaha, I don't know about that. After all, I'm just an ordinary commander, and I haven't even reached the third life level. It's too far away from me to involve the saint."

Han Li's words are very low-key, it seems that I am just an ordinary middle-aged man who doesn't understand anything, and you don't want to find me for anything.

Su Chang is not an idiot, of course he doesn't think that Han Li is really "ordinary".

Su Chang knew that the former Commander Han just broke through to the high level of the second life level not long ago.

He said that he has not reached the third level of life, and he is not qualified to understand these things.

However, in fact, for Han Li who has already stepped into the high level of the second life level, his next step is the third life level.

That officially enters the otherworldly level.

At the end, Han Li suddenly changed the subject and warned: "Remember, if someone transfers you to a civilian job at that time, don't agree."

"Even if you don't want any post, you have to stay on the front line. It's better to wait for the soldiers to go to the battlefield now than to hand documents to others later."

Su Chang was taken aback for a moment: "Didn't we just discuss the matter of world consciousness? Is there any need to change the topic so quickly?"

"Hehehe, people like to escape when they are old."

"Hehehe, I think you are old-hearted, so I won't say much about those websites in your brain."

"???? Boy Su Chang, I want to talk to you."

(End of this chapter)

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