Chapter 139 Yuan Xin
Su Chang felt that this guy was indeed a little psychologically distorted.

Exhaling a breath, Su Chang shook his head: "I hope this is the first and last time."

To be honest, Su Chang just wanted to kick this guy.

But he is a newcomer to the lab after all, so he just treats it as a grievance to himself, first spread things out, and then talk about things after they are done.

Putting this matter behind, Su Chang immediately began to talk about the project: "Have we decided on the general research direction and focus at this stage?"

"Did you get the specific projects and tasks I sent you yesterday?"

At the beginning, Han Xue brought Su Chang to the door, but now that Su Chang has become the person in charge, Han Xue can quickly complete the change of identity.

"Well, it's all settled. The rules and regulations of our laboratory are actually quite complete. Many things can be settled with just a few words from the above, and there is no need to make comprehensive adjustments in a panic."

"It's just Su Chang, I personally think your plan is a little extreme, well, or too targeted. In fact, we can go in as many directions as possible and use force in other directions. There may be some problems." Completely different results?"

Su Chang also understood Han Xue's meaning, she thought Su Chang's plan was too decisive and too targeted.

Instead of casting a wide net to catch more fish like other projects, we focus on one point to collect, and it seems that we will give the correct answer if we focus on this direction.

Regarding this set of doubts, Su Chang also came up with an excuse early on. He took out a notebook: "You can read it first, this is my most basic plan for medicine and the results of my current personal experiment."

"The speculative facts have shown that there will be conclusions in the direction I am going. In this case, I think we really need to focus on this."

"Success is of course the best. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if my conclusion is wrong, there is actually not much loss for us. It is very easy to turn around and continue in another direction."

Looking at the notebook Su Chang took out, Han Xue was gradually convinced.

What she saw from this small notebook was a super professional.

From her point of view, he also thinks what Su Chang said is correct, if she were standing here today, maybe he would choose the same judgment as Su Chang.

Han Xue nodded: "If you say that, then I understand. No problem. Just follow your direction."

After finishing the official business, Han Xue gave Su Chang another appraising look: "I didn't expect that a little brother like you knows so much and can directly draw the basic composition, which is quite good."

For this sentence, Su Chang just showed a silly smile.

Back in the office, Su Chang began to browse through the current progress of all the projects in the laboratory and what to do next.

After all, this is the first time he led the project, Su Chang still wanted to make it a little better, at least not to leave any regrets for himself.

The real money and the attitude of the employees are completely different. The current Su Chang can be regarded as quite serious.

The things in the early stage are very simple, analyze the structure, give a plan, make adjustments, make a preliminary collision, and then make the basic composition of these aspects in the middle.

There really aren't many things to do, and it's actually not a big trouble for everyone in the lab. They are all veterans, so they are familiar with this aspect.

This is also the reason why Han Li is more at ease. After all, the people below are familiar with it. Even if Su Chang is a bit of a novice, if something is not right, the people below can help Su Chang fix it in time, which can be regarded as correcting mistakes.

But Su Chang didn't even get the relevant results from the first day.

Lazy on the first day of work in the laboratory?

Su Chang felt that no matter how he thought about it, such a thing should not have happened.

So, he called Han Xue's brain.

Han Xue was stunned: "It shouldn't be. All the information and results on my side are complete, and the follow-up analysis has been done. I've been waiting for the results on your side."

The current research project is mainly divided into two parts, and the two aspects are started together, which can be regarded as joint efforts to find the right direction.

After Su Chang got the exact result, he gave it to Han Xue for further analysis, even if a process was completed.

The problem now is that Su Chang has not been able to come up with a result so far, which has caused Han Xue to remain idle.

In fact, Han Xue wanted to call Su Chang. She thought it was Su Chang's first time making these things, and her professional level was a little lower, so she couldn't do it. She had been waiting for Su Chang's rhythm, thinking of giving more Take a moment to embrace it.

I didn't expect this to be the case.

"Sister Han, wait, I'll call the people below."

Su Chang didn't panic when something happened, and dialed the phone directly to the person below.

The phone was connected, and the other party's face appeared in front of Su Chang: "Brother Su."

"Hahaha, Brother Lin, you are so polite. You are the old man of the research institute and the backbone of our place. I will call you Brother Lin, and you can just call me Su Chang."

Let's talk first, then Su Chang asked suspiciously: "Why haven't we brought out the results below? It's been a while."

On the other end of the phone, Brother Lin's expression seemed a bit struggling: "Su Chang, this matter is a little more complicated than you think."

"In this way, if you give me a little more time, and I'll try to persuade you, the results should come out soon."

From the inside and outside of these words, Su Chang always felt that something was wrong.

His eyes gradually sharpened, and a fierce look flashed across his face: "Where is it stuck?"

"Su Chang, can you give me a little more time..."

Su Chang also stayed in the laboratory for a few days, knowing that Brother Lin is famous for his kindness, helping others at all times, always thinking about making big things small and small things small.

So Su Chang didn't plan to ask anything directly on the phone, but asked directly: "Where are you."

"Composition room."

"Well, I'm here now and tell the people in the composition room that I hope that before I arrive, all the drawings inside have already been worked on, so don't make me angry."

After finishing speaking, Su Chang's tone became more serious: "Brother Lin, I have no complaints against you. I know you are a good person. I just hope you can convey my meaning. There should be no problem."

"For 5 minutes, I let them think for 5 minutes, and then I will appear in the composition room and let them weigh it by themselves."

After speaking, Su Chang hung up the phone.

On the other side of the composition room, Brother Lin put down the phone, and said helplessly to Yuan Xin and the others in front of him, "Have you had enough trouble? Do you have to make it so hard that you can't get off stage?"

"This matter has nothing to do with him, Su Chang. He also paid real money, and cooperated with Mr. Han."

"Aren't you slapping Teacher Han in the face like this? How will you explain it to me then!"

(End of this chapter)

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