The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 143 Teacher Han said it!

Chapter 143 Teacher Han said it!

Gu Liantian stared blankly at the few people in front of him, and wanted to say something, but for a while, he really didn't know what to say.

Fang Zhouxun's mouthful of "I need you to call us senior", really made Gu Lian's mood really pissed off.

He is of course well-known among the old students. No matter what, the Yaoguang team has a place in the student team of Xinghai University, and has a reputation.

Others have always been polite when talking to him. Generally speaking, it's considered pretty good that he doesn't bully others.

However, now, he was being pointed at by the group of freshmen in front of him, and of course he felt quite unhappy.

But he understood a truth better, that is, these people in front of him were not wrong.

He alone really can't compete with the entire seed class.

Even if he seems to have the upper hand now, what if he waits for one year or two years?

Being able to enter the seed class means that he has full potential. When the people in these seed classes burst out their potential, he is afraid that he will be thrown out by these people.

Of course, these things can be discussed later. Now he just wants to appease these people in the seed class as soon as possible and let this matter pass as soon as possible, at least not to get into too much trouble.

Gu Liantian quickly dialed his tutor's phone number, trying to get the tutor to show up to suppress the crowd in the seed class.

When the teacher speaks, they must listen a little, right?

Seeing that Gu Liantian made the first move, everyone in the seed class quickly started making phone calls.

Some called Xia Songnan, and some called their own family members, expressing that something happened to them.

Others, like Gu Liantian, called their tutors.

However, the way they spoke was more artistic. They didn't look like a child who was bullied and went home to complain. Instead, they looked like they were simply inquiring.

All of a sudden, his tutor was asked to call other places, which put more pressure on Gu Liantian.

The news spread quickly, and most of the small half of the star sea shook.

Logically speaking, a little conflict between classmates is a normal thing in Xinghai University, and it shouldn't be made so big.

It is normal to have conflicts, but one party to the conflict is a bit sensitive in terms of identity.

Almost all members of the 306th seed class.

The seed class is different from the ordinary class. It is the best class in the school. Coupled with the various connections in it that are like a network, this matter suddenly becomes complicated.

Including Zhou Hai's father and Fang Zhouxun's father, they all called the school to inquire.

Although the former can't affect the school, but more and more phone calls will make the school leaders a little upset.

They didn't know what happened, they were just sleeping at home, and suddenly there were so many phone calls, they were confused, and they didn't know at all, the first sentence on the phone was how do you think about this matter .

But things must be handled by someone, and they can't just leave them there and ignore them completely.

The first thing the school thought of was Xia Songnan, after all, he was the veritable head teacher of the seed class.

As a result, Mr. Xia was drinking his son's wedding at Blue Star, and he was able to get in touch, but he would not be able to come back for a while.

The principal asked the vice-principal to handle it, and the vice-principal asked the Martial Arts Academy to handle it by itself.

The dean of the Martial Arts Academy thought about it and felt that it would not be good for him to come forward in such a matter. He is not a good person on weekdays. To say nice things at this time will have an impact on the personality he strives to create.

So, the dean invited out the leader in the academy, Han Li.

The phone was connected, and after explaining the cause and effect of the matter clearly, the dean said: "Old Han, you have to get this matter right, now it's not big or small, it's actually quite difficult to keep up or down. Come on, you have to grasp this measure yourself."

"I called you because I heard that Su Chang is your disciple, and the current seed class Su Chang's words are effective, so I asked you to come forward."

"Remember, deal with it as simply as possible, be quick, use thunderous means, and make both sides speechless."

The dean believed in Han Li's ability, but he was afraid that Han Li would make something wrong, so he said this specifically.

To make both sides speechless, it is obviously hoped that Han Li can be fair and just, at least not let others say that he, Han, is partial to his disciples.

Han Li yawned while affirming: "It's a small matter, at most half an hour, the matter will definitely be over."

"Don't agree so quickly. I'm getting more and more unsure. You won't do anything random, right?"

"Don't worry, no!"


When he learned the news, the school leader almost broke the plate.

Past experience told them that Han Li had a different brain circuit from other teachers.

When people deal with disputes, they aim to solve things.

When Han Li went to deal with disputes, he aimed to solve people.


Xinghai No. [-], District No. [-], in front of the Yaoguang team's office building.

More and more people gather here.

In the seed class, in addition to everyone in the class, there are also a large number of freshmen and some people from the previous two seed classes.

During this process, Su Chang did know a lot of people, added a lot of contact information, and expanded his circle of friends carelessly.

On the old student's side, Gu Liantian brought in some people from other teams to make a place for himself.

Everyone is waiting for a result from the school, at least send someone over to see what the excuse is.

After a while, Su Chang's brain communication suddenly sounded.

When the call came through, it was Han Li calling.

"Mr. Han."

"Well, I heard you guys had a fight with the old man?"


"Why don't you call me?"

"How dare I bother you with this kind of thing." Su Chang was very serious when he said these words: "You have already taken care of me so much, so I don't want to trouble you again."

"No trouble, anyway, the school was planning to let me solve this matter." Han Li's lazy voice sounded, making Su Chang slightly stunned.

Will my teacher Han solve the problem?
What does the school think.

Aiming at expanding conflicts and punishing internal ones?
Su Chang didn't know what the school was thinking, at least Han Li himself had an idea: "How many people are on the opposite side."

"Probably less than eighty."

"How many people do you have."

Glancing at the group of people behind, Su Chang roughly reported a number: "Eight hundred?"

"Then what are you waiting for here? Are you afraid of such an advantage? Beat them."

"hold head high?"

Su Chang's surprised voice appeared, including that he was also on the speakerphone when he was calling, so everyone around heard Han Li's instructions.

Not only Su Chang was stunned, but also a group of people around him who hesitated, expressing their confused thoughts.

To be honest, they had almost the same thoughts as Gu Liantian, they were all waiting for the school to send a teacher to mediate.

Everyone gives each other a step down, and today's matter is considered to be over.

After all, they also know that they can't go too far.

As a result, Han Li just hit them with one sentence, so it's no wonder they have such emotions.

Han Li's voice sounded again: "I repeat, the school made me responsible, so I am in charge now."

"My method of responsibility is to beat them, as long as they don't kill anyone, can you understand such a few simple sentences? Do you want me to find you a translator in various languages?"

"No, I understand."

"Well, Su Chang, this is your first training today. If you can't beat this, don't come back to see me, just get out, that's it!"


Han Li gave villas, projects, and exercises. He was simply the best instructor of the year.

No one would say no to such a mentor.

What's more, now that Han Li has the Shangfang sword given by the school, of course his old man will do what he says, and Su Chang will be the first to fight if he says nothing.

"Everyone heard it?"



Su Chang and others didn't know why they wanted to fight, but Han Li represented the school, and he said that if he wanted to fight, he would fight.

Gu Liantian and others on the opposite side were still complaining that the school's processing speed was too slow. Just as they were about to continue communicating with their tutors, they saw a large group of people running towards them.

Seeing this scene, the sharp-eyed person instantly realized that something was wrong, turned around and ran away.

Some people who hadn't reacted were slightly stalemate, but when they wanted to leave again, they found that they had no chance, and fists greeted them one by one, causing them pain.

"Don't shoot! Don't use your weapon!"

"Don't beat people to death!"

"Brother Su, there are a few who have escaped over there!"

"Catch them back, chase them back. Teacher Han said, don't let anyone go."

"Teacher Han said that beating these guys today was all in vain. The school wants us to punish these guys. Teacher Han also said that if we dare to extort money now, how can we pay back in the future? We need education!"

(End of this chapter)

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