The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 169 The next time is set!

Chapter 169 Next time definitely!
Time passed little by little.

On the third day, late at night.

On weekdays, there were quite a few monks on Dushan Peak, which was usually deserted, and they were grouped together in groups of about the same size.

Standing at the front are a few big sects who have long had prestige and reputation among the Tianhe stars. There is no accident in their formation, and there are Jindan monks.

Then, there are some small and medium-sized sects, and there is at least one alchemy monk in the team.

After that, there are a large number of idle monks, their strengths are uneven, the highest is the alchemy monk, and there are also low-level qi training below.

Body-refining cultivators are not among the ranks. Obviously, no one thinks that pure-body cultivating cultivators can gain any benefits from such an action. It will only add trouble and chaos.

In fact, each family doesn't want loose cultivators to join in, but there are a large number of loose immortals, and there are also some more powerful monks.

If you don't give the casual cultivators any chance, and wait for them to lament the injustice and try to play tricks behind the scenes, several major sects will find it very troublesome.

Instead of pushing people into a hurry, it is better to take a step back from the beginning.

The major sects give casual cultivators a chance to enter the inheritance, but the casual cultivators are several sects behind and lose some opportunities.

In this way, everyone can barely accept the result.


In the lineup of casual cultivators, a monk was having a conversation with Su Chang: "Fellow Daoist Lu, those big families really don't think much of us at all. Kick it out and prevent us from entering the inheritance."

"If I hadn't waited for the scattered cultivators to unite and fight hard, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to win any chance."

There are actually not many similar complaints.

In fact, Su Chang vaguely feels that the current Tianhe Star has also entered a certain degree of class solidification.

That is to say, the upper-level monks and forces have a large amount of resources, directly monopolize some things, and let the resources directly form an internal circulation at the top, and continue to grow in their circle.

Good resources can of course cultivate more powerful disciples, and these disciples will gradually grow into new powerhouses, forming a stronger monopoly and mastering more resources.

As for the weaker forces or casual cultivators, it is actually very difficult to resist in such a situation. They can only survive in the cracks, obtain some not-so-precious resources, and enter a vicious circle in a certain sense.

Su Chang only found it interesting. In fact, in a cultivation civilization like Tianhe Star, there are also various social problems. It is just a slight change in the target, but there is no difference in essence.

"That's right," Su Chang nodded, "If this goes on, we casual practitioners will probably have a harder time living."

Su Chang's alias here is Lu Xiaofeng, and during this period of time, he also communicated with a lot of casual cultivators, and they had a common topic and knew each other.

"Hey, there are some things that we can't change. If the evil spirits outside the sky are outside, it will make these aristocratic families change a lot. Knowing the stakes, they will treat us a little better."

"So, I don't know whether the arrival of the evil spirits from the sky is good or bad."

"Fellow Daoist, please don't say these things! It's absolutely useless to punish the evil spirits outside the sky!"

"That's right, just a few of us are here to talk about it today, and you can still pretend that you haven't heard it. If it's outside and other people hear it, I'm afraid it won't have a good result."

Having said that, the person who spoke first kept bowing his head, saying that he was just breaking his promise for a while.

Su Chang watched all this happen quietly, but didn't say anything, and finally added: "It's open."

After the words fell, everyone immediately looked in the direction Su Chang spoke.

Among the big forces ahead, several monks headed by cast spells on a corner of Dushan Peak, and a hole with the height of two people and the same width appeared in front of everyone.

If you look from a distance, you can see a huge cave, which is very wonderful.

The powerful centaurs in front entered it, waiting for everyone to enter, and then it was the turn of Su Chang and others.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, let's go."

"it is good."

As soon as he stepped into the cave, Su Chang felt that the surrounding situation changed in an instant.

The people around him suddenly disappeared, and he himself appeared in an inexplicable place.

The surrounding space is quite spacious, he seems to be in a passage, and there are only two directions to choose from.

"There is something, this is the formation, right? It has been arranged in advance, otherwise there will never be such a power that can bring me directly to this passage from the outside, and there is no one around."

"From this point of view, this place of inheritance is probably bigger than I thought, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate so many people while being so scattered, and no one around me can see it."

"It's a pity that I can't get the map information, otherwise I wouldn't be so confused. I could have a target a long time ago, but now I can't even find a direction."

Any map information is firmly grasped by the big forces, and it is impossible for them to get any map information.

Regardless of 21, Su Chang moved forward and forcibly sprinted forward. At the same time, Su Chang turned on his brain to detect the surrounding situation.

Compared with simply seeing with the eyes, the detection of the brain is obviously much more reliable.

Although there were formations on the outside of the inheritance place, the situation inside was the same as an ordinary cave, and there was not much fog. The general situation soon appeared in front of Su Chang.

In addition to the overall layout and a large number of passages, there are also small rooms that are intertwined and cannot be seen clearly.

Innermost, is a larger area.

Su Chang roughly judged that the things in the small room were probably the so-called peripheral treasures, and most of them contained some valuable but not so high-value things.

For example, some common pills, weapons and spells.

Or, there are spirit stones and other wealth.

The one in the middle should be the real inheritance place of that Nascent Soul cultivator, and all the good things are placed there.

Su Chang didn't have the idea of ​​going directly to the central area. With his ability, there is a high probability that he will not have a good result. In other words, for Su Chang, getting something real first is the most meaningful thing.

If you can fish a little, you can get the real material.

According to the brightness displayed by the brain, Su Chang broke into one of the rooms directly.

He directly broke in through the window, and as soon as he landed, he saw two eyes looking straight at him.


"Can you come directly to the pill pharmacy? Is this one of ours? Or a lucky boy."

"I don't know, it should be a lucky guy!"

"Then let him go, or die!"

These words seemed to be a conversation between them, but in fact they were directed directly at Su Chang.

Tell Su Chang directly that if he doesn't want to die, he should get out immediately.

Su Chang just sneered at this.

The real strong have no time to snatch this thing outside, and now they are probably entering the middle of the big area, for fear of falling behind others and resulting in less gain for themselves.

The number of powerhouses remaining on the periphery will not be many, and most of them are at Su Chang's level.

He took a look as soon as he came in. The people here were just practicing Qi, and there were no stronger ones.

At this level, let him go?

I'm afraid I don't have the qualifications.

"Entering the place of inheritance, what you can get depends on your ability. I'm afraid you won't be convinced if you say such things."

While Su Chang was speaking, another figure appeared.

"Huh? There are already so many people here?"

"A group of qi training boys, get out of here, or none of them will survive!"

As soon as the speaker's aura came out, a more powerful coercion than them appeared, and Su Chang instantly realized the strength of the comer.


In just a few seconds, the situation on the field suddenly changed. From Su Chang's intervention at the beginning, to now another alchemy cultivator entered, directly changing the balance of strength.

Seeing this scene, although Su Chang also felt that something was wrong, he didn't feel too much trouble in his heart.

With new power inserted, it is also convenient for him to fish in troubled waters.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome for Su Chang if the opponents really went all out against him.

Su Chang immediately said to the first few Qi training monks: "How about it, should we join forces now? If we still target each other, I'm afraid everything will belong to others."

The first few people were silent for a moment, then nodded.

The newly arrived monk Jiedan saw that the few guys in front of him had no intention of leaving. At that time, he felt that his majesty was being challenged and he was going to do it.

Then, what greeted him was a spiritual qi vortex and two sword qi.

Brother Jiedan took a step back subconsciously.

Then, Su Chang and those guys quickly started to snatch the elixir.

Without any prior communication, it was completely agreed.

Let's kill the alchemy cultivator in front of us together?Totally impossible.

On the one hand, the strength does not allow it, and more importantly, it is completely impossible for Su Chang and the few people on the opposite side to work together.

The so-called cooperation is to suppress the alchemy cultivator in front of you together, and then think about any deeper cooperation?

It's the first time we all meet, so we think too much.

It's real when you get it!

Their attack didn't stop the alchemy monk in front of him for too long. In fact, for the alchemy monk, the reason why he took a step back was because he didn't want to get hurt here.

If you really want to talk about deadly threats, there is nothing at all.

After reacting, he directly grabbed the other people.

The people on the opposite side already had quite a lot of elixir, obviously they had packed a lot before Su Chang entered.

So it was natural to become the target of the alchemy cultivator.

After all, as long as they are dealt with, all their previous achievements will become his.

As for Su Chang, he didn't have a few panacea in his hand, and he was poor and useless, so he didn't bother to care about it.

Of course, Su Chang was also happy to see such a situation, and quickly collected batches of things, feeling the same, and pretended to leave.

Seeing this scene, a female voice among the people behind said immediately: "Hey! Didn't you want to join forces! Hurry up and help us now!"

"Hehe," Su Chang sneered, "I will definitely do it next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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