Chapter 135 Threat, turn in [-]%

Hearing this sentence, Xiao San's expression immediately changed: "This is already close to the school, if you do something here, the school will notice."

"Killing classmates under the sight of the school? Then we will be sent to court! Starting in 50 years, the death penalty is not impossible."

The most critical reason why the Human Federation can develop to the present is to form a group.

On the issue of external survival, human beings are quite consistent, and ensuring the survival of the race is the most important thing.

Is there no internal friction between federations?

Of course it's impossible. In fact, Blue Star humans have always been good at internal friction, and they are good at killing their own people.

You can have some fights and competitions in private, and you can even get physical, but you can never bring it out in the open.

Xinghai University's status in the federation is quite high, and the internal environment has always been within the scope of rectification, and the meaning of the school has always been obvious.

They don't care about how you are outside.

Back to school, be honest with me.

Slap Xinghai big in the face?Don't want to live anymore?

Thinking of this, the man finally swallowed his breath: "Damn, how much are the corpses of two golden falcons worth? I lost so much money and can't get back at them? What's the point!"

"Although the Golden Retriever Falcon is not rare, its feathers are considered to be a very good material. Its level is here, and it is also difficult to kill. It is not cheap among beasts of the same level. No matter how much it costs three or four billion Bar?"

"There are two ends there! Add up to at least [-] million yuan, and we'll just lose this money?"

The man was quite angry that his family's money was robbed, and his words were full of indignation.

Xiaosan's tone was still very simple: "No, it's 50 years or the death penalty if you beat me. I will definitely earn more than [-] million yuan in my life. There's no need to play this game."

At the end, the man finally nodded: "Okay, then don't fight."

"Glide past them and scare them, it's no problem at all!"

Xiaosan hesitated for a moment: "That's no problem."

The voice fell, and the operation began.


Down below, Su Chang and the others in the car gradually felt something was wrong.

The fighter plane not far away has been keeping a constant speed with them. It can easily break the speed of sound, but it just wants to keep equal with them.

"Following us?"

"It shouldn't be, we haven't offended anyone."

"This fighter plane is the one that released the mecha before. It's the one we met near the cliff before."

"They didn't get the cubs, did they?"


"So this is going to attack us?"

Zhou Hai's voice ended, and his idea was quickly vetoed by Zhong Ling: "Impossible, the school is in front, this part is in the school's defense system, killing us here, are they crazy?"

"Then why are these guys following us all the time?"

"I don't know, let's take a step and see."

After saying that, Zhong Ling speeded up again.

The vehicle that had already reached its load limit sank, and it felt like it was about to disintegrate on the spot.

Su Chang and the others who were sitting on it trembled, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

Under their watchful eyes, the fighter above them suddenly picked up speed and came straight in their direction.


It's for them!

"It's really embarrassing for them, and they even pretended to do it!"

Su Chang jumped and went directly into the back of the car, found a laser gun beside the golden retriever falcon, and was about to shoot at the fighter plane above them, when the fighter plane suddenly raised its head above them and brushed past .

The closest distance between the two sides is less than one meter, and Su Chang can even clearly see all the threads on it.

The fighter plane maintained a similar speed to Su Chang and others. The hatch opened and a man's face appeared in front of them.

There was a strange smile on the man's face: "I'm really sorry, just now the fighter plane malfunctioned and almost hit you."

"You guys are very faceless, are you freshmen? Stealing someone else's golden retriever falcon is immoral, you know?"

"After disposing of the Golden Retriever Falcon, take 90% of the money to the Yaoguang team, and the remaining 10% is your hard work. Hehe, I advise you to be sensible, otherwise something will happen."

After speaking, regardless of whether Su Chang and the others understood, the hatch closed and the fighter plane left.

Su Chang kept staring at the direction where the fighter plane was leaving, with a fierce look in his eyes.

They used fighter jets to scare them. To be honest, Su Chang could bear it.

After all, they also injured the golden retriever falcon, so they really took advantage of it.

Even if you say you want to take [-]%, he, Su, will bear it.

Now in one sentence, they are asked to take out 90% and only leave 10% for their hard work?

You fought so many lives before, and almost told all four of them to be there?Is their blood and sweat worthless?You can take it all in one word?
Who put all these things together!
Su Chang was the first to express his position: "I still don't know what this Yaoguang Team is, but I can't give you this money."

Immediately, Zhou Hai and Zhong Ling also cursed at each other, and then said: "The golden retriever falcon we killed with our lives, he would spend 90% of a sentence, and still threaten us with this trick? Do you really think you are something! "

"Don't say what their Yaoguang team is, even if a teacher stood in front of me today and said such things to me, I wouldn't be able to give it."

"When our seed class is a soft persimmon?"

Ye Jiangshan didn't get mixed up with Su Chang and the others' statements, but his expression said it all.

After thinking about it for a moment, Ye Jiangshan gave the answer: "The Yaoguang Team is currently the seventeenth-ranked team in the school. It is said to be a team, but there are actually more than 20 people."

"The average life point of the team is 10. They are all sophomores and juniors. The current captain is Gu Liantian."

"The guy who talked to us just now is called Ying Jie, he is a small captain, the old man of the Yaoguang team."

After receiving the basic information, Su Chang nodded and didn't say much.

In short, their basic argument has been set, and it is impossible to give this money.

Pass through the gate and enter the school.

Su Chang and the others did not hesitate, and drove directly to the school's largest processing market.

If you want to sell things in school, there are two main ways.

The most worry-free and labor-saving, the processing market that sells directly to the school, the price depends on the market, the processing market is very fair, and you can charge as much as the outside price.

If you want to sell it at a higher price, you can hang it on the school's internal website, and hold the item in your hand first.

People who meet urgent needs can sell at a higher price.

Of course, this method will slightly press the goods, and the circulation time will be relatively long.

Su Chang and others finally chose the former.

On the one hand, Su Chang is in a hurry to use the money, and he doesn't know when it will be until someone needs it.

Second, because they don't know whether Ying Jie will interfere with their business, it is of course best to get things out first.

Dealing with the market, a hostess in black silk brought Su Chang and others to the exclusive reception room.

After she left for a long time, Zhou Hai took back his unsatisfied gaze.

Zizi mouthed, Zhou Hai seemed a little tired: "I'm fine."

Su Chang always felt that this sentence had a deep meaning: "What the hell?"

"Ahahahaha, it's okay, it's okay, I said someone seems to be here."

Following Zhou Hai's explanation, the door to the reception room was pushed open, and a middle-aged woman appeared in front of Su Chang and others.

I don't know if it's because of his recovery or because of his age, Zhou Hai's expression is indeed rare and serious.

(End of this chapter)

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