Chapter 17 The Promising Kid

"Who am I?"

As if laughing at this question, Su Chang kicked the other person away and walked slowly in front of Yang Hui.

"Before you came to trouble me, didn't you find out who I am? You even know whether I have the citizenship of a quasi-warrior. Is it possible that you can't figure out where I come from, and how did I work and study?"

Su Chang's voice rang in Yang Hui's ears.

He was just about to stand up again, but Su Chang kicked hard at the base of his thigh.

In an instant, he fell down again.

This time, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get up.

"Su Chang! Do you even know who I am?"

"The strength of our family is beyond what you can imagine, let me tell you..."

Before Yang Hui could finish speaking, Su Chang stepped on his left hand, causing him to scream.

He doesn't want to hear these things.

Could it be that when Yang Hui ended up with him, slapped him, and tried to tear off his hands and feet, he, Su, could only obediently stand next to him, even if he had the strength, he couldn't resist?
What's the point of this?
"We stand under the same blue sky, no one is more noble than the other, and we have the ability to go sideways with those bugs and other intelligent life."

"See if they will let you go because your family is rich or powerful."

"You must retaliate? Yang Hui, it's almost enough, otherwise I will give you back what you said to me."

At this point, Su Chang finally raised his feet.

The pain still appeared in Yang Hui's heart.

But this time, he really didn't dare to say anything more.

He is a person with 1.2 life points, and there are a lot of quasi-martialists around him with 1 life points, so many people are no match for any of them.

If he dared to speak harshly again, he was afraid that Su Chang would trample his right hand to pieces.

Of course, not saying anything, doesn't mean that Yang Hui doesn't feel resentful in his heart.

Walking out of the alley, Su Chang looked towards the sky in the distance, and then continued on his own way.

In the new century, all kinds of automatic equipment have already had considerable artificial intelligence. What happened just now may have been dealt with by the police.

Maybe someone is already heading in the direction of the small street.

Of course, the prerequisite for processing is that Yang Hui and the others dare to file an application for processing against Su Chang.

In this matter, they attacked Su Chang maliciously, and Su Chang had always been in self-defense.

Not to mention beating them up like this, even if he, someone from Su, kicked them a few times just now, he would not break away from the scope of legitimate defense.

In the new era, Wude is abundant!


Su Chang didn't go home directly, but went directly to the East Gate training hall.

He now needs to improve his actual combat assessment, and there is a considerable demand for the holographic simulation cabin.

Although you can learn to use it in school, according to the order of distribution, the number of times each person has their turn is too small.

If you want to get a good test result, you can't put all your hopes on the school's equipment.

In the basic training section of the East Gate Training Hall, there is no holographic simulation cabin.

But in the process of part-time work before, he had heard from Coach Ye that he had also seen VIPs enter the late-stage module area of ​​the East Gate Training Hall.

There should be a holographic simulation training cabin.

Upon entering the East Gate training hall, they are still greeted with familiar greetings.

Since Su Chang's strength has been greatly improved, all the neighbors in the East Gate Training Center have become more enthusiastic about Su Chang.

At the same time, he has also become a "child of someone else's family" in a sense.

He had seen before that a family brought middle school children to training, because the life points were stuck at 0.6 and there was no way to break through.

The angry child's father said one by one, "Look at brother Su Chang in the next building, how can he make such great progress, and look at you, life and death have not improved."

The anxious child challenged the largest weightlifting equipment in the area at that time, and lay down on the ambulance to Donghai No. 3 Hospital [-] minutes later.

Ye Danghai, who had been sitting in a small corner, waved slightly after seeing Su Chang: "Boy Su Chang, are you here for a physical test again today?"

Seeing Ye Danghai, Su Chang immediately had a goal, and immediately walked over: "No, Master Ye, I heard that our training hall actually has holographic simulation equipment, but it has always been placed in the back block .”

Hearing this, Ye Danghai frowned slightly, and said with a smile: "Yes, but that is the personal belongings of the owner and several other bosses."

"As you know, the basic module in front is a convenient block funded by the Federation and the boss. It can be directly used by the neighbors at a small cost. It is something of the nature of equipment guarantee, so it is cheap."

"But the module area at the back is the private area of ​​the owner and some other warriors. There is no foreign capital injection, and it is all built at their own expense. Of course, it is also rented out, but it will cost a lot."

It is natural to spend money, and Su Chang never thought of getting it for nothing from the very beginning.

He still has at least 600 million yuan in his possessions, and he can buy it by himself if he tries hard to go to the black market twice. Of course, leasing will not be a problem.

Nodding, Su Chang continued: "If I want to use the holographic simulation cabin, how should I apply and how should I pay for it?"

Ye Danghai took out a list and put it in Su Chang's hand.

1000 yuan per hour.

To be honest, the price is not too expensive. Compared with the value of the entire holographic simulation block, such a charge is very reasonable.

Ye Danghai originally thought that this price would scare Su Chang, or at least make Su Chang slightly hesitate.

However, Su Chang's next sentence almost didn't startle him.

"Recharge 30 first."

As if hearing something unbelievable, Ye Danghai spit out the tea he had just taken: "Pfft!"


Without giving Ye Danghai a chance to say anything, Su Chang directly transferred the money from a card to the public account of the East Gate Training Center.

Ye Danghai realized that Su Chang didn't mean to be joking after seeing the 30 in the account with his own eyes.

The money is in the account, and the rest has nothing to do with him.

He doesn't care where Su Chang's money comes from.

Ye Danghai immediately stood up and took Su Chang through the other door of the physical examination room, and came to a new area that required swiping a card.

First recharge Su Chang's account balance with 30 yuan, and unlock VIP privileges at the same time.

This 30 is the card Su Chang applied for at the Dongmen Training Center. Even if all the money in it is spent, the VIP privileges will be retained for a period of time.

"Go in, there are many things inside, not just a holographic simulation cabin."

"Trust me, your training here will be far better than anywhere else."

"You may not understand it before, but you will understand the benefits of being rich in the future."

After Ye Danghai finished speaking, he nodded to Su Chang, expressing that no matter what happened to him in the future.

There are not many people in the VIP section, but most of them know each other, so I am still curious about Su Chang's entry.

After someone asked who Su Chang was.

Ye Danghai's answer was that he was a very promising boy.

(End of this chapter)

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