Chapter 118 Office Discussion

Others don't know, at least the mentality of the students in the seed class around Su Chang has changed to some extent.

Of course, some of them signed up because they wanted to prove themselves, but more because of Zhou Hai's registration, they were brought in one by one, and finally found that those who didn't sign up were actually a minority, and those who didn't want to be a minority also bit the bullet. That's how it happened.

From the beginning, all he could think about was how to get out and how to complete the assessment. Now, being influenced by Su Chang, he felt like he was being cut off from a knife.

They realized that even if they couldn't complete the assessment, it didn't matter. They continued to eliminate old students, and they could still get a lot of points. When the assessment was over, they could already exchange for a lot of good things. In fact, the difference was not too big.

Such a gradual relaxation of mentality gradually improved the internal atmosphere of the members of the seed class, and everyone gradually became acquainted with each other under such an environment.

They are all the pride of heaven in a certain sense outside, who here is not the first and second in the examination room?Who has no arrogance?
It is actually very difficult to talk to them.

And in the undifferentiated assessment, they did it.

After making a decision, the group of people no longer hesitated, got into the car, and headed straight for the valley mouth.


Meanwhile, in the office.

New teachers entered one by one and greeted the original ones: "Xiao Liu, how are you looking?"

"Aren't the brats in the seed class being punished enough? If you ask me, Yu Yue did too much. No matter how you say it, the brats in the seed class have character. Even if they are not very strong now, they still have to be trained for us." time."

"It's all right now, the arrogance is almost gone, I don't know when I can recover that qi."

"Hehehe, you people are really interesting. When Yu Yue was here, he talked to the eldest sister, and didn't even dare to fart. Now that she has no one, the one who clamors is more fierce than anyone else?"

"Hahaha, don't you understand what kind of guys they are, they yell the most fiercely!"

A group of people sat down again, and two or three batches of teachers entered one after another, and finally almost filled the seats that should be seated in the office.

Although the overall atmosphere in the office is harmonious, everyone is talking and laughing, but what can't be found is that there is still a very obvious clique. The teachers in the entire classroom are divided into three groups, and different people say different things.

In the holographic projection screen, Su Chang and others accounted for quite a large proportion. They have obviously become the focus in a certain sense, and all eyes are on them.

"These guys are still young. It's like when I first entered school."

"He just came from the local area. In fact, he is not much different from high school students. The task of Xinghai University is to train and teach these guys."

"Well, if you are already strong, what's the point of coming to our school? That's not teaching, it's people coming to teach us."

"From weak to strong is what we should do."

A few middle-aged people clicked on their teaching significance and goals, as if it was the beginning of a formal meeting, and only after they finished talking did they start to examine the situation of Su Chang and others on the screen.

At this time, Su Chang and others have already started to break through.

Two bombs made of large-scale concentrated energy were thrown directly into the pass. After the direct cleaning, the three vehicles remained in place and continued to attack with mortars.

Washing the land is like re-ploughing the opposite land, and the shells are brought to the extreme.

They didn't officially start the vehicle until all the shells were thrown away, carrying heavy machine guns and other weapons to attack the pass.

Although they had exhausted all methods to attack the pass before, and indeed caused great casualties, the remaining old students were still a large number, and they rushed forward, and all kinds of weapons greeted them.

The team of Su Chang and others was like a sharp knife, piercing straight into the team of old students. At the same time, all kinds of methods broke out, and in order to rush out, they all began to risk their lives.

Anyway, they have also eliminated a lot of old students, and they have already got a lot of points. Even if they lose it here, it is still acceptable.

What's more, it's not necessarily them who lose.

The people in the office quietly watched the situation inside, their voices erupting one after another.

"Deep Blue Ye Family is indeed the first to contact the Jiugong Civilization. Their Ye Jiangshan is really interesting. It seems that they really plan to go to the system of the Jiugong Civilization. Now it is, Qi training?"

"Well, the body training of the Nine Palaces civilization means that the life points reach 3, which is the peak of their body training, and then they start to raise their swords and enter into Qi training. This Ye family boy is not using his own sword, otherwise his combat power can be improved by a whole lot. fan."

"This kid... I want it."

"He is from the Ye family, and the Ye family will make arrangements for him. I don't know if the family is willing to have this level of mentor relationship with you."

"Ye Zonghui fought with me on the Deep Blue Battlefield back then, so it's easy to say, he won't refuse."

"Okay, no one will snatch Ye Jiangshan from you. After all, although they are greedy, other people don't have your relationship, so they can't get involved."

After speaking, the middle-aged man looked elsewhere, and then glanced at the other people in the projection.

Then he said again: "Others are not necessarily the same. The guys in these seed classes are actually good. This year, the school will have a student assessment, and there will be many people who will start."

After hearing this, the man who wanted to take Ye Jiangshan as his disciple smiled slightly, took out two candies and threw them into his mouth to chew: "Who are you looking at?"

The middle-aged man just waved his hand: "Wait, it seems useless to me."

"You are useless as a special teacher? Interesting."

"It's really useless. Jiang Shiman and Su Chang have a good relationship. I heard that I have already talked to Old Devil Han. Old Devil Han should come later."

When the name was mentioned, both of them had an indescribable headache.

The middle-aged man said a little speechlessly: "You know the old devil Han's gang, they are a bunch of shit, they are difficult to deal with, those guys are completely unreasonable."


Even if it was the teacher who wanted to accept Ye Jiangshan as a disciple and was related to the Ye family, he couldn't help but feel a headache when he heard this name, so he just nodded and stopped talking.

Not long after they finished speaking, the office door was pushed open again, and three people walked in slowly.

The people inside immediately began to welcome: "Here we are."

"Old Han, sit inside."


"Old Han, he's not dead yet!"

"Two days ago, I heard that you were surrounded by several Nascent Soul cultivators. I thought you were going to be killed. We all want to hold a memorial service for you!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, this old boy is not only safe, but also seems to have gained a lot of benefits. Did he copy the homes of those Nascent Soul cultivators? It's a lot of money!"

There are a total of three small groups in the office. Although they all smiled at Han Li and greeted them with special invitations, there was a big gap between them.

Some just give a meaning, nod, say something nice and end.

Others have been venomous, swearing at each other, but they have been pulling him to sit next to him.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man and the people beside him didn't say anything, they just said lightly: "The local school is very powerful, now they are full of momentum."

"Hehe, forget it, you have to allow him to get up."


"This Su Chang is a hot topic. It's interesting. Guess how far he will grow in the future."

"The second Qianhe?"

"I can't stop watching. Qian He doesn't have as much momentum as him. You know, this Su Chang hasn't even touched the inheritance, and he hasn't started accumulating at all. Maybe he will soar into the sky in the future?"

"Besides, I heard that he is also very interested in scientific and technological research. Even Peng Yunjian wants him to contact you. Work hard. Even if you offend Han Li, let's see if you can win over. After all, it depends on the students' own wishes to lead students. It’s not who’s in charge.”

"It may be useful in the future. He has a good relationship with Qian He? After training, Qian He will have many conflicts with us. Maybe Su Chang will be of great use in the future and become a knife for us to deal with Qian He. "


(End of this chapter)

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