The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 185: Heavy Chapter Black Market

Chapter 185 Return to the black market
From now on, you are officially a low-level soldier?
Su Chang looked at Qian He in front of him and didn't know how to answer for a while.

From the bottom of his heart, he certainly wants to finish reading the book first...

Qian He saw Su Chang's worry at once, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you, of course you can continue to study at Xinghai University, in fact, it is impossible for Han Li to let you really drop out of school now .”

"Your personal information will be posted under the information department directly under the First Army, and you will carry out activities as an information worker. It will not prevent you from studying, and I will help you complete the relevant procedures."

"For you now, what you need to do is to get in touch with the Lin family as much as possible after entering the black market, and get in touch with them. It's best to find out what forces and people are involved in their actions, understand? ?”

Qian He's tone was full of affirmation and seriousness.

Obviously, this task is very important. Directly grasping the contact surface of the Lin family will allow the military to follow up and get rid of all the things hidden underground.

"Of course, in order to prevent you from being recognized, we will find someone to change your appearance, put on a mask or something."

Su Chang nodded immediately.

It was not difficult to understand the words, and he could still understand what Qian He meant.

Qian He continued: "Tell me when you get it, and we will take action."

"it is good."

"I got you an identity, you memorize it first, and then go."

"no problem."

After a moment of silence, Qian He suddenly asked: "Do you know why you were asked to participate in this operation?"

Su Chang tentatively gave the answer: "Because of my mental strength? Because of my enmity with the Lin family?"

"These are all on the one hand," Qian He gave the final answer: "Because if this operation is successfully completed, you will be awarded a second-class merit, and your low-level soldiers will be directly promoted to upper-level or third-level soldiers based on the information you provide. .”

From low to high, the merits are divided into third class, second class and first class.

From low to high, soldiers are divided into low-level soldiers, high-level soldiers, third-level soldiers, second-level soldiers, and first-level soldiers.

Of course, the level of soldiers is not complete, it depends on what position you hold,

Starting from the third-level soldier, you can slowly start to take on positions such as squad leader, captain, and general captain.

Therefore, the third-level soldier is a boundary, and it is very important to be able to reach this level.

Of course, whether it can be done or not depends on fate and opportunity.

If you are like the owner of the pavilion, you can kill three leaders in more than ten days, and your soldier level is enough, of course, you can be promoted crazily.

After Su Chang accepted the order, of course he would not waste any more time on the spot. He talked to Qian He again, and then left, got on the ship bound for Blue Star, and then was sent to the black market through the military channel.

As soon as he landed and saw the familiar city, Su Chang felt a faint sense of anticipation in his heart.

This is the first time he has come here to do this kind of undercover thing, and it is also his first mission after joining the military. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no disturbance in his heart.

Now his appearance has also changed quite a bit. Qianhe's people made a mask for him, which immediately changed his appearance significantly.

Although there was something covering his face, Su Chang didn't feel any discomfort, which was normal.

After exhaling a breath and shaking his head, Su Chang looked into the distance.

What he was going to was a spiritual training center in the downtown area of ​​Hei. Qian He had already helped him get his identity there, and he was just waiting for Su Chang to come over and join the job.

Not even 200 meters after walking out of the alley, Su Chang could clearly find four eyes staring at him.

Regarding this, there was no turmoil in his heart, but the expression on his face had already begun to change, and his acting skills suddenly improved. He looked at the distance as if he was very confused, and kept flipping the map in his hand, as if he was thinking about the route.

Then, he walked towards the two people sitting on the fast motorcycle at once, frowning tightly, as if he was a little worried.

Seeing this scene, the two people sitting on the motorcycle who were originally thinking about whether to do something to Su Chang suddenly regained their spirits, looked at each other, and saw a trace of murderous intent in each other's eyes.

"Hello, how to get to this location on the map."

Without even looking at the map, one of them immediately said, "Let's take you there."

"No, I'll go alone."

"It looks like you've come to the black market for the first time. It's okay. We'll take you there and charge you 50 yuan."

In order to make Su Chang lower his vigilance, this guy even charged you 50 yuan directly, trying to make Su Chang feel that there is nothing wrong with them in this way.

But Su Chang still had the same expression: "No need, go to hell, give me the car, I will go alone."


The two of them suddenly felt that something was wrong, and just as they were about to make a move, they discovered that some unknown changes had taken place in the surrounding situation.

The original sunlight suddenly disappeared, day and night seemed to change, and even the scattered street lights that were supposed to be on at night disappeared.

All that was left to them was absolute darkness.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Su Chang's mouth in front of him, and then the smile became more and more presumptuous, and the corner of his mouth was about to reach his ears.

"I said, go to hell, okay?"

Under the shocked expressions of the two, Su Chang swallowed their heads in one gulp.

The above is of course the reason for the influence of Su Chang's spiritual prescription.

In the spirit world, their heads are swallowed in one gulp.

However, in reality, as Su Chang approached, the expressions on their faces became more frightened and crazy, and then, the seven orifices bled, and they died directly.

This scene directly stared at the crowd in the dark, making them speechless for a long time.

Some people who still had thoughts about Su Chang shook their hearts, immediately gave up their crazy thoughts, and fled towards the distance at once.

As for those guys, Su Chang didn't go after them either.

A person without a car is not worthy of chasing him.

To get rid of these two guys is only because Su Chang needs a car.


The black market, the central spiritual training hall.

Among the crowd coming and going, there was more of Su Chang's figure.

Unlike the spiritual cultivation and spiritual cultivation centers outside, the public facilities in the black market always have more precautions and security.

At least when Su Chang entered the spiritual training hall, he felt that there were quite a few security forces in the dark.

Of course, he didn't come here to make trouble, and he didn't have to worry about being attacked by others. He just walked to the front desk very quickly and said kindly to the staff: "Hello, my name is Su He, and I have sat here before. report."

In the report, as soon as these three words came out, the front desk staff immediately understood what Su Chang was here for, and showed a flattering smile: "Okay, wait a moment, I will look for it."

Zhinao quickly changed the screen.

Soon, Su Chang's relevant information was presented in front of the staff member.

After seeing the words "senior hypnotist" above, her heart trembled, and the eyes she looked at Su Chang were filled with awe.

Senior hypnotists, whether outside or in the black market, are all real high-end existences.

Extraordinary value.

Now there are only four senior hypnotists in their training hall, and they usually have direct contact with the big shots and use special passages. It is difficult for them to hang out in front of a little person like her.

Now a senior hypnotist came to join the job, which of course shocked her.

After a moment, her face turned red: "Master Su, I haven't been sleeping well recently. Can you come to my house and help me if you have time?"

In the end, the staff member's mouth was even a little parched.

Regarding this, Su Chang raised his head slightly: "According to my judgment, you should be lacking in love."

Hearing this, the staff turned even redder.

Then, Su Chang continued: "Listen to lullabies more, exercise more, let yourself be tired and enriched. This is the advice I can give. As for your private lessons... I charge very expensive, I am afraid you will give me a lot of money. I can't afford the consultation fee."

The staff was about to say something immediately, saying that she actually had other ways to pay the consultation fee, but before she could say it, a general manager came down from the top and apologized to Su Chang.

Seeing this, the staff barely swallowed what they were about to say.

"Master Su, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, we really didn't know you came to the black market today."

"If you notify us in advance, we will definitely make arrangements in advance, at least we will have a grand welcome ceremony, which is not the case now."

The general manager had a very good attitude, bent over, and showed extreme respect for Su Chang in his words.

Su Chang waved his hand: "A person who fled to the black market has no right to raise so many opinions."

"No, no, Master Su is so powerful that he will be respected wherever he goes. That's because those guys outside don't know what's good and what's wrong. Our black market cherishes talents the most. Master Su will definitely get what you want here."

When he said the three words he wanted, the general manager smiled brightly.

Su Chang also gave a smile, which can be regarded as hearing the meaning of the other party's words.

"Master Su, let's take a rest first."

"Okay, let's start work tomorrow."

"Isn't it a bit fast, we plan to take Master Su to have fun for a few days."

"Hahaha," Su Chang also gave a kind expression: "I can't be idle, so I like to find something to do."

"Okay, let's have dinner tonight, and I will introduce some people to you, everyone is familiar with them."

"it is good."

Su Chang originally thought it was a very simple meal.

Until he saw a direct descendant of the Lin family at the dinner table, he was taken aback and shouted in his heart that the meal was not for nothing.

He was still thinking about how to get close to the Lin family, but when he fell asleep, someone came to give him a pillow.

The other party looked like he was asking for something from Su Chang, and had a very good attitude towards Su Chang. He toasted Su Chang many times, making Su Chang gradually understand that this guy was asking for something from himself.

It wasn't until they were full of wine and food that everyone went to the entertainment venue that the Lin family boy finally approached Su Chang and had a private conversation.

"Master Su, my name is Lin Xiao, do you still have an impression of me?"

Like the general manager, Lin Xiao also treats Su Chang very well.

In fact, to a certain extent, the direct descendants of the Lin family don't need to deliberately curry favor with senior hypnotists.

Senior hypnotists are actually very rare and very valuable, but logically speaking, the Lin family is also a family that handles the black market, and there are quite a lot of internal resources.

The wealth and resources shared by the direct descendants will not be small, and the strong people they come into contact with on weekdays are also considerable. It will not be too difficult to find a senior hypnotist.

However, in the past two years, there have been major changes within the Lin family. Their old man changed his mind and played the elite route. He made many deployments of the resources of the people below, concentrated many resources, and gave them to the most promising people.

This directly led to a very unbalanced distribution of resources within the Lin family.

Obviously, Lin Xiao was not one of those talented people.

This caused the resources he got to plummet.

In addition, during this period of time, Mr. Lin was quite dissatisfied with their fathers and paid less attention to them, which made Lin Xiao and others have some other thoughts.

There have always been people who are wooing people from all walks of life.

A strong man like Su Chang who has just entered the black market and doesn't have much foundation will naturally be a good choice for them to "make friends".

Su Chang saw through it without saying anything: "Is there something wrong with Master Lin?"

"Hahaha, it's not a big deal. It's just that I have a little problem in spiritual cultivation recently, so I want to find someone to understand a little bit, but I haven't found one. Today I want to ask Master Su if he can give me some advice."

Su Chang looked at Lin Xiao with a more satisfied expression, and nodded immediately: "No problem, Young Master Lin is so eager to learn, of course I can't see outsiders."

"From tomorrow onwards, I will give Young Master Lin a private lesson every day, first raise your spirituality to intermediate meditation, how about it."

Su Chang's words were about to reach Lin Xiao's heart, and he nodded immediately: "Of course it's the best!"

(End of this chapter)

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